UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive
Polar Bear on the Climate Camp site
17-08-2007 16:37

Funny video of mainstream media at the Climate Camp
17-08-2007 16:31

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Campaigners Occupy XL Airways Offices in Crawley
17-08-2007 15:49
16:30 Friday 17th August 2007Ten campaigners have just occupied the offices of XL Airways, a private charter company based in Crawley. One person is locked on inside the building and others are inside leafleting workers.
Pics of Biggin Hill blockade
17-08-2007 14:57

Local Scouts visit Climate Camp + other photos
17-08-2007 14:38

One group was a local scout group with some of them doing their environment badge. They came for a tour around the infrastructure including the solar showers, compost toilets, solar panels, wind generators and power providers, the indymedia computer tent and rinky dink the pedal powered bicycle sound system. Living locally their homes are under threat from the Heathrow airport expansion.
Climate Camp YouTube videos
17-08-2007 14:18
Easily viewable flash vdersion of climate camp video uploaded to Indymedia.More pics from today's DfT protest
17-08-2007 13:42

Going Green- Climate camp takes place.
17-08-2007 13:14
From the 13th to the 21st of August 2007, a climate change camp took place in Heathrow to protest about the changes of climate and global warming. Environmental activists have been protesting together, on the issue of the increasingly worrying climate change.Campers Glue on to DfT
17-08-2007 11:19

Smartly dressed campers arrived at the DfT just after 8am as workaholic transport fans were scurrying to their desks.
Five superglued themselves to he doors and two to each other, jamming the revolving doors shut whilst two more occupied the roof of the doorway with a sign reading "No Airport Expansion".
Climate Activists Blockade Department For Transport To Stop Airport Expansion
17-08-2007 10:00
Official press release follows ....Climate Camper Arrested Under Terrorism Act
17-08-2007 09:50

Climate Camp Portraits
17-08-2007 09:37

Heathrow Primary School pays us a visit.
17-08-2007 08:35

Climate fear for visiting birds
17-08-2007 07:42
Climate change is to blame for a drop in the number of some birds that visit Britain each winter, the RSPB says.climate camp clown action
17-08-2007 01:23

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Media Wars - Thursday at the Climate Camp
16-08-2007 20:57

Police use anti-terror powers against environmental protest
16-08-2007 20:41
The Camp for Climate Action got under way Tuesday amidst a major police operation and provocative “terror” stories in the media.Renewable Energy at the Climate Camp
16-08-2007 19:01

(i'll tidy up and caption the photos later)
Climate Camp 2007 - taking of the site saturday night.
16-08-2007 18:35

Video of blockade at Farnborough Airport
16-08-2007 17:00