UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive
Flood Risk - Who Cares? Not Preston City Council
30-08-2007 22:49
Preston Councillors voted today to plough ahead with plans to barrage the River Ribble and build thousands of houses in it's floodplain, despite being blissfully ignorant of the contents of the Ribble Flood Risk Report - but why bother about the floodrisk to local people when the developers stand to make £millions?"Student Climate Project" to be launched in December
29-08-2007 13:28
A major gathering of student climate activists is taking place from the 30th of November to the 2nd of December, or order to form and develop strategies to create and mobilise a mass student anti-climate change movement.Christian Aid hostility at B`ham `Cut the Carbon` march
28-08-2007 18:24

Audio Podcast on Climate Camp day of actions...
27-08-2007 19:53
Action podcast on 19th August: interviews with particpants, witnesses and legal observers.satirical graphic after climate camp
26-08-2007 01:18

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Bicycology Climate Camp outreach day (late report)
24-08-2007 10:54

Letter to Guardian reply to Baron (Clive) Soley
23-08-2007 21:49
A reply to the letter from Baron (Clive) Soley which appeared in the Guardian 23/8/07
Giving the Climate Camp a Good Telling Off!
23-08-2007 14:47
Guardian Environment Editor Lambasts the Heathrow Climate Camp’s “Media Mismanagement”
Last week’s peaceful protests at the Heathrow Camp for Climate Action ( were a heartening sign of sanity in response to the huge climate threat facing us. Activists drew attention to the role of aviation in global warming, conducted seminars on climate science and undertook a series of nonviolent demonstrations. A mass siege even temporarily shut down the national headquarters of British Airports Authority (BAA), owners of Heathrow airport.
Climate camp photos from the saddle
23-08-2007 14:13

Camp for Climate Action 2007 a Resounding Success! (Action Roundup)
23-08-2007 14:02
The 24 hours of direct action against climate change which began on Sunday 19th August at noon has culminated in a flurry of direct actions throughout England. As previously stated, none of the actions were intended to disrupt passengers, but instead, targeted the corporations who profit from climate chaos. Meanwhile, the mass siege of BAA national headquarters has forced its closure for the day.During the week there have been over 71 arrests and a dozen actions, covering a broad range of issues.
Find below details of all the actions throughout the week...
Sipson Says Thankyou to Climate Camp
23-08-2007 12:58

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Battle of the broad bean field ( 15 pics )
23-08-2007 12:35

Polymer Chemist Smashes Environmental Apathy
23-08-2007 06:29
Hi, I wrote a summary report of my view from inside the camp, outside the camp, and on the email list. Don't feel pressured to read it all!Veggie/vegans to educate climate marchers in Brum
23-08-2007 01:33

Climate change activity reaches Stansted Airport
22-08-2007 17:56
Climate camp activists target Stansted Airport in an increasing wave of activity. Leaflets were handed out and a slogan attached to a wall on a main entrance/exit. Activists then left, as quickly as they had arrived, on public transport.Climate Camp podcast
22-08-2007 17:39

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Political Policing outside Harmondsworth Detention Centre.
22-08-2007 14:17

The occupation of the BAA staff parking lot - Night and Day and blockade
22-08-2007 13:43

The occupation of the BAA staff parking lot
22-08-2007 12:41