UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive
East Midlands Vegan Festival,
08-12-2009 18:11

COP OUT CAMP OUT is staying put in Trafalgar Square
08-12-2009 15:27
At 4pm on Saturday, following The Wave of 40,000 concerned individuals, Climate Camp went further and occupied Trafalgar Square successfully for the planned 48 hours. However, with the doomed Copenhagen Climate Conference only just beginning its two week corporate sponsored farce, we're now not going anywhere.Climate Camp to stay in Trafalgar Square for duration of COP15
07-12-2009 20:23
COP OUT CAMP OUT ongoing until 18th December!Videos from climate emergency rally, London, 5th December 2009
07-12-2009 17:07
Videos of the climate emergency rally held in Hyde Park by the Campaign against Climate Change, before joining The Wave to march to Parliament Square.Anti-capitalist presence at wave
06-12-2009 17:32

Climate Camp in Trafalgar Sq. Guided Tour of Climate Criminals 2pm
06-12-2009 13:37
Last night - 5th Dec - after the Wave, Climate Camp swooped on Traflager SQ. Two tripods, a kitchen space, pedal-powered cinema and partying, and today, banner-making, workshops on the route causes of climate change, direct action planning and climate carol singing. Street dancing workshops, and a Guided Tour of surrounding Climate Criminals is to follow. Get on Down - bring a tent, your mates, and your workshops and direct action ideas! Copenhagen Cop15 - cop out! Camp out! Hoping to stay till the end of the conference...Oxford Rides the Wave of Climate Protests
06-12-2009 10:46

Pics: The Climate Wave demo & Cop Out Camp out action, Sat 5th Dec
05-12-2009 22:01

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pics from start of climate swoop in trafalgar square
05-12-2009 18:45

Climate Camp sets up at Trafalgar Square
05-12-2009 18:35
Press Release from Camp for Climate Action UKCampaiging cyclists on the road from Cambrige to London
05-12-2009 06:52

Climate change mayhem down under
04-12-2009 16:07
Voter apathy and conviction that politicians are liars who sold out their electorate to the corporate world gained a big boost this month with the news that world leaders who had promised to end the war and tackle climate change were now supporting the war and listening to arguments that climate change is really a paper tiger invented by misguided do-gooders.How to Help Indymedia Report the Wave Demo + Cop Out Action
03-12-2009 19:54

The Indymedia telephone numbers below are for informing Indymedia about what is happening around the Wave demonstration and Climate Camp "Cop Out Camp Out" on 5th December.
Your participation enables an accurate picture of the events to be reported on the Indymedia websites, and helps to create a timeline of reports (like this one from the taking of Blackheath Climate Camp in the summer

Lord Home's mansion visited in solidarity with Mainshill
03-12-2009 18:20
In the early hours of Sunday 29th November a group of autonomous activists caused embarassment to Lord Home, exposing his role in the proposed development of Mainshill Woods into and open cast coal mine. This action was taken by a group of autonomous people in solidarity with all those who oppose the development of Mainshill Wood into an open cast coal mine.Another Successful Action-Packed Gathering at Mainshill
03-12-2009 17:33
Actions, new communals, parties and snow at Mainshill!Cop15: Notes from below
03-12-2009 12:49
This December (ten years since the alter-globalisation movements took to the streets of Seattle to oppose the world trade organization) activists from across the globe will be descending on Copenhagen to protest the COP15 round of discussion. Has the UK Direct Action movement changed in the interceding years between these cycles of struggle? And what lessons, if any, can it learn from its recent past?Would a council really serious on tackling climate change make this decision?
02-12-2009 11:38
On Thursday 19 November the Manchester City Council Planning Department approved the demolition of 200 year old cottages along with neighbouring environmental and historical oasis Hasty Lane in order to make way for additional extra airport hangers which will double Manchester Airport’s freight capacity.UEA Climatic Research Unit row escalates
02-12-2009 09:56
The news that the head of the climate research unit who had its emails hacked and posted online is creating a big stink....Anti-capitalist Block at The Wave
01-12-2009 18:20
The Wave will be lumped as a protest with a mixture of liberals and SWPers. Avoid being lumped with these lot (Unless you do fit those categories, of course!) and join the anti-capitalist block on Saturday 5th December.Open Cast North East
01-12-2009 14:49
APPLICATION 1/2008/0822 Land to the south east of Billingside Plantation , Leadgate