UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive
Sheffield: Residents tell of losses caused by flooding
16-07-2007 16:05
A World Socialist Web Site reporting team spoke to a number of residents of Toll Bar in north Doncaster and Catcliffe in Sheffield, South Yorkshire.The human cost of the June floods in Britain
16-07-2007 12:31
The flooding disaster that struck villages, towns and cities all over Britain in June has been met with callous indifference by the Labour government of newly installed Prime Minister Gordon Brown and by the Environment Agency.Sheffield: Residents tell of losses caused by flooding
16-07-2007 12:27

Climate Camp needs Us!
16-07-2007 01:40

What If...We All Stopped Breathing?
15-07-2007 21:46
Breathing might be the one form of carbon dioxide production humans carry out that is unavoidable, but that doesn't mean we all have to create the same emissions every time we do it.Everybody's Doing Media for the Camp for Climate Action
15-07-2007 18:18

The Childrens' Revolution at the Camp for Climate Action
15-07-2007 18:11

It is possible that they will lead another march with their banner “The Kids Are Revolting!” in the same way that they did at the Drax power station protest in 2006.
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NETCU to hassle Climate Change Protesters
14-07-2007 15:16
NETCU to shift focus onto Climate Change and will use same underhand and possibly illegal tactics they have used against animal rightsFirst Directions to The Camp for Climate Action 2007.....
14-07-2007 09:58
The camp dates are drawing nearer and nearer and we're all desperate to know where it will be... but we'll just have to wait a little longer!But what we do know is that if you get yourself to Staines railway station in West London by 10am on Tuesday 14th August, you will be greeted by our friendly welcome team and promptly transported via a magical mystery tour, to the camp! (There will also be lifts to the camp later in the day and throughout the week.)
Live Earth: Was It Worth It?
13-07-2007 12:47

Debt burden fuelling climate change – ‘double injustice’
13-07-2007 10:57
The poor pay millions, but the rich owe billionsNew figures released by Jubilee Debt Campaign reveal that rich countries owe 27 times more in ‘carbon debt’ than poor countries pay in debt repayments to wealthy nations.
Summer of Dissent in Iceland
12-07-2007 23:30

In Iceland a summer of dissent against heavy industry and large dams has begun. In a much disputed master-plan, all the glacial rivers and geothermal potential of the largest wilderness of Europe would be harnessed for aluminium production. Activists from around the world have gathered to protect Europe's largest remaining wilderness and oppose Rio Tinto/ALCAN, ALCOA, Century/RUSAL and other transnational companies.
your city needs you!
12-07-2007 16:41
liverpool types needed for this years camp for climate actionSaving Iceland Summer of Resistance Kicks off in Reykjavik
12-07-2007 13:54
A day of action in Reykjavik kick starts Saving Iceland's Summer of Resistance to heavy industry and the aluminium industry's corporate invasion of Europe's largest wilderness.piddle powered clones are go!
12-07-2007 11:21
We is into Palestina after many -ings: waitings, stressings, questionings, searchings....We are meeting many active Israelis up for going through walls,
we did play with clown army friends in Jerusalem
and now we are proper starting with a 2 week project in Bethlehem tomorrow.
Thanks to everyone in Europe for all your support (even the knockers, the anti clowns, the zionist stooges and the negative energy vampires - you inspired us to keep doing this and never give up - so perversely thankyou too)
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Kevin & Co Slaughterhouse Closes Down
11-07-2007 13:54
Leeds loses another animal abusing company as Kevin & Co slaughterhouse goes bust.Climate Change.... Will we leave a habitable planet for our children?
10-07-2007 18:16

Hand Built Wind Turbine Course 20-22 July, Lincs/Notts
10-07-2007 13:27

Dates: 20th-22nd July
Location: Hill Holt Wood, Nottinghamshire/Lincolnshire border.
cost: £200, discounts available on request.
Power Up! Benefit Party
10-07-2007 01:08

Please Take Climate Camp Flyers to Events and Festivals...
08-07-2007 14:27

Firstly to remind you about going to events and festivals.
If you are going to ANY of this sort of thing, however big or small - please remember to take flyers.