UK Promoted Newswire Archive
Ariadna Pi occupies Ikea Barcelona
01-11-2006 17:26

last Friday, 13th of October in a chain Ikea in Barcelona (Catalonia)
Shell Offices Raided in Solidarity with Rossport
01-11-2006 15:22

Oaxaca solidarity film evening.
01-11-2006 15:06

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Update on Mexican Embassy arrests at Oaxaca/Brad solidarity demo, Wednesday 1st
01-11-2006 14:23
The eight people arrested at the demonstration held outside the Mexican Embassy in London on the 30th of October, have just been released today wednesday 1st November.Oaxaca Solidarity Action Report, Berlin
01-11-2006 13:07
Around 100 people gathered today (01/11/06) in front of the Mexican embassy in Berlin to demonstrate solidarity with the resistance movement in Oaxaca, Mexico and to demand an end to the police and (para-)military brutality which has left at least seven dead and over a hundred injured.'No More Fallujahs' - a personal account
01-11-2006 11:23

Hunt Saboteurs tell police 'For Fox Sake - Enforce the Hunt Ban!'
31-10-2006 23:39
At the start of the second season under the hunt ban, the Hunt Saboteurs Association has written to all police forces in England and Wales asking them to enforce the ban on hunting with hounds.Brad Will Memorial Demonstration Video
31-10-2006 22:30

John Matthews Chair of Crest Nicholson “Please Help Us” – A Family Request
31-10-2006 20:16

Update on Mexican Embassy arrests at Oaxaca/Brad solidarity demo
31-10-2006 17:24
There are currently (5pm 31/10/06) eight people being held after the demonstration held outside the Mexican Embassy in London on the 30th of October.Road Block e-bulletin 31 Oct 2006
31-10-2006 15:14
This is the latest Road Block e-bulletin. Road Block won't be posting them up regularly, but thought climate change activists might want to see what is going on within road campaigns. You can sign up to receive them monthly here: of Naming the Dead ceremony.
31-10-2006 15:10

Anti Fur Demo
31-10-2006 14:13

Photos: Mexican Embassy protest in London (30.10.06)
31-10-2006 11:25

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Photos from London IMC screening at Mexican Embassy
31-10-2006 09:41

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In memory of Brad: Pigs go wild
31-10-2006 02:45
At 5pm protestors gathered at the Mexican Embassy on Hanover Square in London.Full article | 1 addition | 3 comments
4 arrested as London joins Oaxaca protests
30-10-2006 21:06

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Solidarity demonstration at the Mexican Embassy in London
30-10-2006 19:19
At 5pm this evening, Indymedia and solidarity activists and friends of Brad turned up outside the Mexican Embassy in London to show solidarity with the uprising in Oaxaca and the state murder of Indymedia journalist Brad Will, 36, of New York City. Initially, there around 30 people, but this quickly swelled to a mass of 60-70 or more people. The initial presence was marked with banners and a small noise demonstration, before the Indymedia Tricycle turned up, followed thereafter by a samba band and audiovisual equipment.
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Video of 'No More Fallujahs' demo (Quicktime version).
30-10-2006 18:54
The 5 min video shows several arrests for holding a placard and refusing to give a name and address.