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UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive

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Roadblock stops Shell in Co. Mayo, Ireland for over 5 hours

08-03-2012 20:46

Lock-on blocking Shell's haulage route
Despite heavy sentencing in Belmullet district court two weeks ago, people continue blocking roads to halt Shell's Corrib Gas Project in Co. Mayo, Ireland.

At 7.30am on Thursday 8th March, a group of people from the Rossport Solidarity Camp blocked Shell's haulage route between Ballinaboy refinery and Shell's tunneling compound in Aughoose. They set up a concrete lock-on which two people inserted their arms into, making it very difficult for police to remove them.

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Anti Shell, Greenwash Flash MOB

29-02-2012 22:26

Anti Shell/Greenwash action tomorrow evening 1st March 5pm

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Free the Climate Scientists!

29-02-2012 18:51

Dr. John Mashey investigates the right-wing billionaires & corporations who pay alleged "charities", bloggers, and old weathermen to deny climate science. Then Canadian journalist Margaret Munro on government muzzling scientists, plus an update from Union of Concerned Scientists Francesca Grifo on science freedom in U.S.

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Today is just another day of destruction

28-02-2012 21:57

Today could have been a day to celebrate. Today is the deadline for proposals as set out in at the Durban COP for increasing the level of ambition on international co-operation on climate change. Instead, a silence broken only by the drum beat for war and destruction of our planet by the world's elites.

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BP’s Olympic branding defaced throughout London

26-02-2012 13:13

King's Cross
23rd February – For Immediate Release
Today hundreds of BP signs across London were targeted by activists protesting against the company’s role as ‘Sustainability Partner’ of the London 2012 Olympic Games. Around the capital, protesters hit petrol stations, advertising hoardings, and BP-sponsored cultural institutions[1], disfiguring hundreds of the famous BP ‘sunflower’ logo. Advertisements with the company’s Olympic strapline ‘fuelling the future’ were altered with the addition of three asterisks to make ‘f***ing the future’.

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Woman Covered in Oil at Waitrose in Protest over Shell

23-02-2012 16:11

A Climate Rush campaigner dressed in an intricate shell themed dress has had oil poured over her in protest against the partnership between Waitrose and Shell that has seen two Waitrose stores open on Shell forecourts as well as joint marketing campaigns.

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AAAS Hot science (and anti-science)

23-02-2012 05:29

NASA's Dr. James Hansen: we are heading into a new climate age, not seen for millions of years. Author/science writer Chris Mooney explains the brain and psychology of climate deniers, and the Right in general. No, they are not like us. 2 great talks recorded at the American Academy Advancement of Science meeting 2012.

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Special Sitting in Ireland for Rossport Campaigners

20-02-2012 00:11

Stop criminalising our community
On Monday February 20th the Belmullet courthouse in Co. Mayo, Ireland will be full of campaigners opposing the Corrib Gas Project. Nineteen people are facing 80 charges between them for civil disobedience, and this week has been set aside as a special sitting for the campaigners.

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Fracking Survey Plane in the skies over the North Coast

19-02-2012 23:54

The prospect of fracking in the North Coast comes one step closer. Join the No To Fracking campaign!

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Taking on Tarmageddon

18-02-2012 17:29

The busy bees at Oxford based Campbell Road Productions have finished editing the Taking on Tarmageddon film.

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16-02-2012 04:52

Maybe we need a big burst of methane to get real climate action. Recent Russian expeditions to the Eastern Siberian coast find plumes of methane into the atmosphere. Is it worse than our own oil and coal pollution? I ask three top climate scientists: oceanographer Carlos Duarte, ice expert Peter Wadhams, and carbon-meister David Archer.

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Carbon industry funds climate-sceptic research

15-02-2012 10:54

Leak exposes how Heartland Institute works to undermine climate science

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No carbon budget for Trident and no plans for co-operation on climate change

14-02-2012 18:01

Trident Submarine
If we allow business as usual to continue, the planet will not be habitable by 2050 and the only people left will be the crews of the Trident submarines. We must not let the military industrial complex to continue to profit from irresponsible suppression of public debate.

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Directions to the new camp at Hinkley Point power station

13-02-2012 15:15

Directions to new Hinkley camp
Directions to the new camp at Hinkley Point power station

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Troubled Over Bridgwater

07-02-2012 17:27

Three anti-nuclear activists have occupied trees at the site of a proposed nuclear power station near Bridgwater in Somerset

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Action to re-occupy the ZAD

06-02-2012 23:52

Poster for Reoccupation Action (in French)
A reoccupation action is being planned in case of an eviction at the ZAD, near Notre-Dame-des-Landes in France: To re-plant and rebuild against the construction of the airport: Vinci get out! Not here, not Khimki, not anywhere! Meet on the 4th Saturday after the first eviction with your pitchforks, tools, beams and camping gear. Although we don't know when the troops will be sent in, we are launching this call-out now to be able to create a massive rapid reaction.

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Forever Planting (for Peak Oil & Climate Change)

01-02-2012 05:08

How will we grow food as oil dwindles, and climate changes? Wes Jackson of the Land Institute speech at ASPO 2011 finds a way. Plus critique of soil carbon solutions and biochar by Australian scientist Dr. Michael Raupach of CSIRO.

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Fuel protesters storm British Gas headquarters

30-01-2012 10:46

A group of activists has successfully evaded security and got inside the headquarters of British Gas.

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Nuclear energy fat cats EDF Energy targeted for fuel poverty days of action

28-01-2012 09:03

Anti-nuclear campaign group Boycott EDF targeted the UK headquarters of EDF Energy in central London this Friday at lunchtime as part of the national days of action called by the Climate Justice Collective’s Fuel Poverty Action campaign.

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Eviction at St Paul's delayed while Court of Appeal considers the evidence

28-01-2012 00:49

The Court of Appeal has ruled there can be no eviction at St Paul's protest camp until Tuesday 31 January at the earliest while the judges consider the evidence presented by Occupy London and the eco-warriors.