UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive
Rod Coronado Pleads Guilty to expolsives charges
17-12-2007 09:40
High profile 'Earth First' and AR leader accepts plea bargain.Rising Tide Rooftop Protest at Newquay Airport - 15.1.08
16-12-2007 13:08
Report from yesterday's action at Newquay airportFull article | 1 addition | 8 comments
Santas of Excessive Consumption on Oxford Street
15-12-2007 22:02
Santas singing alternative carols on Oxford street in London today (15 December).US Intransigence Waters Down Climate Change Road map Agreement
15-12-2007 18:01

Subversive Singing Santas Spread Seasonal Sanity
15-12-2007 17:50

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Climate change protest Newquay airport - Risingtide
15-12-2007 11:59
PRESS RELEASEClimate Activists Spotlight Newquay Airport
Climate activists from Rising Tide[1] have occupied Newquay airport today. The demonstrators are calling for an immediate halt to expansion of the airport[2] and a public debate on its future. With banners, leaflets and costumes - the peaceful protest calls attention to the airport as an obstacle to sustainable development in the County.
Heathrow: more lies emerge
15-12-2007 00:45
Heathrow 3rd runway consultation prospectus exposed over number of threatened homes and cost attributed to CO2 emissionsFull article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Video and audio from climate change rally, London, 8 Dec 2007
14-12-2007 23:50

Beyond The Point Of No Return -- It's Too Late To Stop Climate Change
14-12-2007 20:36
As the pace of global warming kicks into overdrive, the hollow optimism of climate activists, along with the desperate responses of some of the world's most prominent climate scientists, is preventing us from focusing on the survival requirements of the human enterprise.The environmental establishment continues to peddle the notion that we can solve the climate problem.
We can't.
We have failed to meet nature's deadline. In the next few years, this world will experience progressively more ominous and destabilizing changes. These will happen either incrementally -- or in sudden, abrupt jumps.
Under either scenario, it seems inevitable that we will soon be confronted by water shortages, crop failures, increasing damages from extreme weather events, collapsing infrastructures, and, potentially, breakdowns in the democratic process itself.
Bush administration isolated at Bali climate conference
14-12-2007 08:14
The two-week UN-sponsored conference on climate change on the Indonesian island of Bali has been dominated by the intransigence of the Bush administration and the mounting conflicts among the great powers, particularly between the United States and the European Union.Future for beech in a changing climate - a change of perception?
13-12-2007 21:20

Tacking climate change across the East Midlands: Local Government Consultations
13-12-2007 20:35

The Unconventional Action Paper is Out at Last!
13-12-2007 15:10

Fuel protest locations revealed
13-12-2007 14:31
Fuel protesters have revealed the locations of their 'legal' protests on Saturday 15th Dec. They are likely to be small, but may gain media coverage. Campaigners against cliamte change may wish to go and hold banners about how climate change is the real crisis, and to talk to the media? Campaign for Better Transport has produced a myth-buster factsheet about fuel tax, which is here:
SOCPA cycling.
13-12-2007 11:18
Why are drivers allowed to play their sound systems in the SOCPA zone but not cyclists?From Oil Wars to Water Wars
13-12-2007 08:43
The world's leading scientists are predicting climate change to cause water wars and mass migrations from rural to urban areas.Peak Oil: Tar Sands vs. Clean Water: Eating the Earth for Cars
12-12-2007 16:26
The tar sands production center in northern Alberta in Canada is one of the clearest signs that the easy-to-get oil is on the wane. Tar sands are a low grade hydrocarbon deposit that requires enormous energy input to process and convert it into something resembling petroleum.Seeing REDD
12-12-2007 13:09

What Better Time? Issue One out now!
11-12-2007 23:25
What Better Time? is a free news sheet from the Scottish Climate Activist Network. Issue one is out now, get em while they're hot (actually after the demo on Saturday they're a bit wet and soggy).Critical mass
11-12-2007 13:01
this saturday to show the fuel protestors that pedal power is the way forward