UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive
Crude Awakening - 10 targets (that just missed our short list)
08-10-2010 08:20

Call for International Solidarity: International Week of Action Against Fonterro
07-10-2010 21:45
We are calling for an international week of actions against Fonterra and the international dairy industry from November 8th to November 14th.Crude Awakening; more info announced
07-10-2010 16:26
The countdown is on… 10 days to go!If you don’t have time to read the newsletter: the most important thing is SIGN UP NOW for your bloc at

In this newsletter
1. Bloc updates
2. Practicalities: what to bring and legal info
3. 10 targets… that just missed our short-list
4. Why oil?
5. Build up events
6. New videos: the why and how of direct action
7. Facebook
Manchester Airport protesters appear in Magistrates court
06-10-2010 07:12

World Farm Animals Day March London 2nd October - video
04-10-2010 13:39
Video of the march online -
PRESS RELEASE: Anti-nuclear campaigners blockade EDF's Hinkley Point nuclear power plant
04-10-2010 07:17
Since 7am this morning, anti-nuclear campaigners from different anti-nuclear groups which are part of the Stop Nuclear Power Network [1] are blockading the access road to EDF's Hinkley Point nuclear power station in protest against EDF's plans for nuclear new build and what they are calling a flawed consultation.Campesino Leader In Wales
03-10-2010 00:24
Main Building, Cardiff University, Park Place,Cardiff (opp. Student Union Building)
Organised by local environmental, green, trade union, socialist and latin american solidarity groups.
£400M research - No Nuke Dump Site in W Cumbria
02-10-2010 15:51

No site in West Cumbria is suitable for geological disposal of nuclear waste!
The Crude Awakening: Newsletter 3 - Blocs Revealved!
30-09-2010 13:14
In this week’s newsletter…1. Blocs revealed: Dirty Money Bloc, Building Bloc, Body Bloc 2. Sign up now!
3. Upcoming events 4. Travel and accommodation 5. South Coast video
Join us on 10/10/10 for the Edinburgh 350 Work Party!
30-09-2010 12:08

Risk of another Chernobyl disaster with new EPR nuclear reactor design
30-09-2010 10:38
The French Nuclear Phase-Out Network (Réseau Sortir du Nucléaire) has received new confidential internal documents belonging to French utility EDF that show that flaws in the Areva EPR nuclear reactor design, the same type due to be built by EDF at Hinkley Point in Somerset and Sizewell in Suffolk, could lead to a Chernobyl-type disaster.Another Set of Objections ignored by UK Coal
30-09-2010 10:02
This press release explains MOPG's 4th set of Objections which criticises UK Coal's assessment of the alleged economic and social benefits associated with the proposed Minorca Surface Mines and makes the claim that our campaign has extracted an extra £1m of proposed local 'benefits'. This represents the price UK is willing to pay rather than answer our objections.Wednesday is International Radioactive Waste Action Day
28-09-2010 12:54

March on Parliament for a Zero Carbon Britain
28-09-2010 11:13

Challenge the government to take the action we need to meet the climate threat.
Coal Dust will be a problem if Minorca goes ahead say Protestors
27-09-2010 15:20
This Press Release describes why the Minorca Opencast Protest Group (MOPG) believe that visible black coal dust will affect the daily life of local people as MOPG publish its 3rd objection.Stop Agrofuel Power Station Demo Report
26-09-2010 23:09

Shadows of Doubt
26-09-2010 17:42

Gathering at The Happendon Wood Action Camp - Weekend of action and skill-sharin
23-09-2010 19:37

After spirited resistance to Scottish Coal’s plans to mine Mainshill, the site of their next mine in South Lanarkshire has been occupied! The Happendon Wood Action Camp (THWAC) has squatted a beautiful part of Happendon Wood to serve as a base from which to organise in surrounding communities and to take action from, as well as dig in for the long-haul and inevitable attempt to open cast the area. With corporate rule taking over the Douglas Valley and legal threats to communities from the council and fat-cat land owner, action is needed now more than ever.
Shell to Sea Occupy Shell's Drill Rig For 12 Hours
23-09-2010 15:04

UK Coal fails to respond to two more Minorca Opencast Objections
23-09-2010 11:22
This press release outlines why MOPG are still mounting objections to the Minorca Application on economic grounds.