UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive
London Plane Stupid Activists 'close' more travel agents!
06-11-2006 00:53
Apparently the same thing as happened in Bristol has also taken place in London, with Plane Stupid activists postering and locking travel agents across London in a call to end short haul flights.Photos: Climate Change Protest (04.11.06)
05-11-2006 18:49

Climate change demo - Grosvenor and Trafalgar Square pics
05-11-2006 10:17

International climate action day in Gothenburg
04-11-2006 23:18

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Stop Climate Chaos, London, 4th Nov 06 - pics
04-11-2006 22:13

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pics from london climate change march
04-11-2006 20:04

Record turn out for London's Critical Mass
04-11-2006 14:29

People & Planet: Carnival of Climate Chaos (London, Saturday 4 November, ICount)
03-11-2006 10:33
In the wake of the Stern Review, on the eve of critical international climate talks in Nairobi, and shortly before the Queen's Speech, young people will demonstrate that they will not sit back and wait for the catastrophic climate change predicted for our generation. Marching from Bloomsbury to Trafalgar Square, the Carnival looks set to be one of the most impressive student mobilisations in years.Biggest Youth Movement in History Could be About to Begin in London...
02-11-2006 22:39

Under the heading “Worldwide Children's Revolution to Try to Save the Human Race From Extinction?” the story says that the very existence of future generations may depend on urgent worldwide action to tackle global warming and climate change.
Stop Shell Speaker Tour in Birmingham November 9th 7.30pm
02-11-2006 21:06
The Stop Shell speaker tour is coming to Birmingham on November 9th 2006. To include films and a talk, dur: approx. 1hGreenpeace invade and shut down Didcot power station
02-11-2006 14:53

Michael O'Leary's Foul Mouth
02-11-2006 09:54
Just the "usual horseshit", claimed MIcheal O'Leary, CEO of low cost airline Ryanair, when asked about green taxes and the Stern Review.Blackout London on 4th November
01-11-2006 20:13
Join the climate change protest at 4.30 till 7.30 pm, as we plunge London into darkness. Tell everyone - make it happen.Shell Offices Raided in Solidarity with Rossport
01-11-2006 15:22

Capitalism ... the end is nigh
01-11-2006 11:11
We were quite rude about this event last year (1), but perhaps we're mellowing with age so we'll give it a plug. This Saturday (4/11) sees a march and rally against climate change beginning at the US embassy at midday (2) and then heading down to Trafalgar Square for a rally with the usual (probably quite dull) speakers and a vague promise of some tunes. (3)SDO - Dropout factor mp3
01-11-2006 05:13

Action plan for climate chaos
31-10-2006 16:09
A World to Win statement on the Stern report.Road Block e-bulletin 31 Oct 2006
31-10-2006 15:14
This is the latest Road Block e-bulletin. Road Block won't be posting them up regularly, but thought climate change activists might want to see what is going on within road campaigns. You can sign up to receive them monthly here: Tide: UK Stern Report Sells Climate Short, Paves Way to Global Disaster
30-10-2006 16:21
Today the international climate justice movement condemned a major new policy advisory from the United Kingdom on the economics of climate change. Named "The Stern Review" after its chief author Sir Nicholas Stern, climate activists warn that this 700-page analysis offers a dangerously inadequate and deceptive plan that will lead to inevitable global warming catastrophe if its recommendations are followed. "Although climate scientists are in nearly unanimous agreement that atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide must be limited to no more than 450 parts per million in order to avoid catastrophic climate chaos, the new UK report calls for CO2 emissions to be stabilized at the much higher rate of 500 to 550 ppm," said Ethan Green, coordinator of the Counter-G8 Working Group of Rising Tide North America.Car manufacturers fail to meet emission targets
30-10-2006 15:49
The EU entered into a ten year voluntary agreement with car manufacturers to cut emissions. Surprise, surprise, the car manufacturers have come nowhere near.