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UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive

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“BUILD PEACE WITHOUT WEAPONS”: Burghfield Month of Action

01-06-2016 19:36

This is a press release from the Trident Ploughshares affinity group in Plymouth. You are warmly invited to come along to Burghfield and disrupt Trident.

Monday 6th June – Trident Ploughshares
Tuesday 7th June – Scottish groups

Wednesday 8th June – European mainland groups

Thursday 9th June – Yorkshire and North of England
Monday 13th June – Students

Tuesday 14th June -Southern Region

Wednesday 15th June – Wales

Thursday 16th June – Academics

Monday 20th June – Women

Monday 27th June – Religious and Faith based groups

Tuesday 28th June – Legislators

Wednesday 29th June – London

Thursday 30th June – Bristol

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25-05-2016 18:02

Let's take a closer look at compulsory government protected & unregulated INJECTION TECHNOLOGIES.

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The reality of the UK's coal industry exposed

18-01-2016 11:09

UK's role in the global coal trade
A new report from the Coal Action Network exposes the untold human and environmental stories of the coal supply chain. Ditch Coal calls on the government to phase out coal faster than its suggested end of 2025. The extreme situations surrounding mines in Russia, Colombia, the USA and the UK which supply the UK's power stations show that coal energy is an extreme energy. 24% of electricity generated in 2015 came from coal.

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American Suicide Story

28-12-2015 09:19

We are constantly staying scared of something. We are scared of being late for our work, of forgetting of a vital appointment, of being subject to robbery or just of running over by a car. The life of a modern human being is filled with fears, dangers and anxieties.

People are so much used to stay in fear that at times they seem just to miss this feeling as some essential part of their lives. We are actually in constant search of fear and in absence of it we tend to invent it or just address mass media.

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Warming Limitation Treaty a Scam, says VCVG

12-12-2015 16:48

In a nutshell, the diplomatic battle between politicians, scientists and activists can be compared to a dynastic inheritance war of the pre-democratic period, in which there used to be four sides: The monopoly clingers, the innovation rivals, the alarmed neighbours and the suffering people. These four sides would then prevail in that order, structuring the feud into four periods: The rebellion, the intervention, the famine and the restoration. In the climate fight, all these ingredients – the fossil lobby, the scientific community, the activist counter- or perma-culture and the war-weary masses – can be found in the set and setting gravitating around the recent diplomatic event in Paris. But a lion´s share of all four also is alive in the Arab Independence Movement – oil administration privileges, cutting-edge counter-intelligence strategy, regional rooting and popular backing. And yet the elephant in the room was not invited to the table in Paris.

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Paris – tear gas, grenades and hundreds of arrests

30-11-2015 19:12

Tear gas and grenades were fired by French riot cops against brave activists who defied martial law in France – and more than 200 people were arrested.

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Climate Crisis Indonesia

01-11-2015 20:52

We get a report directly from the scene, with Dr. Daniel Murdiyarso, at the Center for International Forestry Research in Bogor Indonesia. Then one of the long-standing reporters on tropical forests, Mongabay founder Rhett Butler.

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Solidarity for 3 hambachforest comrades in jail

28-10-2015 20:22

It is cutting season in hambach forest, a forest occuption in germany, where they want to destroy more and more forest for the expansion of one of europes biggest lignite open cast coal mine. This area is one of the most polluting areas in europe, with as leading killkill companie RWE. Now 3 comrades are imprisoned.

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Bono Collaterally Slashes Virgin Arrangement

19-10-2015 15:02

The Irish musician famous for his rat-herding of United Nations bureaucrats today turned down what analysts termed a frivolous offer by media giant Virgin Records. The artist management conglomerate had offered Bono a tour organisation treaty including large scale state-sponsored concerts, which would have given visitors a guarantee that stage-diving was to take place in all of the events. United Nations Special Representative for Cultural Affairs Tevik Breibarz said the bureau regretted the decision, as customers would have been offered a money-back clause in case there was no stage-diving in some of the corporation´s presentations.

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Another Hambach Forest comrade in freakin jail

11-10-2015 17:05

Another comrade fighting for the Hambach Forest in in Germany gets kidnapped and beaten by the cops...

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Northern Vegan Festival in Manchester city centre

09-10-2015 14:53

North of England's largest vegan festival next week

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Voices from the Global South stand in solidarity with UK groups to oppose Engli

28-09-2015 14:12

Representatives of fifty groups from twenty-two countries who are opposing coal mining and working for climate justice have signed an open letter against UK opencast coal mining. The letter, addressed to the Planning Inspectorate and Derbyshire County Council, asks for two opencast coal mine applications to be refused, as “English law enables applications to be refused on the basis that it is not in the local, national or international interest to approve development, as is the situation in these cases.”

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Berlin Weighs Controversial Parachuting Ramp

14-09-2015 09:59

It is designed with a middle plank that can be screwed off in case of war,
turning both lanes into one runway. But during peacetime, the military
training platform in the backyard of the CIA´s European headquarters is
groomed to appear as a motorway bridge running across a geologically
precious river valley between two steep mountain ranges. Legally however it is
especially delicate, as it is being claimed by a branch of the American
military-industrial complex which unilaterally came into existence only after
the ink under the respective multilateral treaties had dried.

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Bailiffs at Grow Heathrow NOW!!!

08-07-2015 10:27

EMERGENCY: Grow Heathrow Under Eviction. We need people here ASAP. Spread the word to all. Postcode UB7 0JH

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'Amsterdam Climate Games' activist placed in foreign detention

06-07-2015 14:02

Police are the real terrorists
A German climate activist that was arrested on Saturday during the Amsterdam Climate Games has been transferred to foreign detention on Monday morning. During the Climate Games action day hundreds of people took action in the Western port of Amsterdam against the coal, gasoline and soy industry, which according to the activists "is responsible for contributing on a large scale to dangerous climate change'.

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Ecuador Breaks World Record as Reforestation Blooms Across the World

22-06-2015 09:13

Ecuador's record-breaking achievements can herald a new age of action to confront an impending ecological crisis. Can the momentum take root elsewhere?

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The World Revolution to Stop Global Warming

13-06-2015 10:22

And when the broken-hearted people living in the world agree, there will be an answer, let it be. - Paul McCartney.
Global warming is destroying the earth and driving the human race to extinction but the official censorship in the mainstream news media is suppressing the truth about the catastrophic apocalyptic consequences of climate change and preventing the people of the world from taking the urgent action that will be necessary to save themselves and help ensure the survival of future generations.

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Wrong Decision - Bradley Mine Approved by Inspector

05-06-2015 13:09

The site at Bradley
On Wednesday (3/6/15) it was announced that UK Coal's application to mine 520,561 tonnes of coal from a site called Bradley, was approved. The site is currently agricultural land in Leadgate, Durham. This is a highly contested site with really strong and well orchestrated opposition from local people.

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The 2015 Northern Vegan Festival in Manchester

20-05-2015 15:38

On Saturday October 17, the Northern Vegan Festival returns to Manchester city centre for a bigger event than last year which this time features 4 venues.

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The 2015 Great Yorkshire Vegan Festival in Leeds

20-05-2015 15:21

One Saturday June 13, the Great Yorkshire Vegan Festival returns to Leeds city centre for a bigger event than last year, which this time will be at the Town Hall.

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#TIMETOACT2015 Climate Change March 7/3

10-03-2015 07:09

Polar Bears on Parliament Square
7th March, 2015 was the day of the first big march of the year in London. It started in Lincoln’s Inn Field. The sun was with us and so was the party atmosphere. A band was playing some cracking music, food was being served and it felt like it was already summer. Despite the hot weather a group of Polar Bears had decided to join the march. An immediate hit with the crowd they had travelled over from Heathrow Airport having completed a direct action against the third runway. (Video of Heathrow Action - )