Please Take Climate Camp Flyers to Events and Festivals...
The Camp For Climate Action | 08.07.2007 14:27 | Climate Camp 2007 | Climate Camp 2006 | Climate Chaos | Ecology | Education | London | World
Hi again Everyone.
Firstly to remind you about going to events and festivals.
If you are going to ANY of this sort of thing, however big or small - please remember to take flyers.
Firstly to remind you about going to events and festivals.
If you are going to ANY of this sort of thing, however big or small - please remember to take flyers.
Flyers work great taped to the front of festival portaloos.
Also remember that many smallish festivals may be amicable to you making announcements on stage - if you do not ask you will never know!
A list of festivals with notes can be found below.
Secondly - this is also a time to be plugging the climate camp at all possible opportunities on-line and in the press.
For example the BBC have a forum for people to comment on Live Earth.
If you have a moment why not put your two pence in and name drop the Climate Camp?
The same goes for writing letters to newspapers covering climate change stories, or telephone phone - ins on the radio.
And also...a reminder about the resources available on the Climate Camp website.
If you are doing a poster for a Climate Camp film showing or need inspiration for a flyer you may well find help in the form of a PDF download.
Finally here is the events list:
11th July Lamar Tree Festival Southampton.
Guilfest 13 – 15 July 2007, Guildford (at least one person already going with flyers - so contact us to be put in touch).
Ashton Court festival 14 & 15 July, 2007 Bristol (at least one person already going with flyers- so contact us to be put in touch).
13th- 14th July - 2000 Trees Festival, Cheltenham.
11-15 July Buddhafield Festival (people already going to do workshops and flyers - so contact us to be put in touch).
20-21 July, Extravaganza, Wiltshire (Flyers will be there- so contact us to be put in touch).
21st 22nd July Truck Festival (at least one person already going with flyers - so contact us to be put in touch).
Sunday July 29th York Green Festival (we have a stall – so if you think you could help out please so contact us to be put in touch).
26-27th July Secret Garden Festival.
27-29 July WOMAD Festival, Wiltshire (at least one person already going with flyers- so contact us to be put in touch).
Aug 1-5th Big Green Gathering - (we have a area and a fundraising bar called ‘ the last chance saloon’.
If you are going and could help out please contact us.)
3rd -5th August big chill.
One World 6 - 12 August 2007, Kent- (Flyers will be there - so contact us to be put in touch).
Northern Green Gathering 9 - 12 August, 2007 Pontefract, West Yorks – (we have a stall - if you would like to help out contact us.)
Remember to contact us just send an email to
This email address gets checked at arround twice a week.
Take care,
Also remember that many smallish festivals may be amicable to you making announcements on stage - if you do not ask you will never know!
A list of festivals with notes can be found below.
Secondly - this is also a time to be plugging the climate camp at all possible opportunities on-line and in the press.
For example the BBC have a forum for people to comment on Live Earth.
If you have a moment why not put your two pence in and name drop the Climate Camp?
The same goes for writing letters to newspapers covering climate change stories, or telephone phone - ins on the radio.
And also...a reminder about the resources available on the Climate Camp website.
If you are doing a poster for a Climate Camp film showing or need inspiration for a flyer you may well find help in the form of a PDF download.
Finally here is the events list:
11th July Lamar Tree Festival Southampton.
Guilfest 13 – 15 July 2007, Guildford (at least one person already going with flyers - so contact us to be put in touch).
Ashton Court festival 14 & 15 July, 2007 Bristol (at least one person already going with flyers- so contact us to be put in touch).
13th- 14th July - 2000 Trees Festival, Cheltenham.
11-15 July Buddhafield Festival (people already going to do workshops and flyers - so contact us to be put in touch).
20-21 July, Extravaganza, Wiltshire (Flyers will be there- so contact us to be put in touch).
21st 22nd July Truck Festival (at least one person already going with flyers - so contact us to be put in touch).
Sunday July 29th York Green Festival (we have a stall – so if you think you could help out please so contact us to be put in touch).
26-27th July Secret Garden Festival.
27-29 July WOMAD Festival, Wiltshire (at least one person already going with flyers- so contact us to be put in touch).
Aug 1-5th Big Green Gathering - (we have a area and a fundraising bar called ‘ the last chance saloon’.
If you are going and could help out please contact us.)
3rd -5th August big chill.
One World 6 - 12 August 2007, Kent- (Flyers will be there - so contact us to be put in touch).
Northern Green Gathering 9 - 12 August, 2007 Pontefract, West Yorks – (we have a stall - if you would like to help out contact us.)
Remember to contact us just send an email to

This email address gets checked at arround twice a week.
Take care,
The Camp For Climate Action
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