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UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive

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Plymouth climate refugees lock on Barclays

01-12-2009 12:48

On Nov 30th, Rising Tide-Plymouth 'Climate refugees' d-locked themselves to Barclay's bank building's entrance to highlight the investments this bank is doing on Coal, Tar
Sands and Arms Trade in times of Climate emergency.

Two activists stayed locked on inside the building entrance for 2 1/2 hours chanting, singing, and informing Barclay's customers of Barclay's dodgy investments, before they were arrested. Barclays eventually closed their main entrance and members of the public were very supportive.

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Reports pouring in from n30 day of climate justice action! Compilation here!

01-12-2009 01:22

Today, on November 30, one week before the UN climate negotiations in Copenhagen open, and on the 10th anniversary of the World Trade Organization (WTO) protest in Seattle in 1999, major demonstrations, teach-ins and civil disobedience are taking actions place in cities around the North America.

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Sheffield Residents to Hold Vigil for Climate Justice

30-11-2009 22:34

Residents of Sheffield are being asked to join a candlelit vigil aimed at raising
awareness of the need for a fair and effective climate deal to be made
at the upcoming UN talks in Copenhagen.

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Apex Drilling Services Ltd

29-11-2009 22:04

mole unhappy

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Climate change deniers and Fascist Nick Griffin, Baroness Ashton represents EU a

29-11-2009 08:25

Climate change deniers and Fascist Nick Griffin, Baroness Ashton represents EU at Copenhagen

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13 Ways to Promote Alliance Politics and Total Liberation

29-11-2009 04:02

Since the recent debut of the "Manifesto for Radical Abolition" ( and our Total Liberation Facebook group (, people from all over the world
have expressed gratitude for our critiques and project, while eagerly
requesting suggestions for promoting total liberation. What follows are
thirteen practical strategies.

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Thousands protest WTO in Geneva - Property Damage and Tear Gas

28-11-2009 21:17

Up to 4-5000 people today marched in Geneva protesting ahead of the WTO meeting in an International Demonstration (see as part of a week of action and debate around the WTO Ministerial which runs from 30th November to 2nd December(see

The mobilisation is seen very much in relation to the COP15 UN climate conference taking place in Copenhagen 7th - 18th December (see

This afternoon clashes broke out as parts of the crowd attacked property smashing windows of banks and shops and setting a number of cars on fire. Police used tear gas, concussion greandes and water cannon. Further protests are scheduled with the WTO meeting starting on Monday 30th November, ten years exactly since the famous Seattle WTO protests.

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Manchester Airport Expansion Approved

28-11-2009 15:48

Several households will be forced to leave their homes after the City Council agreed to a proposed expansion of Manchester Airport.

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The COP OUT Camp Out: Climate Camp Action after Wave Demo 5th Dec

28-11-2009 13:58

The Climate Camp in London have announced an action to take place after the huge Wave demonstration in London on 5th December ahead of the Cop15 UN Climate Conference.

Details from their website below:

They’ll cop out so we’ll camp out.

On Saturday December 5th 2009, Climate Camp London will be joining the tens of thousands of people descending on London to help put the spotlight on the failing international climate talks in Copenhagen.

Now is the time to challenge the vested interests, corporations and political systems that are causing climate change - so we’ve got a secret plan to take a space in the city after the wave*.

It’s time to show our 'leaders' how we’re going to take action to reduce emissions ourselves.

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Vestas solidarity 'Magic Roundabout' Climate Camp evicted

28-11-2009 11:45

ahh... that's better, back to a bland corporate piece of faketure
After a court ruling on Tuesday granting a possesssion order to Hanslips (seemingly entirely at the behest of Vestas), the bailiffs arrived yesterday Friday 27th at 11:00am, demanding everything be moved from the camp by noon. This despite the Judge's ruling that the landowner negotiate a time for leaving the roundabout with the occupiers, and the roundbouters attempts to negotiate such a time being frustrated.

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The 300-350 Show: Civil Society for Climate Justice

27-11-2009 23:57

Just before the start of the historic UN climate talks open in Copenhagen, UK civil society will come together and encircle the Houses of Parliament to demand that the UK and Europe do much, much more than they have pledged so far in order to seal a fair and effective climate agreement. The Stop Climate Chaos Coalition brings together over 100 member organisations who in turn have members amassing to around 11 million people – one in six of the population. We speak to SCC director, Ashok Sinha, about what they have planned for the day and about their policy platform.

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Consumer Virus Outbreak! Buy less, live more ...

27-11-2009 15:45

A customer service announcement ...
The dead are rising and taking to the shops this Saturday to support Buy Nothing Day, using zombies as a metaphor to illustrate how unrestrained consumption is leading society towards blindly consuming itself.

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Climate hearing in doncaster today at 4.45pm

27-11-2009 11:39

Ed Miliband will be at the Doncaster Climate Change Hearing today at the Bentley Pavillion, this is a chance to have your say!

We Love the Earth Centre campaigners will be there on mass to send a clear message to the Council and the press that the Earth Centre must be returned to the public!

A public meeting has been arranged to discuss the future of the site.

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Sheffield FREE Vegan Food Fayre - Sat 5th Dec

26-11-2009 15:19

A chance to come and eat some delicious, free vegan food! Info and stalls about the benefits of veganism for animals, people and the planet and how to get active on their behalf.

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hackers hit : happy buy nothing day!

26-11-2009 12:57

hackers hit CEI : : happy buy nothing day!

see the links on the front page - its play time.

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Corporate Watch article on 10:10

26-11-2009 11:33

Corporate Watch explains why 10:10 is at best ineffective and basically greenwash propaganda.

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10:10 campaign lunacy promotes arms trade

26-11-2009 10:56

The 10:10 campaign nails it's supporting colours to the mast of murderers.

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Cruelty-Free Xmas Fair in Birmingham, Sat 12 Dec

26-11-2009 03:10

Photo of our 2007 vegan food fair in Kings Heath
Everything you need for a compassionate Christmas - cruelty-free goodies galore, cookery demos, talks, free vegan food samples and so much more...!!
From 10.30am - 3pm at All Sants Church Hall, Kings Heath, Birmingham

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the peoples meeting to reclaim the earth centre

25-11-2009 23:49

Public meeting regarding the future of the earth centre and the peoples campaign to reclaim the land and our rights to make decisions on community issues
Tuesday, 15th December 7pm at the Denaby Miners Welfare Club - see you there!

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Pics of art installations outside COP15 venue

25-11-2009 18:00

Refugee sculptures under metro at Bella Center
A few recent pictures from the area around the Bella Center in Copenhagen as it prepares for the climate summit.