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UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive

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Forget shorter showers -- Why personal change does not equal political change!

01-06-2011 21:07

Would any sane person think dumpster diving would have stopped Hitler, or that composting would have ended slavery or brought about the eight-hour workday, or that chopping wood and carrying water would have gotten people out of Tsarist prisons, or that dancing naked around a fire would have helped put in place the Voting Rights Act of 1957 or the Civil Rights Act of 1964? Then why now, with all the world at stake, do so many people retreat into these entirely personal “solutions”?

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Transition and activism: a response

30-05-2011 22:27

This post is a response to Charlotte DuCann’s beautiful and heartfelt post over on the Transition Norwich blog arguing that Transition needs to more explicitly embrace activism.  It is wonderful to see, whether through that blog, through Transition Voice, or through the emerging social reporting project, new voices coming through in the Transition blogosphere.  Charlotte speaks powerfully to the split that some of those engaged in Transition feel, that they almost need to keep their activism ‘in the closet’ in order to remain engaged.  She states that she sees her post as a ‘working document’, and invites reflections, so here are a few of mine.

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Mass Seedbombing - Brighton Mound

30-05-2011 10:08

Seed-bombers gather at Brighton's Mound
More than 20 guerilla gardeners seedbombed the community garden they were evicted from recently in a show of defiance and creativity

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The Pipe

27-05-2011 15:31

Showings of the Pipe in Scotland

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Stop New Nuclear. Blockade of Hinkley Point on 3 October 2011

27-05-2011 15:06

Stop the next generation of nuclear power stations with a blockade at Hinkley Point. Join us at Hinkley on 3 October 2011.

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Flood Fire Wind - Climate Shift

27-05-2011 05:02

From The Weather Underground, Jeff Masters explains killer tornadoes, record floods, Texas drought, with an eye to the climate. From Climateprogress blogger Joe Romm on weather & climate, plus new science. Canadian wildfire expert Mike Flannigan on Boreal and Tundra fires.

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Stalls at Redditch Green Fair 2011

27-05-2011 01:11

The 6th annual, independent Redditch Green Fair takes place on Sat 4th June, in and around St Stephens Church, in the heart of the town centre. The following stallholders have confirmed so far. There's space left for many more stalls, so please get in touch if you're interested.

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Shell Belmullet office shut down again -join the continuous protests!

25-05-2011 20:49

Shell's Belmullet office was once again shut down by protesters to highlight the ongoing concerns by local residents and supporters about Shell's proposed Corrib gas project. This morning (wed 25th may) the blockade began at 7.30am and for 2 1/2 hours protesters were able to stop Shell workers entering the building. IRMS arrived around10am to end the blockade.

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The appeal of climate activists

24-05-2011 18:07

Supporters of the accused at the original trial
Twenty activists, many of them with long links to Oxford, have launched an appeal to challenge their convictions of conspiracy to commit aggravated trespass.

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Grand Elders Mayas, Xinca and Garifuna speak about 2012 and our future

23-05-2011 22:18

Shift of the Ages: The Maya speak
The Maya have taken center stage because many fear the supposed end date of their calendar marks the end of the world. Most of this information comes from non-Mayans and it is not accurate. Because of this the National Council of Elders Mayas, Xinca and Garifuna recently addressed the world. Their message is simple: “Our actions have created a world out of balance that must be rebalanced immediately in order for us to avoid more suffering…for humans and for all life.”

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Nick Clegg in Sheffield on 27th May!

23-05-2011 13:21

Public Meeting with Nick Clegg: The Big Climate Connection

27th May 2011 at 6.00 pm for 6:30 prompt start

The location is a secret and ID is needed to get in, can we call this a Police State yet?

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Rossport solidarity campers pull down Shell's fences

22-05-2011 14:00

Protester pushed to ground
Today at mid-day members of rossport solidarity camp walked onto shell land,
destroyed fences, and were forced to leave by violent IRMS security guards in the ongoing dispute over the corrib gas field.

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Invasion of indigenous land in Bolivia. Interview with an indigenous leader.

19-05-2011 21:25

An interview with Adolfo Moye, indigenous leader in the TIPNIS National Park, Bolivia. My translation from the Spanish. Find out how Evo Morales plans to trample through an indigenous territory and national park, and how oil and cocaine threaten the rainforest.

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20s plenty meeting – Monday 23rd May at 6pm

19-05-2011 15:39

20s Plenty Logo
There will be a 20s plenty for Sheffield meeting on Monday 23rd May at 6pm at 340 Glossop Road (just up the road from the Harley public house and the HSBC bank).

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Rocky's Road to Ratcliffe.

19-05-2011 14:47

An Interview with the Sheffield activist Rocky, recorded in February this year. In it he describes his experiences of the Ratcliffe arrests, trials and the Mark Kennedy involvement.

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UK Green Film Festival - 20th - 22nd may

19-05-2011 06:53

The UK Green Film Festival in London, Leicester, Leeds, Glasgow and Cardiff on May 20th - 22nd 2011.

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Fracking Myths Richard Heinberg

19-05-2011 05:59

After speaking in place of climate denier Exxon CEO, Richard Heinberg sticks a pin in the fracking natural gas bubble. No it won't save the climate from coal. In fact, fracked gas may be as dirty as coal, counting fugitive methane emissions. Heinberg interview, followed by speech except by David Hughes of Post Carbon Institute on the realities of natural gas production.

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Climate Capitalism

19-05-2011 05:45

"Climate Capitalism" book by founder of Natural Capitalism, Hunter Lovins. Launch speech by co-author Professor Boyd Cohen. A new business approach to climate change. Pokes some Sacred Cows, loaded with real-world details.

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The Mound - Brighton's latest community garden demolished

18-05-2011 21:08

From growing space to dereliction - What a fucking depressing site.
Once again a much needed green growing space in a city cenre is trashed to make way for more concrete steel and glass...

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Belmullet Shell offices shut down by campaigners.

17-05-2011 22:36

In response to Shell's AGM today in The Hague and London, the Shell to Sea campaign have shut down the Belmullet Shell office in protest against the on-going controversial Corrib Gas project. Shell will attempt to begin construction on the high pressure raw gas pipeline shortly despite a legal challenge by An Taisce and two local residents.

We call on all shareholders to disinvest.