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UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive

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Academics on Methane

10-11-2007 09:05

Persons interested in Climate change should look at this URL for news of what happened with Methane long ago.

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Shell Gas Offices plagued in Derbyshire

09-11-2007 15:28

Workers at the Duckmanton office seemed somewhat surprised this morning with the demonstration and they didn’t get much support from their neighbours either who also stated “they hate them”

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the Great Aviation Debate- Manchester 15th November

08-11-2007 23:22

On Thursday 15th November representatives from Manchester Airport and Manchester Plane Stupid will be among six panellists debating the future of aviation in Manchester. The meeting, which is free to attend, is at the Friends Meeting House, 6 Mount Street, starting at 7.30 sharp.

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Climate campaigners oppose meddling with the oceans

08-11-2007 11:49

On Monday 5th November climate change campaigners from Camp for Climate Action, Rising Tide and BioFuel Watch took action against geo-engineering (deliberate modification of Earth's environment on a large scale) companies who are hoping to make a great deal of money from carbon credits by encouraging the growth of phytoplankton in the oceans . They claim this will 'sequester' carbon dioxide, a technology known as 'ocean seeding'.

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Weekend public transport

08-11-2007 09:54

Travelling on public transport at weekends is a nightmare, especially on Sundays. Is it part of a conspiracy to drive people off public transport? A public transport system of which a Third World country would be ashamed.

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Climate Change On Trial: Call for support demo

07-11-2007 19:30

11 local climate change activists from the camp for climate action are in Nottingham magistrates court for a pre-trial judgment.

Tuesday Nov 13th, Nottingham Bridewell Magistrates Court, 10am

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Ding - Rooley Moor, valuing our South Pennine habitats and biodiversity

07-11-2007 17:09

mosses on old rackfaces
Campaigners challenging the reopening of Ding Quarry are investigating the ecological importance of Rooley Moor.
To some it appears a bleak, perhaps barren hinterland. However, there is far more to this area of the South Pennines than meets the eye:

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Public Meeting: The Hidden Holocaust - Our Civilizational Crisis

07-11-2007 12:46

The Hidden Holocaust
Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed
20th November 2007, 6pm

LT1, Sir Alexander Fleming Building
Imperial College
Exhibition Road
South Kensington
London, SW7 2AZ

2007: global food shortages cause riots (FAO)

2008: global banking collapse (Arlington Institute)

2011: world oil reserves critically depleted (Independent)

2015: climate change point-of-no-return (Guardian)

2025: two-thirds of world in water shortage (BBC)

2100: Earth uninhabitable (UN)

The crisis of the planet Earth is so profound that all of our lives will be caught up in it.

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Dismayed by the the lack of hemp on this site

07-11-2007 11:31

this is regarding the serious lack of hemp in the environmental movement. although it would also help just about every other grassroots movement. i would have thought that being alternative media, there'd be something on hemp. i was especially surprised by the sister site
which throws up 1 article in a search for "hemp". a search on greenpeace is similarly depressing. is a little better. it seems there's more in the mainstream. eg.

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Preston Public Meeting To Debate Ribble Barrage and Floodplain Housing Threat

05-11-2007 22:30

Come to voice your opinion about the Riverworks Ribble Barrage and Floodplain housing plans.

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Sneintons' Saturday 'Bike About' (a not critical mass)

04-11-2007 12:26

Frustrated at the lack of cycling provision in Sneinton (and everywhere else), people gathered at Belvoir Hill, near Greens Windmill, on Saturday afternoon. The group wasn't very large but that didn't stop the determined cyclists from having a good time! It was the first such event and everyone agreed it should continue at 4pm on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of every month. So, on yer bikes, see you on 17th November, 4pm, at Belvoir Hill, near Greens Windmill to join us for a lovely bikeride with music..

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Climate Action in Dover

04-11-2007 11:42

In the early hours of sunday morning, climate activists made a bold statement about
global warming...

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Doctor Bike Skillshare workshop at the Sumac

04-11-2007 01:51

A bike workshop was held in the Sumac Centre yard on saturday afternoon. Folks arrived throughout the afternoon, and much maintenance was done.

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Save Tasmania’s Forests - Protest in London 16 November

03-11-2007 22:11

Protest in London to coincide with Australian elections - tell Australia's politicians that the proposed new pulp mill in Northern Tasmania will be disastrous for the environment.

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local activists open squat on Cowley Rd (Oxford) for CCA gathering

03-11-2007 11:04

inside the squat
A bunch of local activists have squatted Coopers newsagents on Cowley Rd - a family run newsagents for years until priced out of the area by the all-too-familiar gentrification processes.

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New Bumper EF! Action Update now out - and advance notice of the Feb Winter Moot

02-11-2007 22:28

The latest issue of the quarterly EF!AU was dished up at the Anarchist Bookfair - bursting at the seams, it had to be turned into a bumper issue, with a round-up of the actions around the time of the Camp for Climate Action, plus loads of action reports from around the world since then - from pieing oil executives, blockading garages & airports, polar bears locking-on, sabotage, prisoners, occupied spaces, digger-diving, GM crop-trashing, to cake and the cunning use of mung beans (oh, and of course, much much more).

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Mainstream Environmental Movement Closes Ranks : Private E-mails

02-11-2007 12:00

Below is a copy of an e-mail and a follow up, sent to the heads of the largest environmental organisations in the USA and (in the follow up) their equivalents in the UK. These e-mails have been met with stony silence - the environmental organisations have closed ranks. I am bringing this into the public realm in order to let the public decide who is right...

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Solar Panels installed at the Sumac

31-10-2007 20:33

In pursuit of a little more self-sufficiency, Sumac supporters installed at set of solar panels on the front of the building. A south facing wall that seems to get sunlight for most of the day.

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Rising Tide's "Greenwash Guerillas" disrupt NYC Carbon Trading Expo

30-10-2007 15:13

Rising Tide North America’s “Greenwash Guerrillas” paid a surprise Halloween visit to the Carbon Market Insights conference in New York City today. Posing as delegates, two protesters took the stage at the exclusive event and presented the 700 attendees with a “Deed to the Atmosphere,” denouncing Carbon Trading as a sham approach to the fossil fuels crisis. The action was the first in the US to target the growing Carbon Trading industry.