UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive
all-out for support: Mainshill Solidarity Camp eviction granted!
29-06-2009 13:14

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Climate campaigners target coal power construction firm
29-06-2009 11:09
For the second time this month, protesters have focused on major building contractor BAM Nuttall due to its potential role in building the controversial Kingsnorth coal power station. Protesters have climbed the company’s flagpole and raised a flag reading “no new coal”. People have attempted to enter the building, asking to speak to Chief Executive Martin J. Rogers in order to give him a letter about the disastrous implications of building more coal-fired power stations.After Calais Noborder Camp - What's Next?
29-06-2009 08:55
Here you can find information on upcomig protests related to the of migration; against borders - for the freedom of movement.Drax 29 trial starts Monday 10am - Leeds
28-06-2009 18:31
Last June 29 people stopped a train taking coal into Drax power station to draw attention to Climate Change and the contribution of carbon emissions from coal powered fire stations and in particular Drax.Full article | 1 addition | 17 comments
What's body fascism doing in a nice riot like this?
27-06-2009 23:02
Imagine the following scenario: a reporter from a mainstream magazine goes to a Climate Camp event, and asks for someone to do an interview with. The media team sends a camper to do the interview, and this camper happens to be Asian, or black. The reporter says: "Sorry, our readers prefer to look at pictures of white people. Do you have anyone white we could interview?" How would the Climate Campers react? Hopefully they would tell this reporter to fuck the hell off, at the very least.Airport expansion halted!
27-06-2009 19:48

June London Critical Mass ride pics.
27-06-2009 06:47

DISARM DSEi 2009 - 8th September 2009 - City of London
26-06-2009 23:54
Defenc e Systems Equipment International (DSEi) – the world’s largest arms fair – is due to take place in East London between 8 and 11 September 2009. At DSEi 2007, there were 1352 exhibitors from 40 different countries with a total of 26,5000 visitors.
Solitaire Arrives in Rossport
25-06-2009 08:06

Mainshill Solidarity Camp presented with eviction papers
24-06-2009 18:34

Aviation biofuels protest targets Virgin Atlantic
24-06-2009 10:16

bikesnotcars am*dam july3,4,5
23-06-2009 12:35
In the weekend of july 4th we declare a war on cars. In this weekend there will be a bike festival in Amsterdam. On different locations events, workshops, info stands, fun & games, parties, and direct actions to block and frustrate the traffic will be held. Cars lead to pollution, climate change, deaths and injuries. They are a nuisance, and are dominating the public space.Where the public space is not designed to facilitate the ever consuming shopping frenzy and industry it is designed to please fossil-fuel-traffic.Kingsnorth protest arrest video
22-06-2009 16:57
Arrested for asking a policeman for his badge number.Mainshill Solidarity Camp Update: No eviction this morning, but drilling workers
22-06-2009 12:09
After a whole night of digging in and strengthening defences, the rumoured eviction this morning hasn't happened. However, the solidarity shown by the number of people who joined us over the weekend has been fantastic and allowed huge amounts of building work to happen, making the site well defendable.Full article | 1 addition | 7 comments
5 Arrested as Greenpeace fail to prevent coal supply at Kingsnorth
22-06-2009 06:00
Protesters in boats have boarded a coal ship supplying Kingsnorth with coal. Despite the boarding the ship docked and is unloading coal.Indymedia, Climate Camp, Veggies at Glastonbury
21-06-2009 20:21

The 300-350 Show: Bonn Wrap-Up
21-06-2009 15:23

REMINDER: Police Accountablility Demo
21-06-2009 14:05
A Demonstration to Demend that the Notts Police are Accountable for their recent misdeeds, especially Spending £700,000 to pre-empt an alleged demonstration.On Wednesday
At County Hall, Trent Bridge
Urgent! Mainshill Eviction on Monday
21-06-2009 13:38

Mainshill Solidarity Camp solidifies as local support grows
20-06-2009 11:06