UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive
Oxford Indymedia Film Nights back with "Gasland"
29-09-2012 15:33
Drilling for Co2 under the towers of San Gimignano !!
26-09-2012 12:58

Local people are incredulous that their Town council should approve such a project which totally goes against the policies being implemented by the rest of Europe where Governments and local authorities are making strenuous efforts to reduce the amount of CO2 by, for example, burying it under the ground.
Transition Yourself
26-09-2012 02:54
Ideas from America on starting a Transition Town. Ruah Wennerfelt, Steve Chase & host Mark Helpsmeet in live stage conversation. Plus Greg Pahl, author of "Power from the People, How to Organize, Finance, and Launch Local Energy Projects." Max Keiser & Stacy Herbert on corporate corruption.We were wrong to think the environment could wait
22-09-2012 00:15

The Mainstream Media Appears to be Censoring the Truth About Global Warming
20-09-2012 19:41

United Nations scientists have made it very clear that climate change is being caused by global warming which is the result of the burning of fossil fuels, but although the newspapers and television channels have been reporting some of the news about the natural disasters they seem to be ignoring the real reasons why they are actually occurring.
BBC Investigates a Planning Decision of National Importance
17-09-2012 10:42
The 8th LAON Press release explains why the BBC's Counrtyfile Programme is investigation a Planning Decision which has national implications if it is not altered. The press release gives details of the campains that have been launched to both overturn the decision by means of a judicial review and how to sign a petition to prevent similar applications from succeeding. This decision, if upheld, means that the applications to opencast in other areas of England are more likely to succeed.Natalie Bennett is the wrong leader
13-09-2012 15:08
The new Green Party leader is unlikely to improve their electoral prospects. If Kate Hudson can win the Manchester Central by-election, Respect is more likely to bring about radical change.Stop the Road!
10-09-2012 21:27

29 – 30 September, Combe Haven Valley
Looking For An End - Ecoshock
09-09-2012 23:55
Ecoshock fall opener! Alex inteviews Gareth Renowden, co-host of New Zealand's "The Climate Show" on the big stories. From Beijing, Li Yan Greenpeace East Asia climate campaign co-ordinator on China's emissions & coal dependence. Plus "Tip of the Iceberg News" with blogs & audio you might have missed. Radio Ecoshock 120905 1 hr CD Quality 56 MB or Lo-Fi 14 MB. Blog with all the links here.Demo Against New Coal 22nd Sept
09-09-2012 19:04
Come to Derbyshire to join the Hilltop Action Group on a Demo March, Saturday 22nd September. Beginning at 10.30 am from the Royal Oak car park, Tupton, on the A61 (postcode S42 6LA).Please come along to show your opposition to open cast mining.Bring your family, dog, a picnic, banners and placards.
Protect Chapetown Residents
07-09-2012 10:21

Fracking on trial verdict
06-09-2012 14:43
An environmental activist who climbed a drilling rig in a protest against fracking in December last year was today found guilty under the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act at Preston Magistrates Court. She was ordered to pay a £250 fine and £750 costs.Lawfulness of Cuadrilla's fracking operation remains in doubt
06-09-2012 07:52
Yesterday, three people were on trial for a second day at Preston Magistrates Court following their action (1) which shut down Cuadrilla Resources' hydraulic fracturing (2) site beside the Ribble Estuary in Lancashire in December 2011.Two of the activists went free when it became clear that the charges against them had been poorly framed. They had been charged with aggravated trespass.
Fracking on trial - again!
04-09-2012 10:16

Increased Risk of Exploitation of the English Counrtyside
02-09-2012 13:24
The 7th Press Release from the Loose Anti Opencast Network explains why a Planning Inspectors decision on an Opencast Site Planning Application in a remote part of England has implications for all mineral planning applications across the country and not just those 5 pending for opencast coal."Climate Change Our Next Challenge"
01-09-2012 14:57

Moors' Law is Murder for Motorists
20-08-2012 19:31

Crowds set to Flock to Huge Vegan Extravaganza
16-08-2012 10:25

A Scandal on the Moors
15-08-2012 15:51
A campaign recently launched - Ban the Burn! - highlights the degradation of peat bogs due to draining and burning on moors used for grouse shooting. As peat is burnt, a carbon sink becomes a carbon source. As mosses dry out and die, the moors stop acting as a sponge in heavy rainfall and localised flooding occurs. Taxpayers' money is being used to fund large estates who claim to be stewarding the land but are actually damaging it.Australian PM Julia Gillard Has Target IS To Reduce Carbon Emissions
12-08-2012 11:59