Activism & Social Change Seminars @ University of Leeds
The Secretary | 30.01.2009 23:35 | Analysis | Climate Chaos | Culture | Sheffield
++++ 2009 SEMINAR SERIES ++++
All @ Geography Lecture Theatre, East Building
No need to book.
Wine reception and book sales will follow each seminar
All @ Geography Lecture Theatre, East Building
No need to book.
Wine reception and book sales will follow each seminar
++++ 2009 SEMINAR SERIES ++++
Monday March 2nd 5.30pm
Dr Nick Thoburn, Department of Sociology, University of Manchester.
'Weatherman: the militant diagram and the problem of political passion'.
Nick is author of 'Deleuze, Marx and Politics' (Routledge, 2003) and
will be talking about the militant Weather Underground movement which
emerged in early 1970s USA which he will use to problematising past and
contemporary activist subjectivities.
Tuesday 7th April 5.30pm
Chris Carlsson. San Francisco, USA.
'Nowtopia: How Pirate Programmers, Outlaw Bicyclists and Vacant-lot
Gardeners Are Inventing the Future Today'
Chris has been part of the radical activist scene in San Francisco for a
number of decades will be talking about his new book published by AK
Press last year. He will take us through a journey of the Nowtopians,
those people not prpeared to wait, but making the future right here and
Monday March 2nd 5.30pm
Dr Nick Thoburn, Department of Sociology, University of Manchester.
'Weatherman: the militant diagram and the problem of political passion'.
Nick is author of 'Deleuze, Marx and Politics' (Routledge, 2003) and
will be talking about the militant Weather Underground movement which
emerged in early 1970s USA which he will use to problematising past and
contemporary activist subjectivities.
Tuesday 7th April 5.30pm
Chris Carlsson. San Francisco, USA.
'Nowtopia: How Pirate Programmers, Outlaw Bicyclists and Vacant-lot
Gardeners Are Inventing the Future Today'
Chris has been part of the radical activist scene in San Francisco for a
number of decades will be talking about his new book published by AK
Press last year. He will take us through a journey of the Nowtopians,
those people not prpeared to wait, but making the future right here and
The Secretary
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