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UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive

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A Report on Sizewell Camp 2012

25-04-2012 16:36

sizewell camp from the car park
The fourth annual camp at Sizewell nuclear power station took place from Friday 20th to Sunday the 22nd of April 2012. The aim of the camp is to make information available to local people about nuclear power, and to oppose the building of the two planned reactors, Sizewell C and D, and the dry fuel storage dump. The camp takes place in April to commemorate the Chernobyl disaster which occurred on 26th April 1986.

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Trouble, but NOT end of the world

24-04-2012 22:26

Economic collapse will come before peak oil or climate disruption, says investment guru Chris Martenson, author of "Crash Course". Matthew Stein, author of "When Technology Fails" - how a solar flare could cripple society & set off 400 Chernobyls, and how to fix it. Alex rants against 2012 mythology.

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Protesters take to the stage at RSC over BP sponsorship

23-04-2012 21:02

Chief Player (photo by Zoe Broughton)
Members of the “Reclaim Shakespeare Company” jump on stage and perform an anti-BP “guerilla Shakespeare” skit in front of theatre audience.

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The CDM in Africa Cannot Deliver the Money

19-04-2012 13:07

CDM Book Cover
At a time the carbon markets face a profound crisis, this report provides critical policy analysis and case documentation about the role of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) in Africa. Instead of providing an appropriate flow of climate finance for projects related to greenhouse gas mitigation, the CDM has benefited large corporations

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Fire! In A Crowded World

19-04-2012 03:38

Landscape fires appear to be increasing and more fierce. New wave of fires across N.E. North America in early April! Could UK drought bring more fire? Speech excepts from 3 fire experts recorded at 2012 American Academy for the Advancement of Science special session.

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First Declaration of the Hambach jungle

15-04-2012 13:26

The Forest is now squatted!

A part of the Hambach forest has been squatted in order to save it from the excavators send by the giantic energy coperation RWE digging up the coal.
Alongside a cultural happening/fair in the woods (Waldfest) „Wald statt Kohle“ Forest, not coal! the squatting commences. Even though the
Under the slogan „Forest, not coal!“ („Wald, statt Kohle“) a festivity is celebrated in the forest. Alongside that happening the squatting has started, though both activities remain independet of each other.
At the „Waldfest“ people from different groups meet up forming a broad coalition to get active in saving the Hambach Forest and stopping the extraction as well as the production of energy out of the fossil coal.
Hambach forest, near Cologne, shall be completly destroyed making space for the largest digged out hole in Europe „Hambacher Tagebau“ according to the plans of RWE.
During the festivity people get the chance of taking responsibility by godfathering their special tree thus protecting the trees their way(s).
By squatting we are also taking over responsibility godfathering our trees, protecting them our own way.

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Reasons to come to Brighton this week

14-04-2012 20:36

Brighton has many things going for it – sunny weather, a world famous (albeit slightly stoney) beach, a large LGBT scene, a vibrant squatting community (, the world's greatest free anarcho newsheet ( and much more. However this week there are even more reasons to head south with bikes, fascists & punk all vying for your attention.

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Protesters dragged out of BP AGM after board avoids uncomfortable questions

13-04-2012 13:39

Gulf Coast residents cut short by Chair, and environmental questions brushed aside before meeting disrupted by “die-in” protest

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Scandal of the Tar Sands

12-04-2012 03:22

A top Canadian scientist exposes a scandalous government cover-up of poisons moving from the Tar Sands to dying aboriginal people. David Schindler speech excerpts. Radio Ecoshock 31 min

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Worldwide Children's Revolution proposed to lead May Day protest marches

09-04-2012 16:59

The idea of the worldwide Children's Revolution on May Day is for the women and children in the environmental movement to lead the marches all over the earth, and show that the World Revolution is peaceful and will save humanity from being driven to extinction by the burning of fossil fuels.
The proposal for the worldwide Children's Revolution is for kids' marches to be at the front of all the protests during the global General Strike, and for everyone else to lend their support by displaying banners reading “CAN YOU SAVE THE HUMAN RACE?” to help ensure the survival of future generations.

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Energy, Climate and Cuts: A Fork in the Road

30-03-2012 22:45

We are living in a world where the effects of energy systems on society are becoming more crucial by the day and ignoring them will become more and more difficult. This statement while true is, in some ways, very misleading. It is not the case that energy has become more important to the functioning of society – it has always been one of the most important factors. However, the wave of extreme energy extraction methods that is sweeping across the planet, driven by rising energy prices and constrained supplies, is forcing similarly rapid changes in the world around us.

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Summer in March

28-03-2012 18:37

Alex investigates a heat wave in North America and Britain - in March! Guests Joe Romm of "Climate Progress" & Jeff Masters of "the Weather Underground". Plus University of Michigan Professor Raymond De Young on relocalization and mental survival. Includes a naughty song by climate scientists.

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Shell targeted in anti-greenwash stunt at international conference

27-03-2012 10:17

“No-one will want to listen to me after that!”

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Crisis of Civilization Podcast: #2 – Population, Climate Skeptics, Kony 2012

23-03-2012 10:55

Dean Puckett and Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed discuss population and why it isn’t a main focus in the film, have an in-depth chat about Climate Skepticism and dissect KONY 2012 – Enjoy !

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End:Civ film screening April 17th Wagon N' Horses Birmingham

20-03-2012 00:57

END:CIV film screening followed by talk with Director & Producer Franklin Lopez
When: April 17th, 7:00pm
Where: Wagon 'n Horses, 28 Adderley Street, Digbeth Birmingham, B9 4AD
Entry: Voluntary Donation

This culture will eat you alive
Fight back; resist & survive

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Ocean acidity increasing at unprecedented rate not seen in last 300 million years

13-03-2012 21:39

Correlation of CO2 in atmosphere, seawater and seawater pH (acidity)

In a new study marine scientists have warn that the rate of ocean acidification presently occurring is unprecedented in the last 300 million years. This is due to dissolving carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, much of which human activity has contributed over the last 200 years through the use of fossil fuels. The extent and rate of acidification enhances the prospect for a mass marine extinction event this century. Research in paleoclimatology and oceanography has revealed that anthropogenic climate change is driving Ocean Acidification threatening marine ecosystems.

Ocean acidification has been called the 'evil twin' of climate change with marine scientists warning climate negotiators in Durban of the necessity for climate mitigation action in December 2011, along with a statement on the IUCN website urging action to cut carbon emissions. New research in November 2011 from Australia's Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre showed the Southern ocean is warming and freshening.

Marine scientists warn ocean acidification is already impacting marine food webs which will lead to substantial changes in commercial fish stocks, threatening protein supply and food security for millions of people. The Northwest Oyster Die-off from 2006-2008 in the USA highlights the growing impact on commercial fisheries. The United Nations Environment Program estimates that 3 billion people use fish protein in their diet, with one billion people dependent on subsistence fishing as a primary food source.

Related: International Programme on the State of the Ocean (IPSO) | The Ocean in a high CO2 world | Takver: Ocean acidification articles | UNEP report - Environmental Consequences of Ocean Acidification: a threat to Food Security (PDF)

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Successful anti-nuclear rally at Hinkley Point on Fukushima anniversary

13-03-2012 14:02

Credit: D. Viesnik / Stop New Nuclear
Press release: 10 March 2012

The Stop New Nuclear alliance has hailed today’s mass rally at Hinkley Point Nuclear Power Station as the largest anti-nuclear protest in three decades.

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Teach- in on Rio+20 Earth Summit: Green Economy or Greed Economy

13-03-2012 12:24

Climate science update; the UN Earth Summit in Rio (20 years later); the international treaty process and economic justice; technology assessment: hope or hype; and what to expect in the future. Plus open Discussion.

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The True Cost of Coal - Sheffield date

11-03-2012 12:18

2012 Dirty Coal Infotour is coming to Sheffield on Tuesday 20th March.

From 7.30pm. Seminar Room F35 Hicks Building, Sheffield University
Main Campus. Hounsfield Road.

The Beehive Collective's huge portable mural illustrations and an engaging
narrative, “The True Cost of Coal” will take you on an interactive tour

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Fukushima 1 year on: Hinkley Point to be surrounded and blockaded

09-03-2012 12:35

Credit: D. Viesnik / Stop New Nuclear
Jonathon Porritt, Caroline Lucas MP and CND’s Kate Hudson to join anti-nuclear protest on eve of Fukushima anniversary: programme of events on Saturday March 10th 2012

Leading environmentalists Jonathon Porritt and Caroline Lucas MP will join demonstrators at Hinkley Point nuclear power station in Somerset to mark the first anniversary of the Fukushima disaster - and to call for a halt to the development of Hinkley C. Kate Hudson, chair of CND will also be speaking at the event.