UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive
[Good Video] London Climate March Time to Act 07/03/2015
08-03-2015 13:30
We Arrived Late for Time to ActMarch 07 2015
The £469m Cost of Restoring Opencast Coal Sites:
30-01-2015 12:10
Yesterday the House of commons debated the issue of Un-restored Opencast Sites in the UK. Totting up all the figures used in the debate means that the cost of restoring these sites has reached £469m. LAON's press release below goes on to warn that unless steps are taken to prevent new site approvals under the present regime, more sites could be left un-restored.UG#701 - The Temptation of The Technofix (The Quest for "New Nature")
15-01-2015 10:24

The Price of Oil and its Macroeconomic Meaning
09-01-2015 13:54
The dialectics of power and weakness makes it that when power becomes weak by Nature its strength is turning into an open wound. The bleeding of the oil monopoly is such a case, it illustrates why it is wise to calm down before death, though in the case of the oil industry it is the monopoly power which is dying, not necessarily the populations depending on it as sort of ecological hostages. What is bleeding here is the futurological formula of the Saudi monarchy in Arabia, as it is burning the resources it is meant to leave for future generations for the mere purpose of clinging to a misinformed hegemony in the way of creative chaos. The decision to increase the oil output now instead of much later on reflects a shrunk expectation horizon of a human future, and even in the best case, where it would be assumed that it is more of a conscious choice than of a motoric reflex to dispatch the oil which is left to a shorter timespan than appropriate from the perspective of intergenerational justice, it expresses the untold admission that the Saudi racket does not see a future for itself it would deem worth of any conservation. What shows itself in the current price dump is the metabolic rush of the prisoner who gets to smoke a last cigarette before execution, and as the inhalation is in full scale it is not visible how much of it has already burned down before the Mammal Squad turns on its cameras. Apparently the increased strength of the Islamic State is rock-firm enough to shake the petroleum market into sell-out panic.The Trap of Clausewitz – Why Imperialism Fails Even Without Climate Collapse
31-12-2014 13:33
And suddenly it is gone – once again the ocean swallowed a passenger plane, presumably with a little help from above. It is unknown just like the last time whether there was human intervention on board, which could have steered the flying mass grave away from the likely places to look before the burial, or whether it was crashed by ground control. Yet it appears a notable coincidence or causality-induced appearance thereof that it does again happen at a moment when the calculations of war are ushering toward a dead end. In the first instance, it was the Chinese head-in-the-sand approach to the independence of Crimea which encountered a rude awakening. Then the Netherlands found themselves punished for their complicity with the European fascists in the independence issue. And now Indonesia gets its extra oath unwrapped and fingered by an apparent coincidence. It is as if the “Bermuda triangle” of the past century was reappearing in the cloth of a “Gaia triangle” that can pop up just everywhere and rip a hole into the illusion of normalcy. And there could be meaning in the increased lapses: Like the shepherd that raises its voice in the moment the fire circle is gliding into a shouting match, the holes in the climate-justice-incompatible normalcy do occur like warning shots directed at preventing an irritated Unitednations structure from decline into overt fascism. The root cause of this risk is a system construction that favours power brokers more than fundamental reflection of purpose, and once the flaw becomes “normalcy” the normalcy of the flaw occasionally transforms into a flaw of normalcy, such as in the cases of the lost aircraft passengers. Did they not know that they were using a dead-end technology?Bhopal – 30 years on
07-12-2014 20:37

Plane Stupid and Transition Heathrow Activists Occupy Davis Commission Rooftop
03-12-2014 14:52

Can Beijing Fool the Climate Scientists?
17-11-2014 15:58
This is a serious concern, despite the fact that there are much worse traps waiting for the same targets. The Chinese-American climate treaty, whose occurrence indicates that both currencies are chained to the same throne, which was sufficiently shaken by the impact of attention directed against it, proves with certainty that Jinping can fool Obama (and thereby keep his even more reactionary competitors at bay). The essence of the treaty is that each side puts a blind eye towards the other side´s accounting trick, which is in the American case the backward projection of the calculation baseline to a date before peak oil, and in the Chinese case the forward shifting of it to a date after peak coal. Of course any meaningful climate treaty would use the date of signature as the common accounting baseline for emission reduction measurements, not only to create an incentive for everyone to sign in at the same time but also to sign in as soon as possible before unavoidable reductions fall behind the entry of competition. This is not the case with the “Beijing Protocol,” and although in this one at least backward projection is not mutual, deprecating the entire treaty, the trade-off of the two different scams leaves a “fossil gap” between the two peaks of the length of one generation that mirrors the uneven consumption of the two substances due to the grotesque energy thirst of a century of militarism. It is not only that the negotiated result makes Unitedstates look stupid because they have to reach their declared targets before the other side even begins to wind down, which leaves the Chinese regime with zero risk. It also leaves the international public with the situation that there is a diplomatic framework but with no effect, because it neither involves targeted competition nor reality-based planning. Only the please-boss-do-something-crowd can spell “cool for our time” as if they had their right of political engagement delivered to them by governments and corporations.Government Waste Policy Is Half-Baked
17-11-2014 11:42
The Waste Hierarchy needs enforcement or incentivisation if it’s ever really going to make a difference. Rufus Hirsch, from London-based Clearance Solutions (
Media ignores coming world famine
12-11-2014 17:08
The mainstream media routinely ignore the threat of world famine in the coming decades, while focussing on economic predictions about the future. Here’s a complaint I made about this today to the BBC.Philippines: One Year after Typhoon Haiyan
09-11-2014 12:23

The Canadian Conundrum – Causes and Consequences of a Containment Catastrophe
03-11-2014 16:34
Justin Bourque is being flanked by Mumia Abu Jamal and Leonard Pelletier as a political prisoner of the extinction system for a reason that represents the distinction between the two political entities of North America. In Unitedstates, the latter was so lucky to hit a rare period of suspension of the death penalty in the calendar, while the former was openly sentenced to execution and then at whim changed to death in prison without execution as to be misused as a bargaining chip by an unscrupulous politician. In Canada the supreme enemy of the state is however never being killed openly, but with a verdict that amounts to death without spelling it. It is of course being taken into account here that the common denominator of the three cases is that the reaction pattern of the repressive apparatus unloading upon the individual is of much more urgent need of attention than the blame it is meant to express. It matters little whether these prisoners were involved in these killings. But it matters a lot that the repressive apparatus is attempting to masquerade as the advocate of future generations when it is a solid matter of fact that the loss of a cop father is far less traumatic to a child than the loss of a non-violent father. If a reactor operator wishes to have children, it is common sense that something can only be a means to an end if it does not contain excessive contradictory risks. If the reactor engineer were to hide behind children to defend himself against the Abolitionist it would be recognised as an abuse of the children or at least as a fraud, given the toxic legacy. But when the cop who keeps the reactor operating does, apparently it does not yet attract the broad smack-down such grossly inappropriate kid-ducking deserves.Wrexham: Report from Borras Anti-Fracking Evening... More Planned
25-10-2014 12:11

Last Thursday night, 23 October, local campaigners against fracking and other 'unconventional' (extreme) gas extraction methods held a public meeting in Borras, Wrexham not far from where Green Park Energy, bought out by Dart Energy, bought out by IGas, have just been given permission to undertake exploratory drilling ostensibly for coal bed methane. The local pub was packed out with standing room only and not much of that as the local community turned out in force to find out more, many angry that the unelected and unaccountable Planning Inspectorate had overturned the decision of Wrexham council's Planning Committee whose members had voted (17 to 2) to reject the planning application back in March.
Protest at Green Investment Bank 2nd Birthday
20-10-2014 15:37

Demographic Endgame – IS/UK Relations in a Nutshell
15-10-2014 16:23
When the imperialist moron in the London regime in interacting with the forces of abolition is parroting this publication (see Jan 23, 2014 + Sept 19, 2014) although there hardly is anything more depraved than its on series of undercover rapes, it is not merely a war of words which sees another copycat cowardice, it also is an admission of guilt that all the pompous reports how IS was behaving like an Arab king at home are just that. Cameron the regrettable idiot is so agitated to commit terror bombings that he does not notice any longer how the other fingers are pointing back at himself when he is grabbing for excuses for his atrocities. IS on the other hand has chosen not to follow the “speakers corner approach of substitute execution” and respect the last will of the prisoners in the same way it respects other aspects of their dignity except for their lives, but instead leave the British public blind to their own messengers. The message is clear – cease the bombings – and the messenger – the randomly arrested member of the public – whose death is being used as the carrier to transmit it is silenced, as if that was to be a part of the message. The confusion clears up a bit when it is taken into account that it happens intentionally, like the turning of a page before the content has been fully read, and therefore remains an obstacle to the signing of the document. The originator thereof intends to keep the British public out of the conflict with the regime, and instead tease the latter a little more, because in the circumstances of total spying that is the only way to leave the regime blind about the public. Hence, from the public viewpoint, the conflict between the two types of states is an internal issue of these, such as the intimacy of the prisoners in their robes is for them.Philippine activists start 1,000-km march for climate justice
07-10-2014 12:54

Call For Decentralized Resistance To The G20 Summit In November (Australia)
06-10-2014 12:22
Anarchists in Australia issue a call out for decentralized attacks, disorder, riots and sabotage around the topic of the G20.The Coal Question and the Bradley Public Inquiry
05-10-2014 13:05
Investors since may 2013 have been receiving warnings about not investing in Fossil Fuel Utility Companies. This press release recounts these warnings and explains why it may influence the outcome of the Bradley Public Inquiry into UK Coal's appeal over Durham County Council's rejection of an opencast mine applicationThe Financial Risks and the Bradley Public Inquiry
03-10-2014 16:15
People living around the Bradley site fear that if planning approval is given for mining the 550,000 tonnes of coal on the site is that all they will be left with is a big waterfilled hole. This press release gives reasons why this fear existsThe Bradley Public Inquiry And Air Pollution
02-10-2014 14:19
There is only one use for the coal to be mined at Bradley and that is to burn it. This press release details why doing so is going to lead to more premature deaths, more expensive health care, which we all have to pay for, and to the UK continuing to be in breach of European Law. These are additional reasons why UK Coal's application to opencast this coal should be rejected.