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UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive

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Campaigning On The Edge Of Society

10-09-2007 13:48

What does it matter whether a campaign changes the world, so long as the intentions are good? Well, yes, it matters a hell of a lot. Set your sights low enough and reaching them is easy; set them high and you might have to risk your life to get there.

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Birmingham International Airport: A 'greenwash' on climate change?

10-09-2007 12:42

Original analysis that questions some of the climate science behind Birmingham International Airport's claim to 'sustainability', ahead of the forthcoming release of its 'master plan' that will outline the airports strategy for expansion.

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APEC meeting: Sydney Declaration a Climate Distraction

08-09-2007 17:17

APEC Leaders Fashion Statement
While thousands of people protested in the streets of Sydney about the war in Iraq, climate change, and civil liberties, the 21 APEC leaders made a fashion statement on the steps of the Opera House, before meeting inside and signing the Sydney Declaration - a statement on climate change, that is being widely criticised by environmentalists and climate activists.

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15th October - Nationwide Day of Local Action against Royal Bank of Scotland.

07-09-2007 14:29

Inspired by Climate Camp for Climate Action 2007? Don't wait till next year to take part in collective direct action ... the 15th October has been called as a Nationwide Day of Local Action against Royal Bank of Scotland.

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Save Tara: Blockading the archaeologists

06-09-2007 21:42

Friday 17 August, the International Culture Conservationists joined the Save Tara campaign in a human blockade to stop the construction company-backed archaeologists from entering the site.

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Video: APEC Climate Action at Loy Yang Power Station (Australia)

06-09-2007 00:47

On Monday September 3rd 2007 activists shut down down part of the Loy Yang power station in Gippsland's Latrobe Valley to coincide with APEC leaders meeting in Sydney. The protest aimed to highlight the inaction on climate change by APEC member governments. A range of cilmate actions have happened across Australia over the past several days.

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Tara Tara Tara- 'avinit new film on schmovies.

05-09-2007 17:05

A film of recent Tara activity from an activist recently returned-WATCH IT NOW.

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Save Tara: Protestors Walk The Line, Direct Action Halts Construction

04-09-2007 20:05

Thursday 16 August, protestors walked the route of the M3 motorway to view what destruction of the ancient sites in Tara Valley have already disappeared. Then they decided on a little direct action.

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Finningley Airport Climate Camp, Update and Photos

04-09-2007 12:47

Finningley Climate Camp 1
Photo's from yesterday's action at Finningley "Robin Hood" Airport and an update on the outrageous police response. 11 hours in the cells for giving out leaflets!

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The Canadian toothpick and the US president

04-09-2007 01:54

He was STANDING on the sands of Irak. Like, that's going to happen to the entire planet if humans don't curb their gas guzzling and their fantastic way to consume the resources of our world.

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The Hidden Cause of Climate Change

03-09-2007 23:29

Taking a look at an often-overlooked part of the environmental threat to our planet, this is an essential issue for all environmentalists.

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Tara week of action

03-09-2007 20:17

Action Stations Tara Sept 1-7th

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Yorkshire Development Agency given a lesson about flooding

03-09-2007 18:57

Yorkshire Forward, Yorkshire's Regional Development Agency which famously starves grass roots community initiatives of funds whilst giving millions to big business, today held a flooding "summit". The summit was closed to local people, and attempted to airbrush climate change from the story. Locals turned up anyway to make the truth known.

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V3 Wind Turbine Workshops 2

03-09-2007 18:04

V3 Power build small wind turbines and run courses teaching people how to make their own turbines. They put a couple up at various events, to inspire folks to get involved with such alternatives.

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V3 Wind Turbine Workshops 1

03-09-2007 17:55

V3 Power build small wind turbines and run courses teaching people how to make their own turbines. They put a couple up at various events, to inspire folks to get involved with such alternatives.

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Aviation and Climate Change - a short interview during the Climate Camp

03-09-2007 17:10


During the Climate Camp I spoke with someone from Plane Stupid, a group who has been campaigning on issues surrounding the aviation industry and its disasterous effects on Climate Change. Here is a short interview with explains why we should campaign on the aviation-climate change link. Download below or play the stream.

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Australia: Coal Power Station shut down in APEC climate protest

03-09-2007 02:06

Activists have shut down power generation at the Loy Yang power station in Gippsland's Latrobe Valley in Victoria on Monday morning for five hours, as a protest against inaction on climate change by the Australian Government of John Howard, and policies that maintain the coal power industry and its contribution to climate change at the expense of developing renewable energy production. The action was undertaken to send a message to APEC leaders to take real action on Climate Change and the Kyoto protocol.

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Tara: March to Navan, 15/08/07

02-09-2007 23:38

A short video of a march to Navan, the closest town to the Tara Valley, to drawn public awareness to the destruction of Irish National Heritage.

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Tara M3 Legal Challenge update

01-09-2007 02:25

Campaigners at Tara M3 Ireland Legal update.

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On the Fires in Greece

31-08-2007 14:17

Who is Burning Greece?