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UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive

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live earth day concerts july 7th 2007....the Hypocrisy

07-07-2007 08:00

now we are preached at by smug secure rocks stars as if politicans are not bad enough.

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Saving Iceland conference and protest camp

06-07-2007 12:37

Between the 7th and 8th of July a conference is taking place followed by a protest camp and a 'summer of dissent' in Reykjavik, Iceland. The country's pristine, and often protected, wilderness is being systematically destroyed by the aluminum industry and national power company in their hunger for cheap energy and increased profits. The environmental impact is vast, both globally and locally. We struggle against these crimes, and if you wish to support us, visit our website and join the fight to save Europe's last remaining wilderness.

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Do You Want Journalists at the Camp for Climate Action?

06-07-2007 12:06

The Camp for Climate Action media team are putting together a proposal for the media and cameras on site policy, to be discussed at the July gathering.

Here is a questionnaire which looks at some of the possible concerns and solutions about media on site, and gives you a chance to say what you thought was good or bad about last year's strategy.

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GREECE:Disaster in the forests, after huge fires along with commercial interests

05-07-2007 01:19

Parnitha in fire. Photo taken from Athens
Feature of Athens Indymedia on the causes and the consequences of the last week's fires, which destroyed some of the most precious forests of the country. For latest updates check

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Melting Ice Sheets and Media Contradictions

04-07-2007 19:40

An Exchange with George Monbiot of the Guardian

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The Camp for Climate Action Invites Everyone to Heathrow Airport

04-07-2007 15:20

Everyone is being asked to help send out invitations to attend the Camp for Climate Action near Heathrow Airport from 14 to 21 August 2007.

Here is the latest message from the Climate Camp networking crew:

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Words + Music Fundraiser for Oxford Climate Camp THIS SATURDAY!

04-07-2007 11:35

Words + Music fundraiser for Oxford Climate Camp ( The camp will be at a site near Heathrow Airport from the 14th - 21st August, we'll be taking a kitchen and maybe you???

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Crazy Paving & Flood Woes

03-07-2007 14:38

It's starting to seem normal. Storms since Friday, accompanied by frighteningly heavy showers across the UK, have caused floods, havoc and tragedy.

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Agrofuels - time for a reality check

03-07-2007 14:36

The rush for ‘biofuels’ is already causing serious damage. Far from being sustainable, the spread of what are more accurately called ‘agrofuels’ – liquid fuels produced from biomass grown in large-scale monocultures – is compromising biodiversity and fuelling human rights violations. The argument that these ‘biofuels’ will mitigate climate change is unproven – indeed, the destruction of rainforests, peatlands and other ecosystems to make way for agrofuel plantations will accelerate global warming.

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The government’s responsibility for last week’s flood disaster

03-07-2007 13:24

Last week, some of the worst floods on record hit Britain, leaving seven people dead and thousands with homes ruined by sewage and chemicals.

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new mori opinion poll on climate change published today

03-07-2007 12:12

new poll suggests public not convinced

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Trade Union Climate Change Conference

02-07-2007 14:14

Rank and File trade unionists aim to set up the first ever UK conference on climate change, please circulate this call for support widely!

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FoE Under More Pressure on Meat/Dairy Production

02-07-2007 01:30

Redditch Vegetarians & Vegans have recently helped Redditch Friends of the Earth to draft a Motion which will(hopefully) be presented at the FoE Local Groups Conference in September. The Motion urges National FoE to publish detailed information about how plant based diets are infinitely more eco-friendly than meat/dairy based diets. If you`re a member of a local FoE group, you can help make sure this Motion is passed!

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'Cut the Carbon' Cyclecade launches new petition

01-07-2007 18:29

Green Councillor Bernard Little addressing the rally
The Cut the Carbon Cyclecade organised in Sheffield Saturday 30th June by Sheffield Campaign Against Climate Change attracted 40 cyclists to rally in Barkers Pool. Speakers supported the launch of the petition calling on Sheffield City Council to put a Carbon Reduction Plan at the heart of the City Strategy, and cut carbon dioxide emissions by at least 6% a year across the city.

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Critical Mass 29th June

01-07-2007 15:14

Crossing Blackfriars
The June Critical Mass, with a few hundred cyclists, was a fun ride through the City and Holborn and managed to stay dry the whole way through!

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Refuting Climate Sceptisism on Indymedia

30-06-2007 15:58

Are there people out there fed up with Indymedia being used as a platform for ill-informed and dangerous climate change denial? Can we do anything about it?

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Saving Iceland International Conference 2007 - 7 & 8th July

29-06-2007 12:55

Conference poster
Global Consequences of Heavy Industry and Large Dams
Saving Iceland Gathering Saturday & Sunday July 7 - 8th, 2007
Hótel Hlíð, Krókur, Ölfus, Iceland

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Cycleology Climate Camp Benefit Ramparts tonight

29-06-2007 08:45

Not being flooded around these parts... the Cycleogical IV presents at the Ramparts : Camp For Climate Action 2007 benefit.
Friday 29th June 2007

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Check out our podcast from piratepods!!

28-06-2007 10:00

The lovely people from piratepods interviewed me for a podcast recently about our campaign against the pipeline.