UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive
Four-figure police payout
10-11-2008 01:28
Oxford student recieves four-figure police payout for water bottle arrest debacleSolutions to economic & climate chaos: politics of self-interest or society?
09-11-2008 14:05
Many economies and livelihoods are dependent on discretionary spending. It's quite clear that following years of increases in employment and business creation, that there looks set to be an increase in unemployment and business failures, which will have an enormous impact on workers. What lessons can we learn from socialism, unity and positive and constructive environmental action in both dealing with the downturn and helping the climate and the proletariat alike?Full article | 1 addition | 26 comments
The Observer: Police warn of growing threat from eco-terrorists
09-11-2008 01:04
NETCU warns a 'lone maverick' eco-extremist may try to kill large numbers of Britons to help reduce Earth's population by 80 per cent. The Kingsnorth climate camp is affiliated to Earth First! - or so says the Observer.Veg*n Climate March - Sat 6 Dec 2008
08-11-2008 22:58

Join the Veg*n Climate March - Sat 6 Dec 2008

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video report - peasants fighting fumigation of monsanto pesticides in paraguay
07-11-2008 23:31
This is the tale of an emerging conflict between to totally different vision about agriculture. Filmed in paraguay, end of october 2008. It is a very very hot political issue in paraguay, but apparently doesn`t reach the international eye and ear. Yet.Stratford-upon-Avon Climate Change Film Festival
07-11-2008 20:41

The 300-350 Show: Ecuador
07-11-2008 12:06

Global day of action ( N15 ) Resisting Capitalism and it ' Financial and Ec
07-11-2008 11:31
Global day of action ( N15 ) November 15th 2008Resisting Capitalism and it ' Financial and Ecological ' crises during the G20
richest nations summit.
Other worlds are possible - A Grassroots Anti-Capitalist call for action.
E.ON Recruiters Targeted AGAIN - in Oxford
06-11-2008 19:18
Climate-trashing energy monsters E.ON continued their national recruitment tour with a stall at the Oxford Careers Fair today. They seemed miserable but not surprised when a group of local activists turned up too...Students Dying to Ditch Dirty Development
06-11-2008 18:18
Students from the West Midlands participated in a die-in against the Royal Bank of Scotland at the Graduate Recruitment Fair at the NEC in Birmingham. Protesters then had to deal with the usual security and police disproporionate and ad-hoc overreaction to the action, which for some was their first protest.Shelter to promote eco-towns
06-11-2008 17:07
Shelter has accepted one hundred thousand pounds of government money to promote eco-towns.Economic and Ecological Collapse:An Ecosocialist solution
06-11-2008 12:32
The article announces a meeting on the the above topic by Richard Greeman, a wellknown US Radical and HumoristOpen Meeting @ SoundBites Social Change Library
05-11-2008 23:23

Class, climate change and coal Conference. Sat 1st NOV
05-11-2008 15:06
This is the presentation given by a climate/environmental activist to the ConferenceFull article | 1 addition | 7 comments
Conference Report: Class, Climate Change and Clean Coal
05-11-2008 13:58
On the 1st November 2008 at the Bridge hotel in Newcastle upon Tyne; "the debate between the Unions and the climate camp". The event was organised by Dave Douglass on behalf of the NUM & Tyne & Wear IWW.Chomsky@80 tickets now available
04-11-2008 09:19
Tickets now available for Chomsky@80 day of workshops in Manchester on Saturday 29th NovemberStudents question RBS at Manchester Uni recruitment drive
02-11-2008 17:23

Local residents protest at Lodge Farm open cast site
02-11-2008 10:46

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Snow blankets London for Global Warming debate
31-10-2008 08:58
Snow fell as the House of Commons debated Global Warming yesterday - the first October fall in the metropolis since 1922. The Mother of Parliaments was discussing the Mother of All Bills for the last time, in a marathon six hour session.