UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive
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Germany: how to block a nuclear waste train in 3 easy days
18-11-2008 19:42

//some personal experiences at the Castor blockades, plus summary of actions
Report on the Community Climate Action Conference
17-11-2008 12:43

Climate suffragettes stormed the municipal city council!
16-11-2008 11:07

Target Atmospheric CO2: Where Should Humanity Aim?
14-11-2008 20:44

The Asian Brown Cloud: Global Climate Chaos and Tropical Glaciers
14-11-2008 17:16

Posted here with active links to sources:

Climate Change Bill - Final Showdown
14-11-2008 12:21

An Environmental Revolution is Required!
14-11-2008 03:47

People and Planet group formed in Falmouth
13-11-2008 18:57
A group of us are trying to form a People and Planet society in Falmouth. Although it will be affiliated with Falmouth and Exeter Students' Union, everyone regardless of whether they are a student are welcome to join.Climate Action : START HERE : 22 November 2008
13-11-2008 18:56

Climate Safety : Emergency Briefing : 27 November 2008
13-11-2008 18:12

Heathrow Decision Day Flashmob
13-11-2008 17:49
Stop Airport Expansion - Hoon's Not Listening12 noon (on the dot), Heathrow Terminal 5 Departures ('Security North' section)
on the first Saturday after the Government makes its decision on Heathrow expansion
(unless all forms of expansion are ruled out – see below).
Reveal your t-shirt and then pelt Transport Secretary Geoff Hoon with red sponges.
Climate Change & Violence : Workshop 1 : Climate Catastrophe : Where are we heading ?
13-11-2008 17:26
The Crisis Forum are starting their Workshop series on Climate Change & Violence tomorrow in Southampton : asking the question "Climate Catastrophe : Where are we heading ?"E.ON backs down in struggle for Kingsnorth
13-11-2008 16:55
National wave of student protest forces energy giant to abandonrecruitment tour
Anti-coal protests at graduate careers fairs around the UK have forced
E.ON to cancel the remainder of its recruitment tour. The energy company,
which is planning to build a new coal power station at Kingsnorth, Kent
[1], has seen at least seventeen of its careers events disrupted over the
last few weeks [2].
Mean Sea Level : Free London Screening of New Film
13-11-2008 16:11

Plane Stupid Protestors found guilty, judge gives a token gesture sentence
13-11-2008 14:46

Climate Activists and NGO’s furious at the Danish Government
13-11-2008 13:29
Danish governments plan to support countersummit with money taken from Development Aid.Climate Change and Sustainability Event Wed 19 November
13-11-2008 11:12
Transition Towns movement and climate change event in the East Midlands at Lincoln Agricultural Showground.Cambridge Holds Corporations to Account
12-11-2008 23:42