UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive
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Climate Camp - Police Demonstrate Excessive Force At Stop And Searches
06-08-2008 22:14

Climate Camp Radio - Wednesday lunchtime show for download
06-08-2008 18:58

Coal Train Bail-Breaker Prison Address
06-08-2008 18:42
Address of Paul Morozzo, in prison until 11 August (at least), for trying to participate in Climate Camp. Plus an article about the Drax Coal Train bail-breakers' mostly successful attempt to get to Climate Camp openly defying their bail conditions. Plus a link for a short film about the bail-breaking.Climate Camp Silver Group- Call Out For Flying Devices
06-08-2008 17:50

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Legal info for Climate Campers
06-08-2008 16:22
List of good lawyers if arrested!Do not accept a duty solicitor when taken to police station.
Here is a list of lawyers who have successfully defended people arrested at protests
Jim Nichol (successfully defended the Birmingham 6)
Taylor Nichol. 3 Station Place. London. N4 2DH.
Contact - James Nichol. Telephone - 020 7272 8336.
275 Gray's Inn Road
London WC1X 8QB
DX: 37904 King's Cross
Tel: 020 7833 4433
Workers Climate Action outreach leaflet for Climate Camp
06-08-2008 16:20
Workers Control and the Climate: For a Just Transition.The Camp for Climate Action is targeting Kingsnorth on the 3rd to 11th of August. The Camp is not trying to force everyone to live in tree-houses or shit in a hole, or to get you all sacked. What we aim to do is to encourage people to begin the fight for a just transition to a carbon neutral economy.
Climate activists at Longannet call for closure date
06-08-2008 15:56
One-night mini Scottish camp outside UK's dirtiest power station. SNP Government urged to set early closure date for plant and guarantee green jobs for coal workers in the growing renewables revolution.Full article | 1 addition | 10 comments
Riot Police Continue to Attack Women and Children at the Camp for Climate Action
06-08-2008 15:22
The relentless campaign of intimidation by the police against the Camp for Climate Action continued during the night.Around 2 am the police switched off the floodlights at the front gate and rushed in four riot vans blasting out Wagner's Ride of the Valkyries which was the theme music of the film Apocalypse Now and also Adolph Hitler's favourite music.
Climate Camp- Protest ignores Police Stop & Search
06-08-2008 14:43
VisionOnTv is reporting events from inside the Climate camp 2008Media getting trouble from Police at Climate Camp
06-08-2008 14:20

West Midlands at Camp for Climate Action
06-08-2008 10:56
Come and join the West Mids neighbourhood at the camp.The week of actions, debate and workshops around climate change and grassroots sustainability is now up and running. The camp has been set up near Kingsnorth power station, in response to the new generation of coal fired power stations that will create further environmental chaos.
Climate Camp: Pics of Police Confiscating Bikes from Car Park
06-08-2008 10:40

Video and report at:

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Psyops, terror and policing of the climate camp
06-08-2008 02:50
Police mounted an outrageous terror attack on the camp in the early hours of Wednesday 6th, sounding sirens, circling their helicopter over the site, cutting the flood lighting, then deploying van loads of tooled-up riot cops at the gates in the darkness and getting them to number off and yell 'get up, get up' into the camp....Little Peace Boat Sails Into London, Climate Camp To City Hall, meet 4pm
05-08-2008 20:31
Invitation to meet at Tavistock Square midday for the Hiroshima Memorial or outside City Hall at 4pm for the welcome of "Be Disarming" The Little Peace Boat. Give it a welcome and then a rousing send off returning to the Climate Camp.Children's Revolution at the Camp for Climate Action Plans Peace Campaign
05-08-2008 19:23
Under constant siege by police at both gates of the Kingsnorth protest site, the Camp for Climate Action campaigners are busy planning ahead for the Day of Mass Action on Saturday when there will be two major events taking place.Agrofuels Tug-of-War
05-08-2008 15:07

Bardon Aggregates hit again!
05-08-2008 13:27
Bardon Aggregates Plant takes heavy damage in response to Glensanda QuarryClimate Camp Radio - Tuesday lunchtime show for download
05-08-2008 12:58

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Rubbish Police attempt to frame climate camp "weapons stash"
05-08-2008 12:08
The Police have tried to pull the oldest trick in the book and claim they have found knives, ninja stars and other nasty tools.Photos of Paul Morozzo being arrested
05-08-2008 10:15
follow the link to rex features for photos of Paul Morozzo being arrested