UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive
Video of London Critical Mass October ride 2007
30-10-2007 12:39
A fairly smooth Halloween style ride with few if any police hassles.Diverse Communities Explore Climate Change At The Akashi Festival
29-10-2007 15:26

Wind turbine construction course
29-10-2007 10:34

film of shell wildlife photographer exhibition action yesterday
28-10-2007 22:54

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shell wildlife photographer of the year hit by singing protest
27-10-2007 23:01

George Monbiot Talk in Euston, London
26-10-2007 17:18
Campaign against Climate Change"How can we win the race against climate catastrophe ?"
A Public Meeting on Thursday November 8th, at 7.00pm
at the Friends Meeting House, Euston Road, London.
Preston Council Forced Into Barrage Retreat By Ribble Bloggers
23-10-2007 10:56
The Save The Ribble Blog has been pointing out the environmental and social idiocy of Preston City Councils plans to barrage the River Ribble and build thousands of houses in it's floodplain.Now it seems our concerted campaigning and blogging is beginning to pay off as this developer-driven project is taken 'back to the drawing board'.
Fossil fuels should stay underground
22-10-2007 16:42
Citizens concerned about climate change need to wake up to the fact that we can't afford to rely on scientifically dubious carbon offsetting or sequestration, or on bending over backwards to limit our own emissions in the naive hope that the rest of the world will follow suit. The only safe place for the world's remaining stocks of fossil fuels is to stay where they belong - underground.No more farmers markets in Farnborough
22-10-2007 15:33
Thanks to the lack of support and bloody-minded obstruction by the Rotten Borough of Rushmoor, there will be no more farmers markets in Farnborough.Veg*n Climate March in London
21-10-2007 20:27

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Food not Bombs and Midlands Vegan Campaign join up in anti-Mcdonalds action
20-10-2007 22:45

Activists set up "Camp Hope" at Gloucester Airport
20-10-2007 21:30

Guerilla Foresting in the hood
20-10-2007 16:37
milliona of mature & semi-mature trees die in the UK alone every year due to ivy starving the trunk of light. When ivy reaches the top of a tree or its crown, it usually dies & often falls over which is a serious health & safety risk.Simply cutting the ivy off at the bottom with small pruning saw which takes minutes or less, saves the tree+local wildlife & helps stop climate change.
I saved 5 trees in less than 5 minutes today near woodborough park sherwood, you can save hundreds in a hour or so.
Be a Guerilla Forester,like Mr Hood!
There are 5 Days Left to ask your MEP to Act on cars and climate change
19-10-2007 11:14
Take action at www.transportactioneurope.orgActivists crash biofuel party 2 [afternoon]
19-10-2007 02:06

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Activists crash biofuel party 1 [morning]
19-10-2007 01:48

Photos from Bio-Diesel Expo banner demo
18-10-2007 21:53

Birmingham students take action against RBS
18-10-2007 20:14

“RED HERRING” - Al Gore, The Climate Sceptics And The BBC
18-10-2007 18:42
On October 10, the BBC’s Ten O’Clock News led with the story that a High Court Judge had found nine “errors” in Al Gore’s climate film, ‘An Inconvenient Truth’, which the UK government has been sending to schools around the country. As a result, by way of “balance”, the government will now be required to include “guidance notes” with the film. (BBC news online, ‘Gore climate film's “nine errors”,’ October 11, 2007;