UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive
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Fight the Pipe, manchester meeting
20-05-2007 14:28
National Grid are developing a 197 mile pipeline to transport gas. This pipeline is highly dangerous, destructive to the environment and a major concern for climate change. Protestors are coming together from all over the world to stop this pipeline because it will effect us all.Kansas: FEMA and the State Control of Grieving Communities
20-05-2007 05:24
It has become clear through natural and "un-natural" disasters alikethat communities must care for themselves and other communities in time of need. The federal and state governments are not going to aid those who need it, they are going to "secure" and "manage". Non-profits and NGO's, while well intentioned and staffed by dedicated workers, do not utilize the organizing models needed when disaster strikes.
Anarchist relief workers forced to leave Greensburg, Kansas by police escort
20-05-2007 05:22
On Saturday May 19, five members and volunteers affiliated with KansasMutual Aid, a Lawrence based class struggle anarchist collective, made
the trek back to Greensburg to again help in relief efforts in the
tornado ravaged city. A week earlier, four KMA members had traveled to
Greensburg on a fact finding mission to assess the situation there. What
KMA members found was a militarized, entirely destroyed city where
relief efforts were moving tragically slow.
What If...It Wasn't Our Fault
19-05-2007 21:46
Imagine a world where humans were not to blame for climate change.Mark Lynas and Kate Evans at Swindon Festival of Literature, 13 may 2007
19-05-2007 11:16

National Grid Pipeline Meeting in Mancherster
18-05-2007 11:10
National Grid are developing a 197 mile pipeline to transport gas. This pipeline is highly dangerous, destructive to the environment and a major concern for climate change. Protestors are coming together from all over the world to stop this pipeline because it will effect us all.Activists target M1 - Press Release
18-05-2007 09:40
Here is a copy of a press release sent widely to the mainstream media - for info and interest.Full article | 1 addition | 3 comments
Leeds Bradford Airport Gets The Glue Treatment
18-05-2007 07:46
A local resident fed up with Leeds/Bradford Airport's irresponsible climate terrorism has glued herself to the front door - and taken the opportunity the spread the word about just how damaging and selfish flying is.Get Bikes Off the Roads
16-05-2007 14:16
Yep that is what the new Highway Code wants....Consider signing this petition and spreading the word if this is not entirely anathama to your political attitudes (if you don't want to sign this then please go and do something useful in the way of Direct Action - hell why not just do both!)

Let Mark Lynas Speak! Response to Cardiff Council Leader
15-05-2007 17:01
Mark Lynas will (Rodney Berman's antics permitting) be introducing a talk and slide-show based on his latest book - Six Degrees - Our Future on a Hotter Planet at the Wallace Lecture Theatre, Main Building, Cardiff University on Thursday 17 May at 7 pm.Haringey Critical Mass 2007
15-05-2007 15:01
Can't make it to Germany? Sick of the all those cars getting in your way on the autobahn! Don't despair...join us on Saturday 9th of June for the 2007 Haringey Critical Mass. A leisurely ride down the Green Lanes to reclaim our streets and send a breath of fresh air to those meeting in Germany.Pledge to Protect Tara from the M3 Motorway in Ireland
14-05-2007 23:45

Energy Beyond Oil Talk Posters and Flyers
14-05-2007 17:10

Tune Out, Turn Off, Un-Plug
14-05-2007 12:53
Radical problems demand radical, not “bipartisan,” solutions. If we don’t change, the climate will. It already is changing with more rapidity than anyone dared imagine twenty years ago.Climate Activists Mark 10 Years of Blair
14-05-2007 11:53
Green activists today marked the tenth anniversary of Tony Blair coming to power by visiting his best friends in industry to highlight the revolving door between Labour and the aviation industry and his failure to tackle climate change. A team of protestors from climate action group, Plane Stupid, are blocking the ‘revolving door’ to BAA’s Heathrow HQ to oppose government and industry plans for airport expansion.2,500 against coal-fired power station (in Germany)
13-05-2007 16:38
This is a short summary of a post on Indymedia Germany (12/05/07).Reclaim Power film screening Wed 16 May
13-05-2007 13:00
The group organising the West Midlands Neighbourhood at this years Climate Camp are screening an inspirational film about last years Climate Camp at the Old Moseley Arms, Tindal Street, Wednesday 16th at 7pm.Wind turbine building course, June 8th - 10th
12-05-2007 10:54

Saving Europe's Last Great Wilderness From Corporate Greed TALK+NEW FILMS
09-05-2007 20:02

A summer of International dissent and action against Heavy Industry - swarming around Iceland from the 6th of July 2007.

Saving Europe's Last Great Wilderness From Corporate Greed TALK+NEW FILMS
09-05-2007 19:32
Activists from the Saving Iceland campaign give talks with new films at the Camberwell Squatted Centre on Tuesday 15 May and at RampArt's on Thursday 17 May.A summer of International dissent and action against Heavy Industry - swarming around Iceland from the 6th of July 2007.

A summer of International dissent and action against Heavy Industry - swarming around Iceland from the 6th of July 2007.