UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive
Fuelling Conflict: The Tar Sands and the Military Industrial Complex
20-11-2009 19:01

Reminder: Mainshill weekend of action and workshops
20-11-2009 16:00
Sat 28th Nov - Tues 1st DecRESIST new coal! Stop climate chaos!
With signs that the eviction may happen any minute, Mainshill Solidarity Camp need all the support they can get (see

Vestas Event tomorrow (sat): Push the Green Button-the Revolution is ON!
20-11-2009 08:31
The Vestas Occupation and continuing campaign caught the imagination of many labour and environmental activists. With Copenhagen coming up, the campaign is bringing together it's disparate elements... Gather in St James Square, Newport, Isle of Wight with friends, colleagues & family. Meet like-minds, swap ideas, and forge new connections for the challenges ahead. At 12 noon ex-Vestas workers who occupied their factory in July, lead the countdown and PUSH THE GREEN BUTTON as we declare the REVOLUTION... ON!N30 Global Day of Climate Action / 10 yrs since Seattle!
19-11-2009 22:29

Don't Nuke the Climate! - Sat 12 Dec, International Day of Action
18-11-2009 09:28
Organise an event locally for the Don't Nuke the Climate! International Day of Action on Saturday 12 December, and publicise widely!
US, China: no emissions cut (by Latuff)
18-11-2009 05:21

Preparing for a warm winter in Copenhagen: A guide to the COP15 protests
17-11-2009 17:55
Read the article at
This December the United Nations Climate Change Conference or COP15 will take place in Copenhagen, Denmark. Those organising the conference claim it aims to be a step towards the building of a ‘new global climate treaty’ in an attempt to tackle climate change.
Berlin and Prague through Seattle to Copenhagen
17-11-2009 15:18
If 1989 saw the birth of democracy and 1999 its coming-out party, then 2009 in Copenhagen will see its coming of age.‘End bloody oil!’ Indigenous women bring the fight against Tar Sands to Manch
17-11-2009 12:41
Three indigenous women from Canada are visiting Manchester as part of a 10-day UK tour to raise awareness about the Alberta Tar Sands. Dubbed ‘the most destructive project on earth’, the Tar Sands are devastating indigenous communities and driving global climate change.Voting Opens for Angry Mermaid Award for Climate Lobbying
17-11-2009 11:03

US and China free to pollute (by Latuff)
17-11-2009 02:43

The London Climate Camp presents: The Great Global Warm Up: day of workshops
16-11-2009 23:19
Day of workshops, debates, talks and more!Indigenous women accuse RBS and Treasury of funding 'bloody oil'
16-11-2009 14:57
Three Indigenous Canadian women will visit the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) London headquarters tomorrow to demand that they stop financing one of the world’s most polluting projects – the Tar Sands.Free Fruit Trees for Forest Fields
16-11-2009 14:47
FREE FRUIT TREES FOR FOREST FIELDS!We've got 100 fruit trees to plant in Forest Fields this winter, and we're looking for gardens to plant them in. So if you've got the space - and you don't need as much as you might think - get in touch.
Ratcliffe Power Station 'Climate Swoop' 3
16-11-2009 13:27

Ratcliffe Power Station 'Climate Swoop' 2
16-11-2009 13:20

Ratcliffe Power Station 'Climate Swoop' 1
16-11-2009 13:12

The 300-350 Show: Climate Justice Fast
15-11-2009 20:44

Copenhagen COP15 Logistics- addresses- Locations- accomodation
13-11-2009 02:22
This is a newsletter on the logistics concerning COP15, regarding what we know so far and what we are planning. Some things still haven’t been sorted out yet as bureaucracy in Denmark works very slow.