UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive
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Eco-warrior takes on drilling rig...
22-09-2009 10:35
Early this morning an action was mounted by the residents of Mainshill Solidarity camp in South Lanarkshire.Urgent: Vestas Blade Blockade Needs You
22-09-2009 10:02

Beware, Climate Change 'Flashmob' in the Market Square, Nottingham
21-09-2009 23:13

The Peaceable Kingdom, Disrupted
21-09-2009 21:21
The sabotage of a public talk at the annual Vegan Festival at London’s Kensington Town Hall -- and why it’s not just my issueBy Lee Hall - Sept. 2009
Three Weeks to Copenhagen
21-09-2009 15:10

Rupert Murdoch's Times Prints British Butcher Propaganda
21-09-2009 13:38

As the UN's environmentalists won a Nobel Prize for focusing
on animal agriculture genocide as a cause of global heating,
the London Times and the IDS sought to continue their
promotion of further famine and drought in Africa and Asia
Vicious personal attacks on Tamsin Omond
21-09-2009 13:19

Dawn at Vestas Blade Blockade
21-09-2009 10:46

E-ON's YouTube propaganda
20-09-2009 22:20
Let's ruin E-ON's pathetic online attempt to rescue their ailing brand.Mr. Manure
20-09-2009 13:28

Eleven Plane Stupid and Action Against Agrofuel activists charged
19-09-2009 16:50
Eleven Climate Activists appeard at Uxbridge Magistrates Court and recieved a hefty fine!Ratcliffe on Soar installing new fences
17-09-2009 19:03
Ratcliffe on Soar are currently installing new perimeter fences (12ft chain link).Climate activists pay Jeremy Clarkson a visit
17-09-2009 15:04
This morning seven activists from Climate Rush on the Run decided to pay Jeremy Clarkson a visit.Vestas crane Occupiers are released from custody
17-09-2009 14:46
Vestas supporters climbed cranes in southamptoin docks two daysw ago in order to put pressure on the company to reinstate sacked workers with full reduyndancy pay. They stopped work on the site for seven hours and were threatened with arrest under the terrorism act. Here is the press release sent out after their release from custody.lots of photos available on request and on website:

Climate Rush Green Fayre in Aylesbury
17-09-2009 11:42

The Climate Rush are continuing on their tour and are now at Stroud.
SEEDA offices targetted in Vestas solidairy action
17-09-2009 11:11

3rd success against a biofuel power station
17-09-2009 08:59
Weymouth & Portland's planning committee yesterday voted 7:4 against an application by W4B Renewable Energy to build a biofuel power station in Portland, following representations from campaigners from the local area and elsewhere as well as a local petition.Vestas day of action - today
17-09-2009 07:26
We will be leafletting at Sheffield train station (outside main entrance), from 4:30pm. The Vestas campaign have produced a broadsheet leaflet with details of their campaign, and we will also hold a collection to raise more funds for the campaign to continue.WAKE UP!" Alarm call for action on Climate Change
16-09-2009 03:50
Flashmob market square Monday September 21st 12.10pmVestas Protestors Occupy Crane and Boats in Southampton
15-09-2009 14:59

Using Southampton's Boat Show as cover, protesters have arrived by power-boat this morning to occupy cranes and vessels at the city's docks.