UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive
Reclaim The Streets - PARTY at the Tory Party Conference!
23-09-2010 10:43

Crude Awakening, Mass Action 16 Oct
22-09-2010 11:04
THE CRUDE AWAKENINGA mass action to switch off oil
Saturday, 16 October 2010, Central London
Crude Awakening
22-09-2010 08:55
THE CRUDE AWAKENINGA mass action to switch off oil
Saturday, 16 October 2010, Central London
Minorca Application lacks a through Traffic Assessment
21-09-2010 10:40
As the Minorca Opencast Protest Group prepares to put it's case to Leicestershire County Council on why UK Coal's Minorca Surface Mine Application should be rejected it has begun to publish it's detailed objections. This Press Release out lines the first of these.High Level Nuke Dump Opposition
21-09-2010 10:04

The cleverly (Orwellian) titled: Managing Radioactive Wastes Safely Partnership is designed to stifle any opposition to thegeological 'disposal' of high level nuclear waste.
Shell Executives Targeted by Protesters from the Rossport Solidarity Camp
19-09-2010 18:02

Cardiff Meeting on Latin America with Hugo Blanco
18-09-2010 22:11
Wednesday 13 October at 7pm
Main Building, Cardiff University, Park Place, Cardiff (Opposite Student Union)
Climate Action Film Night
17-09-2010 17:55

industry, hosted by London Rising Tide.
Dissident Island Radio tonight
17-09-2010 16:26

Land squat in France call out
17-09-2010 09:24

London nuclear conference demo calls for EDF boycott
16-09-2010 16:18

Demo against EDF's new nuclear plans at Hinkley - photos
16-09-2010 15:00

Climate Rush present Nick Clegg with a large dose of Climate Viagra.
16-09-2010 07:36

New Opencast Applications likely to be less successful ?
14-09-2010 15:18
This press release highlights the publication of our new Briefing Note which explains why the Minorca Opencast Protest Group believe that a change in Government Energy Policy makes a successful Minorca Surface Mine less likely.Stop Nuclear Power gathering Bristol 23rd Oct
13-09-2010 16:35

Date for your diaries:
Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th October, Bristol
Meet people from your region that are taking action, make plans together and build solidarity with people who live next door to Hinkley.
Happendon Wood Occupied! New Direct Action Camp Against Scottish Coal
12-09-2010 19:52
Early evening on Sunday 12th September a group of autonomous individuals successfully occupied a new site in Happendon Wood, South Lanarkshire. Coal Action Scotland are inviting people to join The Happendon Wood Action Camp (THWAC) to help defend the wood from destruction by Scottish Coal, and to take action in solidarity with communities in the area resisting the expansion of the coal industry in the Douglas Valley.National Demonstration Against Agrofuels
09-09-2010 14:16

The stench of suffering on an industrial scale
08-09-2010 08:27

Pigs giving birth in farrowing crates so cramped they can barely turn around?
Babies unable to reach their mothers?
Mutilations without anaesthetic to prevent fighting and self harm?
Breeding grounds for new strains of antibiotic resistant, zoonotic diseases?
West Cumbria Revolt Begins over High Level Nuke Dump.
07-09-2010 10:21