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UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive

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Burning the Future

08-01-2013 07:03

Fires in Tasmania, extreme heat Australia, typhoons in the Philippines, Mexican coal criminals - another work week for Radio Ecoshock. Environmental journalist for the Nation, Mark Hertsgaard on book "Hot: Living Through the Next Fifty Years on Earth". Robert M. Hirsch of U.S. Geological Survey on real cause of floods.

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PR 19 '2013- A Crunch Year for Coal and the UK Coal Industry

01-01-2013 13:19

This press release explains why this is an important year for the UK Coal Industry. The industry awaits the outcome of decisions that have to be made this year by Generating Companies, on whether they will adapt their coal firing power stations to meet new European Pollution Standards. If they do not, the use of coal for power generation could fall from over 41m in 2011 to 7m in 2023, thus significantly reducing the demand for opencast coal, if the UK Coal industry can survive that long.

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December 2012 Review of New UK Opencast Sites

01-01-2013 10:26

This edition of the review shows that 26 new sites are under consideration, 13 in England, 7 in Wales and 6 in Scotland. It also has information on what the implications of restructuring of UK Coal plc may mean for its surface mine operations, the implications of trying to rescue ATH Resources, the Hesley Wood Tip planning meeting and the Growth and Infrastructure Bill, Clause 21 - now clause 23.

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The New Normal Is No Normal

31-12-2012 06:27

After a look at weird weather around the world, passionate pleas from people victimized by nuke waste & plutonium. Then Your Environmental Road Trip film director Ben Evans on great solutions found at the grass roots. Radio Ecoshock 130102

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It's the end of THEIR world...

22-12-2012 00:33

...and the end of the world as we know it.

(a)gitate, educate, organise... many do and many are on the edge of doing...

share it, build it, hear it, spread it.

It won't be televised, but if it is, it's on

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Peaceful Revolution in Great Britain is about to begin in filthy Enfield slum

21-12-2012 20:19

A peaceful Revolution in Great Britain is about to begin soon and the Resistance is right now preparing to march on Westminster with more than one million people who will camp outside the Houses of Parliament and stay there until we have succeeded in arresting the government for all their crimes and corruption, and for declaring War on the Children.
The politicians will be charged with theft, fraud, deception, false pretenses, corruption, crimes against the People and against the environment, for crimes against humanity and for war crimes, in a bloodless coup where the guilty politicians, bankers, and corporate bosses will face trial, life imprisonment, and possibly the death penalty as well.

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Anti-road campaigners high in trees at Bexhill and are prepared to stay

20-12-2012 13:34

Tree defenders
Opponents of the Bexhill-Hastings Link Road (BHLR) have climbed trees in Sidley early this morning in order to stop the felling of trees along the path of the proposed road. They are located just north of the Glovers Farm bridge, Bexhill TN39 5AJ. They are equipped to stay.

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SchNEWS - Battle of Bexhill update

17-12-2012 17:15

Update! - Four days of direct action against Bexhill link road

.Anti-road protestors in Bexhill were ambushed by an early start to the tree-felling on the controversial Bexhill-Hastings link road this week, but they rallied and over foursuccessive days of direct action have put a spanner in the works.

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Worldwide Children's Revolution Candlelit Vigil Outside Enfield Council Offices

17-12-2012 14:33

A worldwide Children's Revolution in every town and village and city on the earth is being proposed by eco-warriors in Britain who are suggesting that the first peaceful candlelit vigil should begin very soon outside the offices of Enfield Council in Enfield, north London, England.
The basic idea is that all the women and children who are concerned about the slaughter of the innocents in wars and other atrocities should remember the victims peacefully in continuous candlelit vigils everywhere as 2012 is drawing to a close and the New Age is about to begin and Christmas is approaching.

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Climate: Arctic Thermostat Blows Up

17-12-2012 05:30

The Arctic thermostat for the world is broken, with record heat & emissions in 2012. Warning from UK Tyndall Centre. Four speakers from Arctic Methane Emergency group film: Peter Wadhams, James Hansen, Natalia Shakhova, David Wasdell. Plus interview with AMEG member Paul Beckwith from University of Ottawa. How polar ice-melt derails climate of Nothern Hemisphere, heading for uncontrollable heating. Radio Ecoshock 121219

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Enfield Council violently attacks eco-warriors and a bloodbath is possible

15-12-2012 18:39

A terrible atrocity occurred at our site in Enfield north London England, on Thursday 13 December when a small army of Enfield Council officials, police officers, and large men wearing black clothing and balaclavas stormed into our home and started dragging thousands of pounds worth of vehicles out into the street.

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Urgent Action: tree-felling to begin tomorrow for Bexhill-Hastings Link Road

14-12-2012 00:40

This is an urgent call for support by campaigners against the Bexhill-Hastings Link Road. There is very strong evidence that contractors will attempt to begin tree felling on Friday December 14th. Please join us in the Combe Valley to resist this!

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On Typhoon Bhopa and the Doha Conference

11-12-2012 13:41

Typhoon Bhopa (Philippine name Pablo) have resulted to a total number of 647 casualties, with another 1,842 people injured, and 780 missing.

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Victory Gardens Past & Future

11-12-2012 05:04

If you eat food, maybe you've noticed groceries costs more and more. Well stock up now, food inflation is just ramping up. It's not just the extra 200 million mouths to feed on the planet next year. Climate change is already re-arranging your food bill. Learn how cities can start feeding themselves - in just one year! from Lamanda Joy in Chicago.

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Hambacher Forst: Police destroys almost all the stuff from the forest occupation

06-12-2012 13:22

Yesterday activists from the evicted forest occupation gathered for the 4th time in front of the police station to reclaim their stuff which was left in the forest during the eviction.

They destroyed all of this because in their view it was „rubbish“. While the police is saying that they have to save the private property of RWE (the energy company that owns the forest), they give a damn about other property like ours. We need this stuff for the cold winter time and sure they knew this. This is another example for the obiediance of the police to RWE. They ensure the profits of a greedy few against the needs of most of the people which is land, warm clothes, sleeping-bags in winter and a planet to live on. RWE is destroying all of this.

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Does the Energy Bill Herald An End To Opencast Mining?

05-12-2012 15:29

LAON's 17th Press Release analyses what the effect of implementing the 2012 Energy Bill will be on the UK Surface Mine Coal Industry. The prognosis is that it faces medium to long term decline. As a consequence, over time, the strength of the current 'Need for Coal' arguments will slowly weaken. However, it may not come soon enough to prevent two new 9 and 10m tonne surface mines from being developed, one in Scotland and the other in Wales.

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Tory Boycott of Renewables Hampshire.

04-12-2012 22:43

Hants Tories fulfilling the Dail Mail doctrine.

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Tories Boycott Renewables

04-12-2012 21:00

Hampshire Tory Controlled Council are doing their best to stop wind farms and solar farms onshore in Hampshire.

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News from the Hambach Forest: Eviction and resquatting

04-12-2012 09:56

During the last week happend a lot. On the 13th of November the police started to evict the camp area near the hole. It took till saturday17th early morning to get out the last persons.
There was some attention lokaly and in the whole press and TV in this language zone. On a press conference we gave on the 19th of November we anounced the we have since quiete a while another area. South of the forest.So we wasnt rally completly evicted and resquattet inside a week:) On Wednsday 21th of November police came to evict this new area, but didnt had any paper work, it happend that the owner of the area came to see his land , during this police action.