UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive
Climate Camp Woman superglues herself to gate.
15-08-2007 00:25

Climate Camp Workshop Audio Interview - Mark Lynas and Airport Watch/HACAN
15-08-2007 00:11

We asked them to give us a quick run down of what their workshop was about:
Video of attempted mass police incursion onto climate camp site
14-08-2007 23:52

Copyright, some rights reserved. Available under the creative commons non-commercial, attribution, share-alike license. Non-commercial means DONT'T upload it to corporate video sharing sites!
Climate Camp Tuesday 14th - Personal Report
14-08-2007 23:43
Today was the first public day of the Camp for Climate Action just outside Heathrow. It also saw the early morning arival of some high winds and heavy rain. Undeterred more people have been arriving at the site throughout the day, with police stop and searches being at a much reduced level.Police attempt raid of Camp for Climate Action
14-08-2007 23:12

Climate Action, approximately thirty police, backed by officers in riot
gear, attempted to raid the camp. They entered the camp without warning,
carrying cans of what appeared to be CS gas.
With their hands in the air, protesters formed a human barrier and blocked
the police, before peacefully escorting them off the site.
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Stand off after police incursion at climate camp, tuesday evening.
14-08-2007 23:00

Phone rumors about Police raid of climate camp
14-08-2007 22:26
Phone rumors that have been going round this evening (14th) about Police raid of climate camp.. are inaccurate, as you can see from the news ticker and has been confirmed to me by people in the camp itself.more photos of climate camp 2007 on Monday
14-08-2007 18:15

E-on climate greenwash in Market Square
14-08-2007 17:01
Power company E-on had a stall in the Market Square today...promoting "climate care"!Middle England judges the Climate Camp protesters
14-08-2007 15:58
Middle England, reflected by the readers of the Daily Mail have spoken. According to these greatly educated and insightful observers, the Climate Camp protesters are typically louts, scroungers, and law breakers who should be dealt with by force, intimidation and benefits assessments.preparation climate camp 2007 at Sipson, Heathrow
14-08-2007 11:55

Climate Camp - indymedia seems quiet today...?
13-08-2007 22:12

Sadly indymedia was a casualty of the heavy, illogical and indiscriminate policing operation surrounding Climate Camp, and Sipson village in particular. The satellite truck and its power supply were caught up in a massive and pointless traffic jam.
Heathrow Airport, climate chaos, and services to the animal industry
13-08-2007 19:01
An opportunity to contact Heathrow and BAAClimate Camp at 1.30pm
13-08-2007 12:52
Phone report from the climate camp site at 1.30pm:
There are now about 300 people on site. The atmosphere seems to be relaxed, although vehicles are still not allowed in, and people are only allowed to enter the site from the Sipson end. Police are strolling around the site accompanied by campers taking notes onf clipboards. People are being searched on both ends. Lots of media vans are parked near the main entrance, including many tv crews and three satellite vans. Generator x is stuck outside the camp.
The building of infrastructure has slowed down due to the police blockade. Wheelie bins are being used to bring stuff in, the media is very interested in that. People are laying a pipe for water but currently, they have to carry it in. However, without vehicles, it is impossible to get marquees onto the site, which are needed to hold workshops and meetings.
Are cops being allowed to stay on site?
13-08-2007 11:58
Can someone at camp confirm whether the following article is true
Residents, artists unite to celebrate villages threatened by Heathrow
12-08-2007 22:39

This weekend local residents of Harmondsworth and Sipson, villages both threatened by the proposed third runway at Heathrow, joined artists and climate change activists in a celebration of their homes and local history.
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FIT Watch at Climate Camp
12-08-2007 18:42
FIT Watch will have an active presence at Climate Camp from Tuesday morning both at Staines Station and the camp itself.We are also hoping to form a rota of people to stand outside camp trying to prevent FIT from taking photos, and adding to our own database of police photos.
Please help us and get involved – let’s show we will not accept their repressive policing.
We will have a workshop on Tuesday at 4:30pm at the camp to set up a rota. This workshop will also deal with the legalities of dealing with FIT Teams and will discuss how we can resist them in the future.