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UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive

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Activists attacked at Mainshill Opencast as Huge Excavator is Occupied for over

11-03-2011 15:51

a similar "prime mover" on another open cast
On Wednesday morning activists entered Scottish Coal’s Mainshill Open Cast Coal Site in South Lanarkshire to disrupt coaling operations. As two activists managed to reach and scale a huge 260 tonne “prime mover” in the bottom of the pit, one of the two biggest machines on the site, other activists there to support them were brutally attacked by Scottish Coal employees and Trustcare Security.

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Extinction Event?

10-03-2011 15:03

The Arctic is defrosting as warm Atlantic waters rush through the Fram Strait instead of skirting the southern coast of Greenland. This is an important event, regardless of the deafening silence exhibited by the mainstream media.

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Sizewell Camp 2011.

09-03-2011 21:38

Sizewell Camp 2011
Skill Share, Networking and Protest
Power for the People-Not Profits for the Few
Friday 22rd – Monday 25th April
Spend Easter weekend camping on the beach at Sizewell and show
your opposition to new nuclear power and the need for sustainable
energy solutions. This weekend also marks the 25th anniversary of
the Chernobyl Disaster. The weekend includes a protest at the
nuclear power station entrance, A public meeting, workshops and
skill shares, woodland and beach walks, vegan grub and
networking.Now is the time to take action against new build – come
join us to say
‘Nuclear power – No thanks!’

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May Day! May Day! Rossport Solidarity Camp Summer Gathering Sat 30 April -Mon 2n

09-03-2011 11:00

Come up to the Rossport Solidarity Camp Summer Gathering for the May Bank Holiday weekend to see for yourself what's at stake and learn more about the campaign.

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Anti-Shell Non-violent direct action workshop

09-03-2011 10:58

A non-violent direct action workshop is taking place on Sat 9th -Sun 10th April. All are welcome, open to complete beginners-no experience necessary!

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Wicked Problems & Solutions

08-03-2011 04:37

Wicked problems, like climate, energy, or economy - cannot be solved by normal science. A new synthesis interview with Thomas Homer-Dixon. Webcast by Jerome Ravetz, Valerie Brown on Post-Normal science & community. Plus Eben Moglen on dream of total free speech - now causing a revolution near you.

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Are we the next to be labelled a 'Barrier to Enterprise"/

07-03-2011 12:52

In our new press release "Are we the next to be labelled 'A Barrier to Enterprise' "(PR 101) links the publication of our latest Briefing Note "Energy Policy and the proposed National Planning Policy Framework" (E2) to what the Prime Minister said in Cardiff yesterday to conclude that the outcome predicted in "Energy Policy and the proposed National Planning Policy Framework" that rules governing the approval of opencast mines predicted in E2 is now even more likely.

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Southwark Council cutting 450 trees down in Burgess Park now

05-03-2011 11:21

Just a couple of weeks after the revelation by Southwark Council they were going to axe 450 trees and not the 147 they admitted in their planning application, Southwark Council started the destruction today of many old loved friends and younger woodlands that local volunteers planted just 15 years ago. Total barbarians and carbon criminals.

The chain-saw team is now scheduled to continue the destruction over the coming weeks in the park of The Millennium Woodland planted in 2000 to mark birth of kids on the Aylesbury Estate, the cycle track orchard, the library woodlands and glade, the nesting woodland by the lake, the two mounds woodlands to the west of the lake and 147 individual specimen trees across the park.

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International Campaign Launched to Stop Air France-KLM and the Primate Trade

04-03-2011 23:32

Smash Air France-KLM!
The National Anti-Vivisection Alliance (NAVA) have announced and launched an international campaign to stop Air France-KLM transporting primates for use in vivisection.

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Dissident Island Radio 4 March 2011

04-03-2011 10:58

Beehive Collective // Antifa & Anti-Nuclear in Germany // Palestine bike ride // Climate week // Little Shit

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Penny for the Guy Ropes

04-03-2011 00:53

They came, they camped, they conquered (well, almost). During a soul-searching Dorset retreat, Climate Camp have decided to suspend tent-centred activism - citing the “radically different political landscape” of 2011. Having been through Drax, Kingsnorth, Heathrow, RBS, Copenhagen and one helluva lot of hummus, the group are now turning their attention to coordination with the wider anti-cuts and anti-austerity movement.

Updated after the jump

On the Newswire: Statement | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010

In SchNEWS: 736 | 696 | 689 | 642 | 641 | 600 | 558


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Climate Camp Is Dead! Where Now For Climate Action?

02-03-2011 17:02

Capitalism is crisis; revolution is the solution
Last night, the Camp for Climate Action released an 'official' statement, announcing that there would no climate camps either this summer or in the future. Citing the "near-collapse of the financial system; droughts in the Amazon, floods in Pakistan; a new government in the UK; a violent programme of unprecedented cuts; food prices rising and real incomes eroding; revolutions across the Middle East", the group has decided to "team up with the anti-cuts and anti-austerity movements and play a crucial role in the revolutionary times ahead". I welcome the statement, and the consensus reached at a Dorset meeting last week.

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Shells survey work stopped agein

02-03-2011 16:03

Getting in the way
This morning 6 people got in the way of Shell's survey work causing them to pack up and go away.

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Free Vegan Food Fair in Coventry, Sat 26 March

02-03-2011 14:47

Please contact us for leaflets to distribute
Sample a wide range of delicious, healthy, cruelty-free and eco-friendly food, and it's all FREE!! Whether you're already seeking to change your diet or just curious to learn why so many people are switching to plant based diets, this is the event for you!! Also free recipes, cruelty-free product stalls and a vegan cafe. All this and FREE can't go wrong!!

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Climate Camp Dissolves Itself

01-03-2011 22:09

The near-collapse of the financial system; droughts in the Amazon, floods in Pakistan; a new government in the UK; a violent programme of unprecedented cuts; food prices rising and real incomes eroding; revolutions across the Middle East… This is all very different from 2005 when the Camp for Climate Action first met to spark radical action on the greatest threat to humanity, climate change.

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Car injures cyclists in Porto Alegre critcial mass, Brazil

01-03-2011 01:23

a link to a BBC news report about a driver who drove into approx 20 cyclists, injuring 9, during a monthly critical mass ride

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Peak Trouble: Navigating the Chaos

27-02-2011 19:12

News of unstable oil, climate, banking and regimes begs the question: are we ready, personally, for difficult times? Dr. Jeremy Leggett, oil geologist, former Greenpeace campaigner, solar entrepreneur on world energy. Analysis of EU dependency on Libyan oil, connections to arms trade. Then historian and psychotherapist Dr. Carolyn Baker on new book "Navigating the Coming Chaos: A Handbook for Inner Transition."

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Bath Bomb #37 Out Now

25-02-2011 16:08

In This Issue: Worldwide Revolution – For Real! Clegg On His Face! Raining Fatcats & Bankers! B.T.P. & W4B Not D.O.A. - W.T.F.? Can't Sell The Forests For The Trees! Rampaging Amphibians! Rampant Commercial Co-option! L.E.T.S.-ing You Down And L.E.T.S.-ing Ourselves Down! Bad-Mouthing B.&N.E.S. - For A Change! Padding Out Lack Of Content With Core-ny Jokes & Inflated Font Size!

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Manchester Airport on Trial verdict likely to be annnounced TODAY!

22-02-2011 14:05

After a fantastic day yesterday, we’ve just got news that the judge is expecting to announce his verdict on the six defendants in the Manchester Airport on Trial case this afternoon.

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Dissident Island Radio 18 February - ready for download

20-02-2011 19:50

Cardiff Unemployed Daytime Disco // Lewisham library occupation // aboutlordbrowne // Manchester Airport blockade trials // Dj AK