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UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive

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Nice Scaffolding

01-04-2007 22:00

One of the most brilliant pieces of subvertising obscured by scaffolding.

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Spring into Action Workshop venues now online

01-04-2007 21:19

Spring into Action Workshop venues now online. The full and final programme of events plus locations is now avaiable online at

please check out where those workshops you wish to go to are...

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Bike the Pipe ends in Gloucester.

31-03-2007 22:07

Claire Hall from Bristol's Rising Tide has spent the last week cycling the length of the 120 mile LNG pipeline cutting through Wales.

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31-03-2007 18:44

China News From
Global Trade News
The Economy
All About Solar Energy at
Civil Nuclear Energy Science, Technology and News

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Spring into Action - Critical Mass

31-03-2007 17:57

There will be a critical mass ride celabrating the joys of cycling and all carbon free forms of Transport on the Friday of Spring into Action

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Polar bear asks the Bradford climate criminals to stop.

31-03-2007 13:25

The Banner
A polar bear today visited a number of travel agents, and the Tomas Cook call centre in Bradford, to ask these climate criminals if they would kindly stop destroying his habitat.

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Latest on police appeal against London's Critical Mass.

31-03-2007 03:45

What if the police win their appeal? Could it be the end of this Critical Mass, after 12 years of monthly rides, or the beginning of a strategic rebellion?

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G8 UK NGO Campaign 'Your Voice Against Poverty' (london demo june 2nd)

29-03-2007 08:20

After the Make Poverty History 2005 Scotland G8 campaign the uk NGOs are calling on people to protest in london on June 2nd ahead of the G8 summit in Germany.

Meanwhile in Germany planning continues for massive protests and blockades of the summit. German NGOs have challenged the G8 on having done too little to meet the promises they made on poverty alleviation at the Gleneagles summit in 2005. This year's G8 falls mid-way in the period for the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and it's clear that countries are also a long way off from achieving these goals.

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Spring into Action programme now online

28-03-2007 15:38

The programme of events for Spring into Action is now online.

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Rising Tide's Climate Action News Sheet 66, March 2007

28-03-2007 12:25

Compiled and sent out by Rising Tide UK: info at
To receive this News Sheet monthly, email news-subscribe at
with the subject line 'subscribe' (without the quotes).

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Please sign petition to save Mabira Rainforest in Uganda

27-03-2007 23:01

Please go to
and sign a petition to save Mabira rainforest in Uganda .

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Bath Climate Camp - info and wish list

27-03-2007 13:31

Between late afternoon on thursday 19th of April and sunday 22nd April, there is going to be a climate camp just outside of Bath focusing on Land and Marines offices (the company building the gas pipeline smashing through Wales).

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Gardens under threat

26-03-2007 16:43

suburban garden turned into a building site
Gardens are under threat from greedy developers.

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M1 Activists Go Down To The Yard

26-03-2007 15:38

Up Close And Personal
Local residents concerned at plans to increase congestion and pollution on the M1 have paid a visit to one of the Climate Criminal Organisations involved. They stop work at the site near Mansfield for a morning and then pop home for a late breakfast.

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Gorleben fears it will become all of Europe's nuclear dump

26-03-2007 07:00

People who have fought for 30 years against nuclear waste dumping at the north German village of Gorleben now fear that the salt deposit there will become an international final repository. If the exploratory salt mine in Gorleben, now temporarily stopped over safety concerns, were to start operating as a repository, “it would be an international repository because of substitution treaties already in place”.

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Preston Vision Board - Private Developers Marketing Subsidised With Public Money

25-03-2007 16:52

Preston Vision Board want to build a barrage in the Ribble to create a Marina, and build 4000 houses in the greenfield land nearby. Now that we know WHO Preston Vision Board are, we learn that they include representatives of companies that make their money by building marinas and developing property - so why is this board being supported with public money and officer's time, by the very councils that they are trying to sell their expensive and environmentally disastrous ideas to?

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A well-reasoned approach to climate change issues - The whole ball of wax

24-03-2007 21:59

NOAA Deputy Administrator Dr. James Mahoney testified before the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee on January 8, 2003 on Climate Change: Greenhouse Gas Reductions and Trading Systems.

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The Failure of Modern Western Society

24-03-2007 08:52

Wind down from your artificially induced stress/pace and confront your personal reality – take stock for a moment. Your existence has been confined to sustaining and maintaining a system that makes ever-increasing demands on your liberty and freedom – the pillars upon which joy and satisfaction are built/derived! The frenzied pace of western society is largely the result of the manic need for ever increasing profits and greater concentrations of wealth in the fewest possible hands, which inevitably makes higher demands on those at the bottom of the financial scale. Obtaining wealth is simply a matter of applying unfair downward pressure in favour of upward flowing benefits; wealth is not created it is the result of manipulation and/or theft – the historical record bears this out. Put simply, profit is exploitation/theft!

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Video of resistance to National Grid pipeline

23-03-2007 18:02

Resistance is growing to the 200mile gas pipeline that National Grid is building through Wales. Construction sites have been occupied, roads blockaded and a tree camp established on the route of the pipeline. With eviction at the camp looking imminent, campaigners appeal for people to join them in the fight against the pipe.

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Art Not Oil 2007 gallery stands at 31 items, but we'd like more please...

23-03-2007 15:14

'American Nightmare' - Michelle Waters (
You can find the galleries here:

And below the Art Not Oil info, please find a link for Rising Tide North America's current tour with the wildly creative and very inspiring Beehive Collective.


Bo from Art Not Oil/London Rising Tide