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UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive

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25 mins of climate camp interview audio - thursday

16-08-2007 16:53

Audio of random interviews from the climate camp snaffled off of someone's video camera.

Rough and ready not fully edited.

mp3 96kbps mono

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Eye in the sky surveillance at climate camp

16-08-2007 15:31

Thurs 16th - a police helicopter drones overhead circling the camp while since the morning a large crane / cherry picker has had cctv cameras mounted on it and hoisted high over the camp.

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Climate chaos action at Bristol airport today

16-08-2007 14:39

Climate chaos action at Bristol airport today:
Endangered gorilla in last stand shock!

An endangered gorilla has been sighted outside Bristol airport this afternoon on top of the towering monument to progress on the roundabout. The clearly agitated creature is reportedly attempting to swat planes out of the sky as some sort of protest against climate chaos. Photo opportunity from 3:30pm. More details to follow…

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Indymedia centre at Climate Camp

16-08-2007 12:55

Couple of pics of the IMC public access terminals at the climate camp.

The tent is open for a total of four hours a day, over two main time slots and is running on a mixture of wind and solar power.

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CLIMATE CAMP - happy days are here again!

16-08-2007 12:50

Putting the wind up a clown!
To read the news coming out of Climate Camp you'd think it was all doom and gloom. Police blockade roads, supplies have to be carried along the lane, police invade the site, police set up traps and police lead campers into the injunction zone.

There's a thread running here of course, and it's that the cops and their bosses are doing their very best to intimidate the camp and depress the mood.

Well I'm delighted to report they're failing miserably. Everything they throw at us brings us closer together.

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Our nearest friendly neighbours having to deal with police oppression

16-08-2007 10:13

Biggin up the local Sikh temple next door to the Climate Change camp

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Business flights blockaded by climate activists

16-08-2007 08:04

Two independent groups of campaigners from the Camp for Climate Action
have this morning stopped carbon-intensive private jets fom operating at
two airports in the south east.

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Four horsemen arrive at Terminal 4 to coincide with Climate Camp

16-08-2007 03:50

Four drivers from the Meltdown Chauffeur Agency went to Heathrow Terminal 4 as requested by their clients and waited patiently for them at the Arrival gate.

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Carry on climate camping

15-08-2007 22:48

Grounded: protesters dressed as cabin crew Photograph: Steve Parsons/PA
Carry on climate camping
Peter Lockley
August 15, 2007

Direct action may undermine public support for the protesters at Heathrow, but somehow the message about more flights needs to get through.

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Police cause holiday havoc - and blame protesters

15-08-2007 21:09

Within minutes the road is blocked
"Local residents will stage a protest against airport expansion at Hatton Cross this afternoon" read the Climate Camp noticeboard. "Main Gate - 3.30"

Nobody can say who wrote it. Spokespersons for the two local protests organisations deny all knowledge and NoTRAG were even concerned that people might wear their stickers.

But it did result in 60 or 70 people leaving the camp to give support.

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Climate Camp Pics

15-08-2007 20:52

Some images from the climate camp

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Climate Camp Demonstrators Block Road to Heathrow

15-08-2007 20:40

Police fumble aids climate camp demonstrators block road to Heathrow airport

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Police force climate camp march to Heathrow airport and block A4...

15-08-2007 19:49

Just a quick report to say that today a small march of around 80 people left from the climate camp to support a local demonstration against heathrow expansion. They were very quickly surrounded by over one hundred police - having just left the camp this happened in what could be called a side street - then quite inexplicably the police forced the group down several streets towards the airport. Still penned in on all side by police, they were then forced across the main A4 road (which police closed for some time before forcing the people across it) and then right up to the security fence of Heathrow where they were held for over one hour.

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Awaiting the Four Horsemen

15-08-2007 18:36

Four drivers from the Meltdown Chauffeur Agency went to Heathrow on 14th Aug 2007.

(to neatly coincide with Climate Camp)

As requested by their clients they waited patiently for them at the Arrival gate.

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USA climate camps - reports, actions & messages to the UK

15-08-2007 14:23

USA climate camps - reports, actions & messages to the UK
Links to action reports, a 10 min film of video messages & actions images from the USA and a few messages sent in by email from The East Coast USA climate camp, Save Happy Valley - New Zealand, The Yes Men, The Earth First! Journal, Rising Tide Newcastle - Australia, Huon Valley Environment Centre -Tasmania & Everglades Earth First! - Florida.

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Video of police trying to remove super-glue women from climate camp gate

15-08-2007 12:41

Video clip in MP4 H264 low res 320 x 240. 2 mins 30 secs. Approx 4mb.
Use VLC ( to view.

Made available under creative commons non-commercial, attribution, share-alike license.

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Climate Camp workshop: Wales LNG Pipeline

15-08-2007 12:31

After two days of setting up the site and running around dealing with the police and mainstream media, the workshops at the Climate Camp began yesterday.

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the end of the world show

15-08-2007 11:38

who needs another apocalypse?

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Plane Stupid barking up the wrong tree?

15-08-2007 10:07

Plane Stupid or just misguided? An essential piece of perspective from The
Independent regarding the real causes of the global carbon problem.