UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive
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Invitation:building support for action against climate change
06-12-2006 00:05
What can we do to support and encourage radical action against climate chaos?One of the follow-up meetings after the climate camp focused on what we
can best do to support action taking place on climate change. There will be another in Manchester on Dec 14th.
Climate chaos and aviation: giant issue -> giant letter
05-12-2006 15:13

Preview recorded for ResonanceFM, of Platform's new opera 'Andwhilelondon burns'
05-12-2006 01:12
Listen to an interview with James Marriot of Platform discussing his recent joint project with John Jordan an opera/audio walk entitled 'And While London Burns' "a soundtrack for the era of climate change".Interview recorded by Pennie Quinton for Resonance FM104.4

Road pricing dependent on make of vehicle
04-12-2006 17:57
Since road pricing in the UK is inevitable and the reasons are to deal with congestion and to limit carbon pollution damage it seem fair to have a charge for use of roads dependent on how environmental a vehicle is much like Livingstone's proposed pollution charge but with a pay per mile levy built in as well. This could limit the charge on those driving environmentally friendlier vehicles.Another Critical Mass success
01-12-2006 23:04

'An inconvenient truth’
29-11-2006 12:02
Straight away we can make a contribution to improve earth with tenthingstodoLicences For New Nuclear Power Stations Next Year?
27-11-2006 19:16
Blatant cut and paste of mainstream news article on french power company EdF's plans to seek a UK licence for new nuclear power stationsClimate Action - What Next? Meeting in Leeds Dec 6th
27-11-2006 13:34
The Camp for Climate Action, Yorkshire Neighbourhood re-group: Wednesday December 6th 7pm-9pm The Common Place, Leeds ( interested welcome
In the Pipeline
26-11-2006 13:09
pipeline protests respect wishes of landowner , to protect her from bullying police and national grid officials....Full article | 1 addition | 7 comments
Critical Mass Cyclists Arrested (Leeds)
24-11-2006 21:49
Leeds Critical Mass ends with two cyclists being assaulted by police and driven away to station.Peak Oil : High tide for an oil addicted world
24-11-2006 15:59
2006 has seen awareness of Climate Change reach new levels and those who have said for so long that something should be done to reduce CO2 emissions are seeing action slowly – perhaps too slowly – beginning to happen.The incredible levels of CO2 in the Earth’s atmosphere are a result of the massive explosion of the human population in the 20th century and the resulting use of resources – especially the burning of fossil fuels –due to our rising living standards and expectations.
East Mids Climate Camp Meeting
24-11-2006 14:35

First victory for Trebanos protestors at LNG pipeline
23-11-2006 10:50
In the face of concerted opposition from local people, the government has reversed its decision to allow the pipeline constructors to use explosives close to the village of Trebanos in South Wales.Student Sit-In Halts LSE Oil Baron Peter Sutherland's Lecture
22-11-2006 23:00

Ten Reasons to Block LNG in Wales
22-11-2006 12:11
Corporate greed and mindless materialism threaten to destroy the planet. Act nowPictures from the Shell Blockade Birmingham
22-11-2006 09:15

Safe Haven Pipeline demo update photos
21-11-2006 22:13

The Camp for Climate Action, Yorkshire Neighbourhood re-group
21-11-2006 18:23
Wednesday December 6th 7pm-9pm The Common Place, Leeds. All interested welcomeDigger attacked in Protest by Concerned Citizens
20-11-2006 13:35
Housing project in Cornwall targeted by protesters against urban sprawl