UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive
Paddy´s Day of Action Against Shell
26-02-2008 20:58
This year´s St Paddy´s day, 17th March, has been called as an International day of action against shell, in solidarity with the people of Rossport.Manchester Crtitical Mass and After Party This Friday
26-02-2008 19:32
Critical Mass Bicycle RideFriday 29th February
6pm Central Library M1
Bike ride around the city to celebrate the bicycle
Thousands say no, no, no to Heathrow expansion
26-02-2008 17:13
Last night's Stop Heathrow Expansion rally showed the strength of opinion against environmentally disastrous plans to build a third runway.Ratcliffe Power station Climate Action, The Verdict
26-02-2008 12:38

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Virgin Atlantic boss Richard Branson acknowledges peak oil
25-02-2008 19:55

Plane protest at Heathrow
25-02-2008 11:52

Weird Load visits leafy Chiswick
23-02-2008 14:36

This week saw a 50,000 leaflet doordrop, and today local campaigners were joined by Baroness von Reichardt, partner Mr Spunky and members of her World Famous Treatment Rooms.
Poles Apart: Capitalism and Socialism As The Planet Heats Up
23-02-2008 14:29
We are pleased to inform you that the Socialist Party will be holding a half-day school on the politics of Climate Change at the Conway Hall, Holborn on Saturday the 5th of April (1-5 pmAngry reaction promised if Government fails to drop Biofuels targets
23-02-2008 14:12

Climate Code Red: the Case for a Sustainability Emergency
22-02-2008 23:07

Sheffield Carbon Rationing / Reduction Action Group Meeting
22-02-2008 19:39
We are looking for people who live and/or work in the Sheffield area * who are interested in forming a Carbon Rationing / Reduction Action Group or CRAG. Public Meeting, Blue Moon cafe, 5.45 Thursday 13 March 2008Tree Protest in Leeds Shows Who the Police Back
22-02-2008 13:24
The gentrification of Leeds means that more and more urban woodlands and spaces are being sold off by the local council to build flats by corporate developers.Sabbotage against Glensanda Quarry Expansion
22-02-2008 11:53
An aggregate processing plant on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales National Park has been sabotaged. The Plant is owned by Bardon Aggregates a member of Aggregate Industries, part of the Holcim Group and owner of the Glensanda Quarry on the north west coast of Scotland.A film with altitude on at the Phoenix, 16th March
22-02-2008 11:13
New film exposing the aviation industry's other dirty little habit.Student Climate Project's plans for London, April 2008
21-02-2008 10:25

Sweden: Newsflash from
20-02-2008 20:55 recently released its first report about the multimilliondollar plans to build a new urban highway in Stockholm.
We also made a new Youtube-video about how to open the ticket-line and
make it stay open. Our future plans include a day of action on the 1st of march. That is
the day when Stockholm public transportation company SL increases
their fares again.
Second Action Central Meeting in Leeds: March 16th
20-02-2008 14:16
A growing and important network for planning actions and campaigns in leeds and the surrounding area.
Direct Action in Nottingham this Spring
20-02-2008 01:20
People concerned about an absence of significant changes in the East Midlands to mitigate the effects of climate change met this week, to discuss options for taking action to prevent CO2 emissions and try to improve public awareness of the urgent need to halt them.Super Charged Weather
19-02-2008 18:36
NOAA released a report Friday that says January's temperature was close to average although they also pointed out that the Northeast region of the US had unusually warm weather.[1]Latest details: EF! Winter Moot - February 22nd–24th - Notts (starts Friday evening)
18-02-2008 23:16
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