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UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive

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Climate activists blockade Peruvian Embassy London

19-06-2009 12:45

Climate change activists have blocked the entrance to the Peruvian Embassy today in protest the country’s killing of indigenous people in the Amazon rainforest.

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Mainshill Wood Occupied

19-06-2009 10:30

No Open Cast Here! Join the fight against open cast coal mining, climate chaos and community destruction! Come to the Solidarity Camp

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18-06-2009 13:54

Saturday, December 19, 2009 - International Herald Tribune
Newspaper Ignites Hope, Announces "Civil Disobedience Database"

In a front-page ad in today's International Herald Tribune, the leaders
of the European Union thank the European public for having engaged in
months of civil disobedience leading up to the Copenhagen climate
conference that will be held this December. "It was only thanks to your
massive pressure over the past six months that we could so dramatically
shift our climate-change policies.... To those who were arrested, we
thank you."

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Reel News film night 2nd July

18-06-2009 00:26

The bi-monthly Reel News film screening is back 2nd July, Spotted Dog, Warwick Street, Digbeth from 7.30pm.

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Manchester Plane Stupid disrupt aviation industry Gala Dinner

17-06-2009 08:38

On Tuesday 16th June 2009 campaigners from the group Manchester Plane Stupid targeted the aviation industry's gala dinner being held at the town hall tonight. Protestors scaled two lamposts and erected a 15m banner reading, "Aviation Industry Conference - Climate Criminals Inside".

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Green Kite Midnight serenades BP Portrait Award ceremony

16-06-2009 22:10

peace, funk and climate justice
Green Kite Midnight - a new band created especially for street, benefit and maybe Climate Camp marquee - was spotted tonight serenading those attending the ceremony to announce the winner of the BP Portrait Award, those traditionally being ladies and gents plucked from the highest echelons of the ruling elite, not to mention a few grubby artists hoping to snatch first prize and 25 BP-donated grand.

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Manchester Plane Stupid disrupt aviation industry conference

16-06-2009 14:56

Campaigners disrupted an airport industry conference today using rape alarms tied to helium balloons . The protesters from the group Manchester Plane Stupid entered the Manchester Central conference venue (formerly GMEX) and sent five bunches of helium balloons reading 'Happy Retirement' to the top of the ceiling where they remained with the alarms ringing. This occurred at exactly the time when the industry delegates were posing for a photo shoot for the launch of a new carbon reduction scheme at European airports which will not include emissions from aircraft.

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Join the fight to bring train fares down

15-06-2009 12:43

Train v plane: fair fight?
We’ve always suspected that when planes and trains compete for our business, planes fight dirty. We were right. It’s now been captured on camera!

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London World Nakede Bike Ride 2009

15-06-2009 11:51

WNBR 2009
Around 1200 cyclists, mainly naked, rode through the centre of London on Saturday in a protest against oil dependency, celebrating bicycles and the human body and expressing the vulnerability of cyclists. Photographs Copyright (C) 2009 Peter Marshall. All rights reserved.

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Greenwash Guerrillas Targeting Guardian Climate Change Summit

14-06-2009 17:56

Press Release: the Greenwash Guerrillas will be outside the E.ON-sponsored Guardian Climate Change Summit at Russell Square tomorrow morning, why not come along and support them?

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The 300-350 Show: Repay the Climate Debt!

13-06-2009 15:12

What do we need to do to escape the current deadlock at the UN climate talks? Rich countries need to start acknowledging their historical responsibility for climate change and their capacity to pay for adaptation and mitigation measures in poor countries. They need to start bringing targets to the table that are adequate from the point of view of both science and fairness. As the call for rich countries to repay their climate debt grows louder, we speak to Matthew Stilwell, author of “Climate Debt: A Primer”, for a sharp analysis of what’s needed to seal a fair climate deal.

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Thugs Seek Jobs at Shell HQ

12-06-2009 13:52

The main doors at Shells headquarters were closed to staff at 9am today, 12 June as protesters dressed as ‘thugs’ turned up for a job interview. Shell security locked all doors as protesters tried to enter the building for what they said was a job interview “we hear Shell are hiring thugs to sink ships in Ireland”.

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Anti-Shell fisherman speaks of attack & sinking of boat

11-06-2009 23:19

Attacks by both Shell security and mystery masked men on opponents of the oil company's damaging gas pipeline project have increased in recent weeks. Early Thursday morning, pipeline critic Pat O'Donnell's fishing boat was boarded by four armed masked men, who held the crew captive while sinking the vessel. This follows in the wake of outspoken farmer Willie Corduff being beaten up at night and protestors being thrown off ships by Shell security.

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Lydd airport- Roimney Marsh- decision July 9

11-06-2009 16:39

The long awaited planning debate and decision on Lydd airport's expansion plans by Tory led Shepway District Council, Folkestone, Kent is to take place on Thursday July 9th -7pm at the Council offcies.

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Rossport Solidarity Night at Belgrade Road Social Centre

11-06-2009 14:41

A benefit night with music, films, talks, discussions, and food&drink

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Dissident Island Radio - latest show ready for download!

11-06-2009 09:30

Check out the latest show from June 5th...

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Demand Police Accountability: End the harassment of public protests

10-06-2009 12:57

Protest at Notts Police Authority meeting on June 24 at 9.30am County Hall Trent Bridge. The 'POLICE SCANDAL' of 'Operation Aeroscope' and it's cost to the public, needs a public protest.

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Stalls @ Redditch Green Fair, this Saturday

10-06-2009 12:31

The 4th annual Redditch Green Fair is on Saturday 13 June. Featuring electric vehicles/cycles, organic food, energy conservation, waste reduction solutions, eco-friendly products, wildlife groups, compost clinic, alternative energies, recycled stuff, vegan catering, fairtrade products, live entertainment, campaign stalls & so much more...!!! FREE ADMISSION. This Saturday, St Stephens Church in Redditch Town Centre.

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London eco camp video update

10-06-2009 11:33

Still a long way to go, but the Eco Camp at Kew Bridge is making progress.

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Plane Stupid stage 'Corporate Takeover' at London City Airport

10-06-2009 03:00

5 Eco-activists have shut down operations at London City Airport’s private jet centre.