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UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive

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Coal talk at Sumac - POSTPONED

16-01-2008 17:13

The talk on coal issues, scheduled for weds 16th Jan, is unfortunately postponed, due to illness of the speaker. Apologies.

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Ratcliffe Power Station Court Case : Nottingham Magistrates [day 2]

15-01-2008 23:57

Day 1: Artist impression from inside court by Elsa
The prosecution case having closed yesterday. The defence opened today with their expert witness: Dr Simon Lewis, a climate scientist at the University of Leeds and Royal Society Research Fellow.

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Earth First! Winter Moot 2008 - February 22nd – 24th 2008 - Nottingham

15-01-2008 22:49

Join us for
Activist skill share
Planning radical action on climate change,
Sharing ideas for the Earth First! Summer Gathering
Opposition to the UK genetic crop trials and mega-dams in Iceland
a chance to share info on your own campaign

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Lydd airport-planning dec deferred.

15-01-2008 13:14

Lydd Airport on remote Romney Marsh, Kent' s expansion plans were further delayed when the CEO of Shepway District Council deferred the planning applications full council meeting (due Jan 30) to a later date....
Demo's planned for the 30th are now on hold.

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Nuclear power more than doubles child leukaemia risk

15-01-2008 01:47

'The Telegraph' reports that children living within three miles of nuclear power stations are over twice as likely to develop leukaemia than those living further away. The report cites a large study commissioned by the German Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BFS), which found leukaemia clusters among under-fives living near 16 nuclear power stations.

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Ratcliffe Power Station Court Case : Nottingham Magistrates [day 1]

14-01-2008 22:16

Before the trial started, there was a protest / gathering of 20 - 30 people outside the court, to offer their support. Holding banners with the slogan "The Earth is getting too hot. Together we can make it stop", people were ushered away from the immediate court area by the security and a couple of policemen who were there on station, to make sure no one got into any trouble.

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UK Trade Union Climate Change Conference

14-01-2008 19:40


Saturday 9 February 2008
University of London Union, Malet Street, Central London

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Public Debate on Newquay airport expansion

14-01-2008 19:38

Report on the Public Debate at St. Mawgan Community Hall 12.1.08

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Photos: Last Bonn Square tree is felled

14-01-2008 19:30

Part of the trunk comes crashing down
After 14 days of occupation, Gabriel came down from the Bonn Square tree this morning at around 11AM and the council moved in to fell it. The work was complete by about 2.30PM. (Photos are Copyright.)

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More arrests today at Bonn Square Oxford

14-01-2008 18:47

After Gabriel was arrested earlier today when he came down from his home. When the court case concerning Bonn Square had finished; council workers with chainsaws came to destroy the last remaining tree. Two activists were arrested for aggravated trespass when one climbed onto the wood shredder and the other attempted to free him from the security personnel.

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Climate Change Trial Opens

14-01-2008 16:51

Climate camp set up outside court
The trial of the eleven climate change activists who shut down Ratcliffe-on-Soar power station on April 10th 2007 began today Monday 14th Jan at Nottingham Magistrates Court

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Activist arrested while trying to give tree protester water

13-01-2008 15:51

An activist is arrested for "on suspicion of littering" while trying to throw Gabriel, the Bonn Square tree protester, some water.

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Photos from Bonn Square protest

13-01-2008 15:40

Bonn Square sign with a view of the tree house
Photos from Bonn Square protest

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Climate Camp– Open invite to a UK wide decision making meeting – Leeds 26-27 Jan

13-01-2008 14:34

The Climate Camp on its own didn't stop climate change - but it's part of
a growing social movement that can! Come and take the next steps forward
at the upcoming UK-wide meeting on Jan 26-27 in Leeds. Everyone is
welcome, whether you came to the camp, or were simply inspired by it.
Please spread this invite far and wide!

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Oxford Tree Protest Brings Fences Down

12-01-2008 18:34

This tree has been occupied for ten days and counting
A demonstration in Oxford against the felling of trees and the building of a monstrous new shopping centre saw hundreds of people gather around Bonn Square. Many of them then took spontaneous direct action to stop the fencing-off of the square, and forced the Council to take the fences back down!

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Indy Global Reports 1st of a new series on Resonance FM104.4

12-01-2008 14:37

Indy Global Reports is back on ResonanceFM104.4.

Indy Global Reports returned to London's air waves on Thursday 10th of Jan at 7pm for a special broadcast before resuming it's regular slot of 11.00pm till 12.00pm every Monday evening .

Presented by Pennie Quinton Zoe Young.

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March of the penguins: Plane Stupid reclaim the ice

12-01-2008 13:17

10.30am - Around 30 penguins today 'reclaimed the ice' at the Natural History Museum's ice rink in protest at British Airways sponsorship of the museum's annual winter festivities.

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Tour for Climate Action launch gathering next week

11-01-2008 21:04

The Student Climate Project is having a Launch Gathering at The Common Place in Leeds from 4pm on the 19th January till 4pm the following day. Crash space and vegan food is to be had by all. The main focus of the gathering is to plan for our Tour of Climate Action, which will see exciting events take place on campuses across the UK throughout 2008.

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Demonstrate to Save Woodhead - 12th January @ 1.00 p.m.

11-01-2008 20:58

We have called a demonstration tomorrow at the Western entrance to the Woodhead Tunnel in the Peak District, Derbyshire. National Grid are threatening to close it and thereby shut out low carbon alternatives to road transport. This is the start of the fight against their plans.

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Oxford Tree Protest Tomorrow (plus more photos)

11-01-2008 17:59

Protest at midday tomorrow (Saturday) in Bonn Square. The proposed expansion of Oxford's Westgate Centre doesn't just threaten a group of beautiful trees, it also threatens to turn yet more of our city centre into a nightmarish consumer wasteland. Thanks to the people who've been up the trees, the Council are now on the back foot and there's a chance we could force them to scrap the whole stupid scheme - but we need people there!