UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive
Banner Protest outside Biodiesel Expo in Newark
18-10-2007 18:31

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Oil Bank of Scotland London Protest and Rooftop Occupation
17-10-2007 18:46

Boycott Total petrol Now!!
17-10-2007 14:04
Britain is the worlds 2nd largest investor in Burma.Full article | 3 additions | 6 comments
BP Executive pied as Europe's largest BioFuels Event disrupted
17-10-2007 11:30
This morning a group of 15 climate change activists from protest group Food Not Fuel entered the BioFuel Expo & Conference taking place at the Newark Showground and took over the keynote speech. Oliver Mace, CEO of BP Fuels, the lead sponsors of the event recieved a cream pie in the face. Another campaigner was D-locked to the podium and various alarms were placed around the place. The hall was emptied and talks were canceled. There were no arrests.Treaclemail: don't put words into Gore's mouth, Justice Canute
16-10-2007 06:39
Realclimate weighs into row over judge's remarks on Al Gore filmBlount Inc. of Delaware trades with BURMA!
16-10-2007 03:40

Chartered Purveyors of woe and inaction?
16-10-2007 00:12
The RICS' formidably long payback times for home energy efficiency measures: what were they getting at?Edinburgh University Climate Campaigners Target RBS (Updated)
15-10-2007 21:55

Don't Bank On Oil In Bath
15-10-2007 21:06
here below is Bath's contribution to the RBS day of action.Photos from today's RBS action in Bristol
15-10-2007 19:20

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RBS round-up - 23 actions and counting!
15-10-2007 16:20

Triple whammy for RBS in Norwich
15-10-2007 15:13

Cambridge RBS action
15-10-2007 14:27

Climate Action at Royal Bank of Scotland: report, photos
15-10-2007 14:25

Royal Bank of Scotland Targeted for Investing in Climate Change
15-10-2007 14:12
A group of activists leafletted the Royal Bank of Scotland in Broomhill, Sheffield as part of a National Day of Action. Over 20 actions have taken place all around the country including banks being locked up in Norwich and polar bears blockading in Bristol. This is all part of a campaign against the Royal Bank of Scotland which invests heavily in oil and gas, which is accelerating climate change.Full article | 2 additions | 2 comments
Quick Update on Today's Oxford RBS Actions
15-10-2007 13:55
Full report with photos to hopefully follow soon, but here's a quick summary!Audio Report of Manchester Royal Bank of Scotland protest
15-10-2007 13:39

Rising Tide National Day of Action Against the Royal Bank of Scotland
15-10-2007 12:23

one arrest at Royal Bank of Scotland banner drop this morning
15-10-2007 10:36

No Means No! Help Stop More Incineration In The UK
15-10-2007 10:22
OBJECT (AGAIN!) - SAY NO TO MORE INCINERATION!Yes, you've heard about these plans before, and yes, you objected so much they were thrown out by the Council.
But WRG have ignored this democratic decision and re-submmitted their plans to expand Nottingham's dirty Eastcroft Incinerator. Time for us to shout even louder...