UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive
Veggie Pride UK press release
12-05-2009 00:09

The 300-350 Show - Climate Safety
10-05-2009 20:06

Climate Camp secure court ruling on Kent Police bullyboy tactics at Kingsnorth
07-05-2009 07:32
The Climate Camp yesterday (6 May) won an important decision in the High Court on a challenge to the legality of searches carried out by police at the camp in August 2008, near Eon’s Kingsnorth Power Station, in Kent.Spoof stickers against rising fares on Leeds Buses.
06-05-2009 15:46

After their spoof of the local paper was so well received the people behind the Yorkshire Evening Pest have responded to yet another rise in the fares on First buses by producing stickers which helpfully inform passengers of both the rise in prices and what the company really thinks of them.
where are greenpeace when we need them most?
06-05-2009 09:38
they should be building a huge mobilisation of activists instead of lobbyingMAYDAY MAYDAY - Dissident Island Strikes Again!
05-05-2009 10:30

Live bands & performers at Veggie Pride UK
05-05-2009 01:55
Veggie Pride UK will be a fantastic, fun-filled festival and carnival procession. It`s taking place in Victoria Square, in the heart of Birmingham City Centre on Saturday 16 May 2009. It will be the first event of it`s kind anywhere in the UK! See
Euroflashmob: Europe United Against Airport Expansion
04-05-2009 09:36
Saturday 16 May 2009. The day of the Eurovision Song Contest.12 noon on the dot at Heathrow Terminal 1 Departures.
Join Heathrow Flashmobbers in a Europe-wide Flash Mob – taking place on the
same day at 6 airports across Europe.
Full article | 2 additions | 2 comments
Time's Up! Read it now for free.
03-05-2009 22:47

BP centenary protest, 6-7pm, British Museum, Wednesday May 6th
02-05-2009 13:26

6-7pm, Wednesday May 6th 2009
British Museum front gate, Great Russell Street, London WC1;
(Tott. Ct. Rd or Holborn tube)
Art Not Oil: 07709 545116;

Dissident Island Radio tonight!
01-05-2009 16:58

Bristol Coach to Veggie Pride - Saturday 16th May
01-05-2009 16:12
There are still some places left on the coach from Bristol to Veggie Pride:
Met blunders in MPA report
01-05-2009 10:34
The Metropolitan Police continue to obscure the truth about policing atthe G20, with several serious inaccuracies in a report they submitted
today, according to the Climate Camp Legal Team.
Vestas to close Isle of White Wind Turbine Blade Factory
01-05-2009 09:19
Closure is planned around the 30th July. Government are being pressured to stop this!The Coal caravan has arrived in West Yorkshire!
29-04-2009 16:23
The coal caravan is now in West Yorkshire and has visited Fairburn Ings which is threatened with open casting and Ferrbybridge power station which will burn the coal.Nottingham's April Critical Mass + Coal Caravan 2
29-04-2009 00:44

Nottingham's April Critical Mass + Coal Caravan 1
29-04-2009 00:40

United Community of Erris, Co Mayo, Remove Shell Nets.
28-04-2009 18:14

Following a cowardly and vicious attack in the dead of night by Shell mercenaries on Willie Corduff in the early hours of Thursday 23rd April 2009, members of the Erris community assisted by national supporters opposed to the Shell Corrib Gas Project, united at 3pm on Sunday 26th April to rid the Glengad beach and cliffs of Shell nets.
BBC report climate protestors at Westminster
27-04-2009 15:46
The BBC are reporting that protestors have glued themselves together around a statue in WestminsterClimate Rush locked on in HoC
27-04-2009 15:37
Four environmental protesters have glued themselves to a statue in the Houses of Parliament...