UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive
Activism & Social Change Seminars @ University of Leeds
30-01-2009 23:35
++++ 2009 SEMINAR SERIES ++++All @ Geography Lecture Theatre, East Building

No need to book.
Wine reception and book sales will follow each seminar
Q&A : Water Pushed to the Limit
30-01-2009 14:12

Unite backing Heathrow Expansion
29-01-2009 19:46
Unite the union claim, Heathrow expansion is not detrimental to the environment. They claim the challenge is to expand without additional greenhouse gas emissions. Unite state that by placing an environmental cap on flights into Heathrow it forces the industry to invest in cleaner and quieter aircraft, the benefits of which go beyond UK airspace. They also say that the Heathrow expansion during Phase I of development means reducing stacking and queuing on the runways which could save an estimated 330,000 tonnes of CO2.A453 WIDENING
29-01-2009 16:51
The East Mids Highways agency has just publish details of a mjor road widening scheme between Nottingham, the M1 and East Midlands Airport.There is mention of Non-Motorist road Users (NMUs), but it is clearly not sufficent.
Rossport Solidarity Camp Speaking Tour -February 2009
29-01-2009 15:23
Come along and find out why we should all get ourselves over to Ireland this spring!People from the campaign are coming over to give talks & show films about the battle against Shell in Co.Mayo Ireland.
The Worlds largest pipe laying ship, the Solitaire is due back in Ireland this Spring.... find out how you can help stop it from destroying the community and environment.
Copenhagen Climate Summit:do we cheer them on, block them in or close them down?
29-01-2009 13:33
What? Mads and Sofie (Danish activists Klimax) will kick off a discussion about the movement to stop climate change.Greenpeace Lose The Plot
29-01-2009 12:51

North east regional opencast conference
29-01-2009 12:32

Joanna Lumley helps Jamie Oliver reveal state of our pigs
29-01-2009 09:42
"Sow stalls are like battery cages - intolerable cruelty to produce our food," says Joanna Lumley, patron of farm animal welfare charity Compassion in World Farming.Global Carbon Reduction Fortnight: 5-18 December 2009
29-01-2009 02:00
A proposal for everyone concerned by climate change and who wants tomake a difference... Please discuss, and forward widely!
An alternative to the current economic crisis
28-01-2009 19:03
A Public meeting and discussion with co-authors Caroline Lucas (South East Region MEP and Leader of the Green Party) and Colin Hines (Co-Director of Forum for the Future and former Head of Greenpeace International's Economics Unit).Thursday January 29, 7.30pm - Assembly Rooms, Oxford Town Hall
On the tracks to real change - 2nd COP15 planning meeting
28-01-2009 13:35
Invitation to the 2nd planning meeting in the International Climate Network, regarding protest and actions during the COP15 summit.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Climate Rush lock on to Parliment
28-01-2009 12:55

a large group of Suffragettes locked onto parliment today, in protest at the continued debacle over the expansion of heathrow airport.
Council payout to 'green' consultancy revealed
27-01-2009 00:22
HOW MUCH did Manchester Council pay for the limp and inadequate 'Call to Action' on climate change? And why hasn''t Manchester's mainstream media picked up on this?Letter from Jeff Luers - Taking Power
26-01-2009 22:09
Dear Friends,Below is a new article written by Jeff, focusing on the need for alternative
energy in our communities. Please take a moment to read it and forward or share
with others.
In addition, we want to wish everyone a Happy 2009! Less than one year from
now, Jeff will be free again. In the meantime, we've got lots of work to do
making sure that Jeff's transition is as easy as possible. Please continue your
letters of support to Jeff, and donations to Jeff's education and release fund
are constantly needed and greatly appreciated.
Thank you again for all your support and solidarity.
-Friends of Jeffrey Free Luers
Art Not Oil 2009 gallery up and firing
26-01-2009 17:51

Our 2009 online gallery - our sixth - is up and running, so
if you have something to submit, please send us a small-ish photo,
description or recording*.
Nicholas Stern Is A Dangerous Idiot
26-01-2009 17:47
Sir Nicholas Stern: market obsessed economist or environmental saviour? You could be excused for thinking the latter; so here's something that should make things a bit clearer.Activists take action “In Defence of Ancient Forests”
26-01-2009 14:55
Early this morning 15 activist under the banner of “In Defence of Ancient Forests” gathered outside the Australian High Commission, Australia House in London to protest the logging of old growth trees in Tasmania.Banners hung from trees read “End Old Growth Logging Now” and “Save Tasy Rainforests”
There where unnecessary amounts of police in the area but no arrests.
A copy of the World Heritage Crisis Report detailing logging in Tasmania has been handed to the Environment Minister.