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Sheffield Carbon Rationing / Reduction Action Group Meeting

Sheffield CRAG | 22.02.2008 19:39 | Climate Chaos | Sheffield

We are looking for people who live and/or work in the Sheffield area * who are interested in forming a Carbon Rationing / Reduction Action Group or CRAG. Public Meeting, Blue Moon cafe, 5.45 Thursday 13 March 2008

We would begin by agreeing what & how we would measure but generally CRAGS focus on personal car & air travel and domestic heating, hot water & electricity consumption which together make up 40 to 50% of UK CO2 emissions and over which we have direct control. There are guidelines on this in About CRAGs – for a starter “see summary : the nine steps”:

Some of us have been motivated by reading George Monbiots book Heat

Monbiot puts the case for carbon rationing persausively in Chapter 3, but we found the whole book a good read : more positive, constructive and grounded than others.

If you are interested in forming a Sheffield CRAG, you can e-mail

( * Includes people in Barnsley, Rotherham, NE Derbyshire & Chesterfield boroughs who can travel to Sheffield for occasional meetings – will help set up a separate group if there are sufficient people in any of these areas.)

Sheffield CRAG
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