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UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive

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Activists beaten by locals on the first night of the Camp for Climate Action

31-07-2008 10:22

Peace broke out on the Hoo Peninsula yesterday evening, as a local youth football team met the Camp for Climate Action under the no-mans land of Kingsnorth Power Station. When the opponents of local football team Deansgate Ridge failed to turn up, people from the climate camp hastily assembled a makeshift team so that the match could go ahead, but were soundly thrashed 7-1 by the fancy footwork of the Hoo Peninsula’s finest.

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Climate Camp Watch out the vikings are coming!

31-07-2008 09:23

The Swedish climate action group Klimax is on its way to Kingsnorth.

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Climate Camp Location & Route (from Nottm or Anywhere)

31-07-2008 07:42

Spread the word

Directions from Nottingham to the Camp for Climate Action are now shown on Veggies diary listing for the Camp at

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Nottingham Riders Set Off For Climate Camp

30-07-2008 23:39


Some cyclists left Nottingham on Tuesday morning to head for the Climate Camp at Kingsnorth Powerstation, Kent. The cyclists started their 170 mile journey at the Sumac Centre and are hoping to arrive at the camp later in the week. Riseup! Radio correspondent Jack went along to see them off..

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Climate & Capitalism, Climate Caravan Visits The City

30-07-2008 20:04

Penguins invading the southern end of London Bridge ...
Wednesday 30th July, the fourth day of the Climate Caravan traveling to this year's Climate Action Camp in Kingsnorth, Kent. The theme of today's leg was 'Climate & Capitalism', and so, there's probably no better place to point out the links between Climate Chaos and Capitalism's obsession with making bucks out of the depletion of the planet's natural resources, than the Square Mile.

Fleeing penguins and polar bears, and climate refugees on boats migrating due to the devastating effects of climate change, invaded London Bridge at about eleven in the morning, and they slowly made their way into the City of London. The traffic in London Bridge was brought to a standstill for about one hour, whilst protesters gave away hundreds of leaflets and the Camp's newspaper to the passers-by.

The Caravan then moved into the City itself, with a detour through several of the City's main landmarks. It eventually stopped at the global investment banking and securities firm Goldman Sachs, where a long speech was made through the bike sound system about the sort of 'investments' Goldman Sachs are involved in, and how this relates to Climate Change and its effects on communities and the environment. It was also pointed out that Goldman Sachs had already been targeted before by the Justice For Cleaners campaign, for their low standards of employment conditions for the City's army of invisible cleaners.

The Caravan then moved to St Paul's Cathedral where it stopped for a couple of hours for lunch. A photo exhibition was set up, whilst the bike sound system kept playing chill tunes for the participants, as well as for the many tourists that approached it to find out what was all that about.

The Caravan then set off for the meeting point at Liverpool Street station, where it was joined by some more people waiting there. It then moved to the nearby headquarters of the Royal Bank of Scotland, where bags full of pennies where thrown at the main entrances to symbolize the corporation's investments in Climate Chaos.

Here there are some pics of the day:

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29.07.08 Climate camp caravan - film stop.

30-07-2008 19:54

UK, London. Oval. Climate camp caravanners watching cycle-powered cinema.
Images from Tuesday's stop for the climate camp caravan as it makes its way from Heathrow airport to Kingsnorth Power Station.
The caravan stopped at the Synergy Centre, near Oval in London. Around 30-50 people watched a film about sustainability in Cuba, on a cycle-powered cinema. Afterwards there was a Q+A session with climate camp staff, London councillors and other green - thinkers.

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Climate Camp - Stay Informed

30-07-2008 19:12

"Deansgate Ridge, site of next weeks Climate Camp successfully occupied, 1km SW of Kingsnorth." - SMS 30/07/08

With the news that the site for the climate camp has now been occupied, information about how to stay informed over the next two weeks is also being revealed.

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latest EF! Action Update: August 2008

30-07-2008 17:26

Sitting on piles of coal, revolting peasants, trashing things & fixing other things together, it's the latest EF! Action Update

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Climate Camp land taken

30-07-2008 15:16

Climate Camp successfully occupied the site for next weeks Climate Camp near Kingsnorth next week.

The site is in a beautiful location with clear views of the power station to the north east.

More pictures and report later.

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Be The Media at the Climate Camp

30-07-2008 08:02

For this years climate camp the alternative media provision, documtation group and the camp media team are working much closer together to aid communication, reduce duplication of effort and running back and forth and improve the efficient flow of information. Operating under the banner 'be the media' you will find all the stuff expected from an Independent Media Centre, along with the facilities required by the media team to liaise with the main stream media.

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Actions against; urban sprawl, grouse shoot & fur

30-07-2008 00:26


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Shell's security company revealed

29-07-2008 21:49

The illegal destruction of Glengad beach in Ireland is being overseen by I-RMS, a private security company with a background in military training. Last week 13 residents were arrested when they tried to question the legality of the work. There have been numerous complaints against unidentified security videoing families using the beach for swimming.

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Turbulence 4: 'Who Can Save Us From the Future?'

28-07-2008 18:29

Turbulence 4
Out now!

Check out:

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ClimateCycle - Woodhead High Peak - Saturday 2nd August

28-07-2008 17:17

Save the Woodhead Tunnel
This year we have a unique opportunity to re-open the Woodhead rail line between Manchester and Sheffield.
Midday, Saturday 2nd August 2008

Join the Save the Woodhead Tunnel Campaign in demanding the Government hold to their promises on sustainable transport and climate change and re-open this historic and important line.

We are holding a demonstration at The Woodhead Tunnel, near Glossop in the High Peak.

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Angry Penguins & Climate Refugees to Visit Climate Criminals

28-07-2008 16:26

A large group of displaced penguins, a homeless polar bear, and several of human climate refugees will cross London Bridge to enter the City of London.

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Attending the Camp For Climate Action 2008 - The practicalities, fun, and fears.

28-07-2008 13:18

Video Title Thumbnail
Views, reassurance, clarification, and enthusiasm from people who attended in 2007, and a little bit of the magic in their words and eyes.

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EarthFirst! gathering workshop call

28-07-2008 07:13

gathering logo
at the Earth First! Summer Gathering - 27 Aug - 1 Sept 2008, Norfolk
Get in touch if you or your campaign/group/network would like to run a
workshop or session at the gathering, especially if you can offer workshops on action training, direct action campaigns, ecology, ecological restoration and sustainable living.

Deadline 12 August!

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Sustainable Transport: Climate Camp Style

27-07-2008 13:01

The bicycle caravan heading down to Kingsnorth from Scotland arrived in Newcastle Upon Tyne yesterday.

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New Transition Keyworth initiative

27-07-2008 09:23

A couple of concerned residents put on a stall at this years annual village show to see if there was interest in developing Keyworth as a Transition village.
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