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UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive

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Climate Activists ‘Do A Banksy’ On 27 Tesco Branches

27-04-2009 03:57

At 4am this morning Tesco branches across London were hit by graffiti climate activists.

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Coal Caravan - Latest

26-04-2009 21:45

Due to overwhelming interest the Coal Caravan website at has been, well, overwhelmed! This epic 219 mile cycle caravan travels through communities threatened with open cast coal mines and power stations, from Notts to Newcastle (and a bit beyond). To keep up-to-date check out the blog at

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critical mass report and pics

26-04-2009 21:05

more than 500 cyclists massed on friday evening in good weather. the ride visited several key locations including commemorations of two lives recently lost.
pics on london indymedia at

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Video of Critical Mass London 15th Anniversary ride.

26-04-2009 11:47

Video Gathering at the start
In a large Mass like this one it is difficult to spot everything that is going on.

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3 Lappersfort occupiers released, with deportation notices

25-04-2009 15:58

Yesterday (friday 24th april) the 3 Lappersfort occupiers arrested on tuesday night were released (original article about arrest Upon signing out of the Brugge prison they were all issued with deportation notices, ordering them to leave the "Kingdom of Belgium" by midnight on the 29.04.2009.

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Event: Acting on Climate Change

25-04-2009 15:15

Climate Change is the challenge of our lifetime. While the rhetoric of government policy addresses the urgency to act on Climate Change, many policy decisions undermine the transformations needed.

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Critical Mass! Nottingham pictures...

24-04-2009 19:41

An initial upload of pictures of todays Critical Mass bike ride through Nottingham city centre. Reclaim the streets!

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Audio: Transition Sheffield Community Supported Agriculture Meeting

24-04-2009 14:55

Audio Meeting Flyer
Attached are the slides and audio from two presentations at a Transition Heeley/Meersbrook meeting on community food growing held on Thursday 23rd April.

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LNG leak

23-04-2009 10:19

On March 29th, just a few days after the South Hook LNG terminal in Pembrokeshire, there has already been a leak.

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Scarborough Climate Action Network opens community resource centre.

22-04-2009 19:08

After being inspired into action by the fight against global climate chaos, the Scarborough Climate Action group have opened "Green Planet", a community resource centre for education, information and participation on the east coast of Yorkshire.

They aim to provide a central point for people in the local area to find out how they can make positive changes to their environment, as well as providing an autonomous space for people to use the internet, meet like-minded people and get directly involved with the newly burgeoning Scarborough activist networks.

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Another 3 people from the Lappersfort Forest arrested

22-04-2009 13:57

Around midnight on 21st April three people from the Lappersfort forest occupation in Brugge, Belgium were arrested.

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DIY newspaper hits the streets of Leeds

22-04-2009 13:41

Free copies of the Yorkshire Evening Pest are being handed out to
thousands of people across Leeds, in a format that mimics the city's
Yorkshire Evening Post – albeit with articles on the collapse of the
city centre, climate change, the role of public transport and the
financial turmoil at Elland Road.

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climate thoughtcrime

22-04-2009 08:34

Last December government minister Ed Miliband said that 'popular mobilisation' was needed to create the pressure to reduce carbon emissions. He linked it to previous campaigns that had involved direct action.

"When you think about all the big historic movements, from the suffragettes, to anti-apartheid, to sexual equality in the 1960s, all the big political movements had popular mobilisation"

It sounds great doesn't it? And, when climate activists are essentially only asking for what science demands and what the government claims to want too, what could be the problem?

Someone should pass that thought on to other branches of government and state apparatus, as they appear to think differently on the issue.

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The Camp for Climate Action and the media - Part 1

21-04-2009 17:21

In the media tent
The first in a series of articles on the Climate Camp's media strategy. We will be exploring issues of working with the mass media, non-hierarchical communication and the use of independent media. This article is an interview with Isabel and Steven from the Camp's media team.

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Climate Action is Not Stupid

21-04-2009 15:36

Friday 24th April sees a busy day for anyone concerned about climate change and environmental issues in Nottingham.

The long awaited film, The Age of Stupid, opens at Broadway with the all day 'Nottingham Not Stupid Festival', whilst the Coal Caravan gathers at Sumac, West Bridgford launches their Green Streets Initiative, and all comes together for a Critical Mass Bike Ride.

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Urgent Appeal for Veggie Pride UK

21-04-2009 15:31

Veggie Pride UK will be a fantastic fun-filled festival and carnival procession in Birmingham City Centre on Sat 16 May 2009. The first event of its kind in this country, Veggie Pride UK will celebrate and promote compassionate, healthy, eco-friendly diets and lifestyles.
Midlands Vegan Campaigns, the grassroots group organising the event, are in desperate need of donations, fundraising and sponsors.

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Sizewell Camp and Demo

21-04-2009 09:50

No to New Nuclear Power - Yes to Decentralised Energy!

If you do not think nuclear power is the answer to climate chaos come and join us in the 2 day demo and camp this weekend.

Where - Sizewell A and B, Suffolk UK.

When - 25th April

Time -12 noon

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Secret Police intelligence passed to E.On

20-04-2009 11:09

Government officials handed confidential police intelligence about environmental activists to the energy giant E.ON before a planned peaceful demonstration.

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Blue NG offices in Bath occupied by 13 members of Action Against Agrofuels (AAA)

19-04-2009 09:59

AAA occupied Blue NG offices on Friday 17th, Via Campesina Day, in solidarity with millions of peasant land-workers demonstrating globally against agrofuels. Blue NG are committing a crime against humanity and the planet by using misinformation* to win support for the new market of agrofuel power stations, when virtually all agrofuels have been shown to cause ecosystem destruction, accelerated climate change & food poverty.