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UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive

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Climate: Driving Toward Extinction

03-12-2012 20:27

Are we on the road to climate extinction? Dr. Guy McPherson lays out the case in this speech at Bluegrass Bioneers in Kentucky. Then the World Bank says "Turn Down the Heat". Daphne Wysham on their coal addiction, and Olivia Maria
Serdeczny from the Potsdam Institute in Germany, authors of the report for the Bank. Is collapse our best way out of a Hellish world? Radio Ecoshock 121205

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The Clause 21 Growth and Infrastructure Bill Threat: More Info

01-12-2012 15:54

'If the Government gets it's way, are we likely to get more 'mothballed'opencast sites pock-marking our countryside'

On Tuesday, the HoC Growth and Infrastructure Public Bill Committee are likely to debate Clause 21 of the Bill to which we have lodged an objection.

This press release highlights what might be at stake if the Government pushes ahead with its plans to ease the means by which planning permission for new opencast sites can be given for new surface mine sites, just when the UK Coal Industry, increasingly reliant on surfaced mined coal, experiences a financial crisis and a significant decline in the UK's ability to burn coal. We may indeed be left with a pock-marked countryside as a consequence.

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Fracking Lord's Chelsea Mansion Drilled

01-12-2012 11:40

Chelsea Mansion of Fracking Lord
The Big Rig Revolt [1] kicked off at 8am Saturday with Frack Off London paying a surprise visit to the Chelsea Mansion owned by Lord Browne of Riverstone and Cuadrilla [2]. The Fracking Lord’s malign influence has spread throughout the government since he was appointed to the role of recuiting business leaders to advise government departments [3]. A variety of other actions are planned across the country throughout the day.

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Veolia Plan to import an extra 15000 tonnes of waste to Bernard Road Incinerator

30-11-2012 17:28

The 15,000 tonnes is coming from an extended catchment area from as far as Mansfield, Newark and Derbyshire Dales. Join the campaign to stop this insanity by objecting individually to the application to show the strength of feeling in Sheffield and beyond that objects to the incinerator and all it entails.

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Sizewell Nuclear Power Stations Blockaded

26-11-2012 08:58

The road leading to Sizewell nuclear power stations A & B has been blockaded since 6:45 this morning. The protestors are still there (9:00).

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Dawn blockade leaves nuclear workers locked out - Hinkley blockaded today

23-11-2012 10:29

Via South West Against Nuclear


Dawn blockade leaves nuclear workers locked out

At 6am this morning 10 protestors blockaded access to EDF energy's nuclear sites at Hinkley Point, preventing the morning shift from starting work. 4 people in arm locks formed a barrier across the main access road at Wick Moor Drove in a bid to prevent further ground clearance work at the planned Hinkley C site and to protest at EDF's plan to extend the life of aging reactors at the Hinkley B station.

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anti BP sponsorship flashmob at british museum - report & pics

18-11-2012 20:12

additional security
this afternoon, the 'reclaim shakespeare company' ran through some of their best performances in the great court hall of the british museum, cheered on by a flashmob of up to a hundred climate activists.

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Rural Rebels and Useless Airports: La ZAD - Europe’s largest Postcapitalist lan

16-11-2012 21:26

Since the 16th of October the French state have attempted to evict Europe's largest postcapitalist land occupation - La ZAD - to build a new "green" airport. Farmers and activists have joined together to resist the project and the evictions have lit a fuse across France. KK immerses herself in this rural rebellion against economic growth and the climate catastrophe and discovers a utopia in resistance.(for version of text with image see -

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Hambach Forest: Day 3 of Eviction / Do they need Uk Evict?

15-11-2012 15:14

Today is the third day of the eviction at the Hambach Forest, which is occupied against the biggest climate killer in Europe, the Rhenish brown coal-mining district (Rheinisches Braunkohlerevier).

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14-11-2012 19:17

eviction of laZad

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Day 2 of eviction Hambach Forest / tunnel-system

14-11-2012 18:05

At the second day of eviction the cops evicted everybody from the trees. At the evening of the first day they evicted everybody in concrete-lock-ons. Now there's one activist in a blockade-tunnel rested. And police don't have any idea how to evict that. So it still can need some days.
Police that went down just said: "there's a huge tunnel-system, we don't know wich direction we have to go"
The occupation of the forest is against a coal open-cast-mine, that is together with two more of this, the biggest producer of CO2 in Europe. The dust of the pit is radioactiv.

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Kevin Anderson: What They Won't Tell You About Climate Catastrophe

14-11-2012 03:19

Scientists and officials are not telling the public the awful truth: we are hurtling toward catastrophic climate change. A review, summary and critique of an earth-breaking speech by Dr. Kevin Anderson, Deputy Director of the Tyndall Centre in Britain. Speaking to the Cabot Institute in Bristol November 6th, Anderson told the sold-out crowd our future is not possible. Radio Ecoshock 12114

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The Big Rig Revolt - December 1st

13-11-2012 18:22

A dark cloud is gathering. The threat of unconventional gas development hangs over us all. With almost 100 test wells permitted and the first production development threatening Scotland, the government’s dash for gas depends on the creeping sell off of the British Isles. This cabal of opportunistic extraction companies, government mandarins and political jokes think they are getting away with it. They are so FRACKING wrong.

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Eviction of the Hambach Forest

13-11-2012 15:04

The eviction of the squatted hambach Forest begun this morning. The forest which is in the rheinisch browncoal region (close to collogne) is squatted since April to stop the deforestation. RWE is cutting the trees to expand the largest open cast mine in europe where they extract brown coal.The rheinish Brown Coal area is the largest CO2 source in europe.

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Eviction at Hambach Forest!

13-11-2012 07:13

The eviction of the Hambach Forest, occupied against the biggest coal open-cast pit in europe, have started just in the moment. The eviction will need some time because there are a tots of people in the trees.
If you can camoe over, or make actions of solidarity!

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Sheffield's 2012 Transition Awards

10-11-2012 12:27

Join Transition Sheffield for a sparkling evening to celebrate groups who are creating more sustainable communities in Sheffield. With inspiring local artists, special celebrity guest and Chrystine Moon as compere.

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Anti-Eviction Guide Hambach Forest

07-11-2012 10:57

The Hambach Forest is occupied since half an year now. The forest will get cutted for the coal-open-cast-mine "Hambacher Tagebau". This is together with two morge open-cast-mines in the region and the power plants that burns the coal, europes biggest producer of CO2. They have already started to cut the forest, and the eviction of the camp can happen every day. So read this anti-eviction-guide and see what you can do!

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Real clothes for the Emperor: Facing the challenges of climate change

06-11-2012 20:40

On 6th November 2012 Kevin Anderson, Professor of Energy and Climate Change, University of Manchester, Tyndall Centre spoke at Explore, At-Bristol, Bristol Harbourside on Real clothes for the Emperor: Facing the challenges of climate change, the talk was advertised here: and a recording of it is attached. The slides are here

Following is an transcript of a skype interview that Rob Hopkins conducted with Kevin Anderson prior to his talk, which has been reposted from

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Ravaging Tide or Renewable World?

05-11-2012 02:57

Can big cities like New York or Washington protect against storm surge and rising seas? Three interviews. Mike Tidwell, author of "The Ravaging Tide: Strange Weather, Future Katrinas, and the Coming Death of America’s Coastal Cities." Professor J. Court Stevenson, University of Maryland, on city surge defenses around the world. Daphne Wysham interviews German Green Parliamentarian Hermann Ott: leading the way to renewables before climate collapse. Radio Ecoshock 121107 1 hour.

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As Coal Use Declines Why Make It Easier to Dig It Out

02-11-2012 08:15

The Loose Anti Opencast Network is calling on the Government to align Planning Policy with Energy Policy after discovering that it is the Government's intention to phase out the use of coal for power generation purposes, leading to a 75% decline in the use of coal for such a purpose over the next 10 years. At the same time, through provisions in the Growth and Infrastructure Bill it is possibly making it easier to dig the coal out!