UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive
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Public health issue as police blockade climate camp site
12-08-2007 17:59
For the last couple of hours police have been obstructing access to the climate camp site near Heathrow airport and have refused to allow even water or toilets to be taken onto the legally occupied site.Independent climate camp week info line
12-08-2007 16:17
A temporary and experimental phone service has been launched especially for the week of the Camp For Climate Action. It provides easy access to news taken from the indymedia newswire and info from the climate camp web site for people who are visually impaired or unable to read a computer display for other reasons.0207 043 3783
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Climate Camp police "wrong to use terrorism legislation"
12-08-2007 15:25

That was the message being given out to journalists today as reports came in of people suspected of travelling to Climate Camp being intercepted and searched under terrorism legislation outside local railway stations.
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Climate Camp Arrests - people needed on site
12-08-2007 08:28
Reports are coming in of a first arrest at 2.45 am this morning.Full article | 4 additions | 3 comments
Climate Camp Land Occupied
12-08-2007 00:40

Just after eleven the groups converged on a large field opposite the airport. Within minute tripods were erected and occupied with a large banner reading "Climate Camp, No Airport Expansion" slung between the two.
critical mass 31st august
10-08-2007 19:41
next critical mass is on friday 31st august (thats the weekend AFTER bank holiday) meet as usual at 6pm outside central library.Calling all Student Activists...
10-08-2007 18:46
A new web based resource is being launched to aid radical student climate change activism. The site aims to provide a supportive, rather than prescriptive, aid to creative and radical activism. The project is to be non-hierarchical in its running and we're currently seeking more student folk to get involved in making it happen.Call for Direct Action at the Camp for Climate Action
09-08-2007 21:36
Activists campaigning against the impact of aviation on climate change have today released a website giving the low-down on Heathrow airport and the industries which encourage its environmentally damaging business.Day of leafleting at Heathrow: Thurs 16th August
09-08-2007 20:19
A day of leafleting against the aviation industry - 16th August, HeathrowFull article | 1 addition | 2 comments
New Earth First! Action Update OUT NOW!
09-08-2007 16:28
The printed EF! Action Update is back again! After a bit of a lull a new editorial collective is in place and ready to roll. We have just produced a summer edition in time for the Camp for Climate Action, where you can pick up printed copies.Big Lottery Fund to help people tackle environmental problems
09-08-2007 13:16
New Lottery funding gives the Environmental Law Foundation a whole new lawyer.Full article | 4 additions | 44 comments
NUJ warns Climate Camp over restrictions on media
08-08-2007 15:51
The NUJ has written to the Camp for Climate Action expressing deep concern at the restrictions they intend to impose on the media covering their Climate Camp at Heathrow Airport, and called on them to reconsider as a matter of urgencyThe Last Chance Saloon is huge success
08-08-2007 10:37

Climate camp stall in Bath + launch of new radical newsheet
07-08-2007 16:35
Today, seven activists from Bath Activist Network set up shop in the middle of Bath to raise awareness and encourage people to attend the upcoming. Climate Campend of the world show (a different analysis of climate change)
06-08-2007 11:50
"The oil burns, the forests burn, the sun shines, the world turns. People eke out a living, institutions consolidate their power. Climate change leaves the atmosphere, the forests and the icecaps behind and becomes twisted and mangled by capitalistic institutions and ends up a creation of their market needs. Our perceptions of it cannot be isolated from their manipulations, and if we use their concept then we run the risk of simply serving their agenda and reproducing their world."Call To All Warriors
04-08-2007 19:33
A Call FromThe Ancient City Of
To Gather All Warriors Of The Earth
To Defend And Sanctify
The Valley of The White Mare
Extreme weather puts spotlight on climate crisis
04-08-2007 11:02
More extreme weather events are being reported around the globe, killing many thousands and making millions homeless. Simon Hardy argues that capitalism, a root cause of climate change, cannot even handle the misery and suffering which results.Bacton, Norfolk. Locals show solidarity with Shell to Sea
03-08-2007 12:45