UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive
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Rebel raft approaching Kingsnorth
09-08-2008 13:51

Police Rubbish Barricade
09-08-2008 12:05

Climate Camp interviews - video's
09-08-2008 10:46

Climate Camp Caravan and stuff - Photo Set
08-08-2008 22:31

Little Peace Boat headed for Climate Camp refused entry to marina
08-08-2008 21:36

Climate Camp Videos on YouTube
08-08-2008 19:00
Updated daily - videos from the mainstream and from inside the camp.
Climate Camp Radio - Friday lunchtime show for download
08-08-2008 18:09

Letter to police about their abuse of stop and search powers sent on 6 August
08-08-2008 16:47
Police have set up a search regime for every single person visiting the camp that is unknown at any border checkpoint in the world other than Israel / Palestine. It is analogous to that faced by visitors to prison. It assumes anyone going to the camp is a potential criminal, whereas the legal power used requires them to have actual suspicion that they are.Legal support Letter to Police re. Police confiscations
08-08-2008 16:37
Police have thieved vast quantities of materials trying to either scupper the camp or prevent effective direct action taking place. This is clearly unlawful, but for various reasons we unfortunately failed to find a way to use the law to prevent it happening. It may be that such a challenge happens yet - if you have had property seized in suspicious circumstances like those outlined below, please contact usWest Midlands Climate Camp Neighbourhood
08-08-2008 15:09
Greetings from West Midlands neighbourhood at Climate Camp, Kingsnorth!Preparation meeting for COP15 international mobilization against climate change
08-08-2008 14:54
We invite you to join the 1st international planning meeting in Copenhagenfrom the 13-14th of September 2008.
Climate Camp - Arrests and charges list
08-08-2008 12:12
A list of all those so far pulled at Climate Camp courtesy of Kent Online. Not sure how biased or accurate this list is.Kingsnorth E.ON Senior Press Officer blog - Interesting!
08-08-2008 12:02
Some interesting comments from Emily Highmore, the senior press officer for Kingsnorth regarding Camp, Power Station and Security issues.Biofuels Blockaded - Photos from Vopak Action
08-08-2008 10:06

Some photos of the blockade at Vopak fuel depot in Thurrock. Credits: © Jess Hurd /
Climate Camp Media Review For 7th August
08-08-2008 08:55

Biofuels Action Explained - Audio from Vopak Blockade
08-08-2008 08:37

Climate Camp activists superglue themselves to RBS
08-08-2008 08:33
This morning at 8.30 AM, activists from the Camp for Climate Actionsuperglued themselves to
the front doors of the Royal Bank of Scotland’s Oil and Gas Division in Bishopsgate,
Central London wielding a banner reading “RBS: Cashing In On Coal”.