UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive
The 300-350 Show: The Road to Copenhagen - Bonn, Week 1
09-06-2009 11:26

New Social Centre/Ecovillage To Be Occupied In Suffolk/Essex Area
08-06-2009 23:26

Pictures from Kew Bridge Eco Village
08-06-2009 11:29

London eco-camp - day one
07-06-2009 19:22


This will showcase community based sustainable methods of living such as vegetable growing, compost toilets. They in the process of setting up tents and are cleaning the site of rubbish.
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Climate Change: Science Manipulated
07-06-2009 11:59
Natural causes of global warming are much more significant than manmade changesFull article | 1 addition | 22 comments
London Eco-village occupation
06-06-2009 12:39

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Kingsnorth construction firm invaded by climate activists!
05-06-2009 10:10
One of the companies bidding for the contract to construct a new coal fired power station at Kingsnorth has been targeted by climate campaigners. Three people have locked on inside and two are up on a ledge outside having dropped a banner.NETCU
05-06-2009 08:30
National Extremism Tactical Coordination Unit site is back up3rd, 4th and 5th of july amsterdam cyclist declare a war on cars
04-06-2009 11:33

Kingsnorth 6 convicted
04-06-2009 10:14
After being denied jury trial and facing lesser charges the Kingsnorth 6 were all convicted of agravated tresspass - the same offence as the Ratcliffe defendants face!Eco-village occupation near Hammersmith this Saturday (June 6th)
04-06-2009 01:35

The 300-350 Show: The Road to Copenhagen
03-06-2009 17:08

Euro election: turn out for global justice
03-06-2009 07:17
How to use your vote to reclaim democracy and address global problemsHeresy of the First Order: We are the “Third Chimpanzees”
03-06-2009 02:52
Because if nonhuman animals ceased to be legally and morally (according to the dominant culture) subject to our perverse desire to subjugate, dominate, objectify, and exploit nearly every other being on the planet, our diseased means by which we’ve organized our existence, often referred to as “civilization,” would collapse in favor of a radical alternative.Oakwood residents campaign againts Tesco expansion
02-06-2009 19:50
Campaign against Tesco expansion on Roundhay Road, Oakwood, Leeds gathers strengthPedal Power Bike Rush Mo 1 June
02-06-2009 16:40

Pictures Copyrigh (C) 2009, Peter Marshall, All rights reserved.
Video of Climate Rush Pedal Power event.
02-06-2009 16:25


Police spent £700.000 on climate action bust operation
02-06-2009 12:21

Police Abuse Powers To Prevent FA Cup Climate Protest
02-06-2009 06:25
Police officers unlawfully confiscated campaign leaflets and T-shirts from climate protesters outside the FA Cup final on Saturday, preventing a legal demonstration from taking place. Activists from the Camp for Climate Action are calling this yet another example of over-the-top policing designed to silence environmental protest, and are redoubling calls for an independent public review of the policing of protest.cyclemax meet alvaston neighbourhood comitte in secret / burning plastic plant
01-06-2009 22:43