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UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive

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2nd London Vestas Occupation Solidarity Demo – Pix-&-Vidz

29-07-2009 08:32

A1. Vestas Occupation Solidarity Demonsration No.2, DECC, London – Tue 28 Jul 09
Dateline: Vestas Occupation Solidarity Demo No.2, Department of Energy & Climate Change, London, UK, 18:30, Tue 28 Jul 09 – On the eve of Danish wind energy corporation Vestas seeking an eviction order at Newport County Court, Isle of Wight, to turf out the Workers Factory Occupation which is opposing 625 green job redundancies, hundreds of people protested against the pathetic shoulder-shrugging inaction of Climate Change minister Ed Miliband.

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Vestas Solidarity Protest @ DECC, 28th July 2009

29-07-2009 02:00

Crowd massed opposite DECC
Demonstration called by Campaign Against Climate Change and RMT in support of workers occupying the Vestas wind turbine factory on the Isle of Wight outside Department for Energy and Climate Change in London.

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Vestas - The Fight Continues!

28-07-2009 10:42

The Vestas occupation continues - DEMONSTRATE in London TONIGHT, 6pm outside the Department for Energy and Climate Change, off Whitehall.

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The 300-350 Show: Arctic Special - part two

27-07-2009 11:14

Report back from the Indigenous Peoples' s Global Summit on Climate Change; how to stop the Arctic resource rush; the Arctic's place in the climate tipping point story; oil company attempts to buy-out local opposition to drilling.

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El Desierto Verde - The Green Desert (Biofuels in Colombia)

27-07-2009 00:29

An account of taking part in an international mission of verification about biofuels in Colombia 1st-11th July 2009 - a week in Valle de Cauca and the north of Cauca where sugar cane is grown extensively and processed into ethanol for use as a biofuel.

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Climate Change: a year from now

26-07-2009 11:15

On Tuesday August 4th, the people of Greater Manchester have an opportunity
to come together to share knowledge and ideas about Climate Change and what
to do about it.

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Action at Vestas - TOMORROW

24-07-2009 20:27

Non-violent direct action at the Vestas plant - callout for as many activists as can make it, TOMORROW.

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Solidarity protest at Vestas UK HQ in Warrington - Sat 25th July

23-07-2009 22:51

Create Green Jobs - Don't destroy them
Support the Vestas Occupation
Solidarity protest at Vestas UK HQ in Warrington

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Save Vestas Blades - London Rally Report

23-07-2009 09:38

People spell out 'SAVE VESTAS' outside DECC
A protest was held on Wednesday Evening, 22 July 2009, outside the offices of the Department of Energy & Climate Change in Whitehall Place calling for the Government to take action to preserve green jobs at Vestas Blades, manufacturers of wind turbine blades based on the Isle of Wight.
Pictures copyright (C) 2009, Peter Marshall, all rights reserved.

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Pix-&-Vidz of Vestas Occupation Solidarity Demo - Wed 22 Jul 09

22-07-2009 23:47

A1. ‘Victory to the Vestas Workers Occupation’ Solidarity Demonstration
Dateline: ‘Victory to the Vestas Workers Occupation’ Solidarity Demonstration, Department of Energy and Climate Change, No.3 Whitehall Place, London, UK, 18:00, Wed 22 Jul 09 – Scores of sane people protest against the insanity of the UK’s first ever Energy and Climate Change Minister Ed Miliband spouting pious promises on greenhouse gas emissions reductions in Parliament while allowing the UK’s only wind turbine factories to be scrapped on a bosses’ bean-counting whim.

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22-07-2009 16:26

2 events in London to show solidarity with workers occupying Britain's only wind turbine factory, their families and community & the planet

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Vestas situation update - two arrests; mass walk-in gets food to occupiers

22-07-2009 14:41

A mass walk-in by the protestors outside the Vestas plant got food to the 20 workers occupying the upper storey. Two climate activists have been arrested on dubious grounds related to the effort to get past the police blockade set up to prevent protestors taking food to the occupiers.

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The 300-350 Show: Arctic Special - part one

22-07-2009 11:39

The first of two episodes featuring Jess Worth – a co-editor of New Internationalist - who has recently finished editing an issue of the magazine focusing on the Arctic which uncovers the largely untold story of how climate change is impacting already on indigenous peoples and how they are fighting back.

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Vestas Workers Speak Out

21-07-2009 12:23

A statement released by the workers in occupation at the Vestas wind turbine blade factory in Newport, on the Isle of Wight.

Demo outside the factory 5pm today!

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VESTAS Plant Occupied- they need you

21-07-2009 09:44

URGENT! Vestas plant occupied

Around 150 have occupied the Vestas plant on the Isle of Wight. Their brave stand needs urgent support now. All 600 workers at the factory face redundancy. The factory is the largest employer on the island.

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Support the Vestas factory occupation - what you can do

20-07-2009 22:07

Workers at the Vestas wind turbine blade plant on the Isle of Wight have occupied their factory in Newport in an attempt to prevent its closure, which was scheduled for the end of this month. Their brave fight in is an example of what workers can do when they get together and take militant action to save jobs and sustainable industries.

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Camp For Climate Action 27 Aug - 2 Sept

20-07-2009 21:08

27 August - 2 September, London

With the city lights in sight, you pitch your tent alongside thousands of others. Another future emerges from the ground.
Welcome to the Climate Camp.

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Vestas Factory OCCUPIED

20-07-2009 19:58

Save Vestas - Defend Jobs, Save the Planet - Support the Occupation
Workers at the Vestas Wind Turbine factory on the Isle of Wight have JUST NOW occupied their factory. They are fighting for 600 jobs and the future of the planet. They need help now.