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UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive

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Guardian Bullshit: "You're either in the Gatwick camp or the Heathrow camp"

20-09-2007 11:37

Brendan O'Neill's dreadful article on the Guardian's "Comment is Free" site, In the other camp, ends with this conclusion:

So, are you a green or are you a supporter of completely free migration? Because it seems to me at least that you cannot be both. You're either in the Gatwick camp or the Heathrow camp. Make your choice.

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No War, No Warming, Rise Up!

20-09-2007 10:13

For months a movement has been developing that consciously and intentionally links the related issues of the war in Iraq/oil wars and the heating up of the earth that is disrupting the world’s climate. On Monday morning, October 22, in Washington , DC on Capitol Hill and elsewhere around the country, that movement will become visible as large numbers of people engage in nonviolent direct action to disrupt business as usual. We will be calling for an end to this criminal war and strong action to slow, stop and reverse global warming ( ).

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Nottingham's wind farm is approved

19-09-2007 15:32

Newark and Sherwood District council have approved the application for Lindhurst wind farm.

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Streets for People and sustainable mobility.

18-09-2007 07:44

European Mobility Week has started and will run until Car Free Day on the 22nd. Many towns and cities all over the world will be taking part, with walking and cycling events and including road closures to motorised traffic, so what about London?

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Save Tara: Roestown Site Invasion, 17/08/07

17-09-2007 21:41

Following the archaeologist blockade, the Save Tara activists and International Cultural Conservationists invaded the Roestown site to halt work.

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Rossport Solidarity Picket in Reading

17-09-2007 13:56

On Friday 14th September, Reading Grassroots Action and others from around Reading took part in a picket of a lcoal Shell garage. This picket was made in solidarity with the anti-pipeline/refinery community struggle taking place in Rossport, Ireland.

We protested for about an hour on the forecourt, giving out many leaflets to drivers. The Police arrived just as we left.

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The Student Climate Project Launch Gathering Nov 30/Dec 2

17-09-2007 13:16

An exciting new student activist project is being launched later this year. The “Student Climate Project” is being set up by students to contribute to the building of a mass student anti-climate change movement. What sort of action do you want to take on Climate Change? Is there any issue that is more important? Students have driven social change in the past. Now we must rise to the greatest challenge humanity has ever faced.

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Cut The Carbon

17-09-2007 12:59

Well, Christian Aid’s notorious ‘Cut The Carbon’ march made it to Bath on Sunday the 16th, as promised. They rolled in to the Abbey Courtyard around 4.40pm or so, around 20 marchers, and 5 reps from Bath Activist Network went to greet them, along with 4 Bath Greenpeacers plus stall, 3 Bath Quakers, a large local Christian Aid banner and various local dignitaries.

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Big Green Gathering in crisis and in need of support

17-09-2007 12:41

The Big Green Gathering is in danger of financial collapse and urgently needs to raise funds to be able to stay in business.

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Nottingham's first wind farm - decision tomorrow!

17-09-2007 10:53

On Tuesday 18th Sept at 3pm Newark and Sherwood Planning committee will decide on Nottingham's first wind farm (the first 2 applications for wind farms in Nottingham have been rejected). The Planning Inspector has recommended an APPROVAL for this site which is very good news.

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Shell to Hell, Leeds Banner Hang

15-09-2007 14:56

Stop Shell Hell in Ireland
Yesterday morning at 8am, a banner was hung over the A58 /Leeds Inner Ring Road in solidarity with the day of action against Shell's plans for a gas pipeline & refinery in Mayo, Ireland.

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Wind Turbines: Practical uses in Nottingham Area 3

15-09-2007 12:14

Having attended the V3 Wind Turbine Workshops a couple of weekends ago [links below], I thought I'd check out some other examples of wind turbines uses, in and around the Nottingham area.

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Wind Turbines: Practical uses in Nottingham Area 2

15-09-2007 12:08

Having attended the V3 Wind Turbine Workshops a couple of weekends ago [links below], I thought I'd check out some other examples of wind turbines uses, in and around the Nottingham area.

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Wind Turbines: Practical uses in Nottingham Area 1

15-09-2007 12:03

Having attended the V3 Wind Turbine Workshops a couple of weekends ago [links below], I thought I'd check out some other examples of wind turbines uses, in and around the Nottingham area.

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Rossport solidarity demo in bristol

15-09-2007 10:58

Bristol Rising Tide do a solidarity demo at a Shell garage on the day of international action.

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‘Lancet’ report, meat = environmental threat!

14-09-2007 22:02

Lancet medical journal report highlights ‘meat footprint’ issue.

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NW road news - successes & dangers

13-09-2007 12:54

summer NW road buiding news (from Roadblock) - Stockport bypass refused, but...; Heysham M6 & MottramTintwistle bypass inquiries

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Tara Video action

12-09-2007 22:45

More video from Tara Defence

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Global Actions Against Heavy Industry

12-09-2007 14:55

Today, people in South Africa, Iceland, Trinidad, Denmark and America are protesting against heavy industrialisation. This is the first coordinated event of a new and growing global movement that began at the 2007 Saving Iceland protest camp in Ölfus, Iceland. The common target of these protests against heavy industry is the aluminium industry, in particular the corporations Alcan/Rio-Tinto and Alcoa.

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FoE members vote for more honesty regarding meat/dairy devastation

10-09-2007 19:12

At the annual Friends of the Earth conference, local group members have voted strongly in favour of a motion drafted by Redditch Vegetarians & Vegans! The motion called for FoE to publish detailed information regarding the massive environmental impact of meat/dairy production, therefore allowing the general public to make an informed choice about their diet.